Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The last thing I want.

I’ve learned. Over the years. To trust my news sources. And my instincts. Yes. Yes. I know writers. And commentators. That I trust. I should know. After all, I spent most of my life in the news business. I know who’s fair and objective. At least from my point of view. Sure. Maybe I am biased. From the stance of others with different opinions. On political, economic and social matters.  Could be we all have personal biases. Could be that my objectivity is viewed by others as subjectivity. Yes, I live in a world.  Where one’s man right is another man’s wrong. We pick and choose.  Individually. In coming to our perspectives. The last thing I want, is a world full of think-a-likes. It’s all right.  To have varying opinions. About all sorts of stuff. --Jim Broede

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