Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A goodbye to the truth.

Little wonder. That fake news is fast overtaking the truth. For the very reason that I retired from what once was the real news business. Because so many people didn’t want real and accurate news any more. They wanted to be entertained. With sound bites. And preposterous stories. With lies.  Entertainers have taken over society. And the political and news realm, too. It’s becoming impossible. To differentiate between fake news and the truth. Donald Trump epitomizes the shift in emphasis. He’s allowed to lie. Daily. To tell tall tales. That entertain. Trump is our new entertainer-in-chief. It’s obvious that he’s telling lies. But his supporters say that’s all right. That they want someone who has become larger than life. A celebrity. A master entertainer. A stand-up comic. It’s more important to be funny. Than to be serious. Yes, that’s what we have come to.  We have gone over the edge. Into the abyss. And what is it I am hearing? Screams of anguish? No. No. It’s rollicking laughter. A goodbye to the truth. --Jim Broede

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