Friday, April 7, 2017

Setting an example.

I’m for everyone creating one’s self.  Spiritually. .Religiously. To choose a path that comes naturally. To each his own. To gravitate. To one’s own comfort level. If I had to choose a so-called organized religion, I’d probably lean toward the Buddhists. But still, I would want to improvise. To steer clear of orthodoxy. To tailor my beliefs. To suit me and my needs. Rather than to rigidly follow the dictates of a particular religion. I want to be a free spirit. And that’s what I would encourage others to pursue. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. But the degree of freedom – well, that’s individual choice. Choose Christianity, if one will. But to be a Jew, a Muslim or a Buddhists or something else – that’s okay, too. Just as long as you don’t foist your way on others. Yes, to accommodate other perspectives. Be respectful. Be polite. Be understanding. I try to be tolerant of other religions. As long as their adherents are tolerant of me. We must learn to live in peaceful and idyllic coexistence.  In virtually all walks of life. That’s what I want you and I to do.  To feel true compassion for each other. Better to be friends. Than to be enemies. Yes, let's keep heading in the right direction. Setting an example for others. In finding ways to be decent human beings. There are many ways. I can’t count them all. --Jim Broede

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