Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It ain't all bad

My dear sweet Jeanne died of Alzheimer-related stuff. Eight years ago. After 13 years of coping. But I don’t lament any more. Instead, I rejoice. Over happy and fond memories of Jeanne. The good stuff. I almost forget  that Jeanne had Alzheimer’s. Merely another unfortunate way to die. But no big deal anymore. Passage of time does that. Better that Jeanne lived to  81. To die of a disease mostly related to old age.  Better than if Jeanne had died at 51. Of cancer or heart disease. That’s the way I look at life. I’m 80. And hope that I don’t die of Alzheimer’s.  I could pick better ways to go. But hey, I’m thankful. That I survived this long.  Makes it a little easier to accept inevitable death. Though I still dream. Of living forever. As spirit. It’s possible. Because I commune with Jeanne’s spirit. She tells me it’s all right to love again. Now I have an Italian true love. Cristina. Met her . On the  Alzheimer message boards. Shortly after Jeanne entered the spirit world. Could be. That Jeanne set the whole thing up. Because she wants me to stay in love. With life. Come to think of it. There are side benefits from the Alzheimer’s experience. It ain’t all bad. --Jim Broede

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