Saturday, September 30, 2017

Coping. My way.

I know how to cope. With life. By blending the real world with my fantasy/dream world. I make dreams come true. By believing in my pursuits. As a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover, a dreamer. So simple. When necessary, I suppress the reality of the political, economic and social realms. By creating my own sheltered environs. A cocoon, so to speak. It works. By helping me imagine my own reality. I recommend a similar approach. For anyone having trouble coping with the real world. Yes. Yes. Create your own magical and novel world. And learn to live in it. Set your own rules. After all, it’s your domain. That’s the way true creators do it. They create. Whatever it takes. To achieve a happy and fulfilling life. I do it all the time. --Jim Broede

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