Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A civil society again.

Democrats and Republicans. You aren’t that far apart. You can resolve virtually all political issues. If you learn to act like decent and fair-minded people. It’s not impossible. I do it every day.  By reaching those around me. We accommodate each other.  By being nice. We get along. And become friends. Doing favors for each other. We devise plans.  Ways. To resolve controversial health care issues. With give and take. When’s the last time that legislation passed Congress with bipartisan support? It used to happen. On a regular basis. No gridlock. And we celebrated. Together We linked arms. And sang ‘We Shall Overcome.’ And then did what was best. For the common good. Not for selfish special interests. Yes, for the good of America. For all of us.  But we’ve become obstinate.  We tell the other side to go to Hell.  We allow no room for compromise. Democrats and Republicans vote as separate blocs. Engaged in open warfare. And here I am. On the sidelines. Trying to avoid the hateful taunts. Sometimes called tweets. From an embittered president. Tell me, when will this all end? And we become a civil society again. --Jim Broede

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