Monday, December 5, 2016

Dumbbells of the cosmos.

Maybe we humans are no more than glorified animals. Our distant ancestors were apes. With slowly evolving brains. We still look like apes. Only with less hair, less brawn  and smaller snouts. In many ways, we still act like apes. The only positive difference being that we’ve learned to embellish. To glorify ourselves. Into imagining that we are the highest form of intelligent life. Yes, perhaps on Earth, a remote isolated planet hidden in   the Milky Way galaxy. But hey, with billions and billions of suns and planets strewn across the cosmos. The odds are astronomical. That better and higher forms of life exist out there. Therefore, I surmise that we humans may be an example of the lower forms of not-so-intelligent life. Yes, the dumbbells of the cosmos. Sad, isn’t it? --Jim Broede

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