Saturday, December 24, 2016

A supreme test of spirit.

Granted, physical existence isn’t all that bad. But there has to be something far better. Yes, the spiritual. I imagine being a spirit. Which isn’t all that difficult. Because I have a spirit. Living inside me. My inner sanctum. My soul. The spirit doesn’t feel physical. But still, it’s trapped. Inside my physical being. Occasionally, I have an out-of-body experience. A separation from my physical being. It’s as if my spirit wants to be free. But still wants a connection to the physical realm.  For a while longer. Maybe to complete a mission. Makes me wonder if spirits flit back and forth.  Entering and reentering various physical domains. Maybe on different planets. In different forms of physical life.  So very many habitable planets to choose from. After all, there are billions of galaxies. And probably an infinitesimal number of planets with intelligent physical life. Far beyond what we have on Planet Earth. Yes, I’d like to put my spirit to a supreme test. Of living inside a fabulous extraterrestrial physical being.  So advanced that it would make humans seem like primitives.  --Jim Broede

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