Monday, June 26, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
My salvation.
I dare say, that I’m probably making the best of my
life. By falling in love. With life. And with two true loves in a single
lifetime. Certainly, that has made my life meaningful. Yes, I have become a
lover. In addition to being a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a
dreamer. But it is as a lover that I have a positive effect on other lives.
Wish I could do more. Than lament about political, economic and social matters.
For the common good. For society as a whole. There. I make virtually no
difference. The course of world events and political outcomes. Would be the
same. With or without me. My sole contribution. In this earthly life. Has been
as a lover. Which ain’t bad. In the process, seems that I’ve made other lives
better. My life, too. It’s been my
salvation. --Jim Broede
To see better times.
I’d like to live. Long enough to see the end of history. In
order to resolve my nagging curiosity. As to when and how. The Trump Era ended.
And the world returned to some degree of normalcy again. I’m happy. Because I
know. That Nazism and Hitler came to an end. Happier times followed. We had
flashes of better times. Of course,
Donald Trump came along. To spoil it all. So now my most fervent wish. Is to
outlive the Trump debacle. And being
able to taste better times again. Yes. Yes. That’s my goal. To live to see
better times. --Jim Broede
Friday, June 23, 2017
Imaginatively blessed.
I have doubts. That the creator is a him or her. We physical
beings have created the creator in our own image. Really, the creator’s form
may be beyond human comprehension. Without gender. More likely, the life force itself.
That always existed. Beyond the physical. Beyond the spiritual. Beyond description.
Of course, nothing stops me from imagining a real live creator. That’s willing
to converse. With anyone. At any time. Yes, I have a continuing dialogue. With the
creator. And the creator tells me. ‘Use
your imagination, Jim. In the search for answers to your questions. That’s how
a creator communicates. Through the imagination.’ Wow! I have been blessed. With an
imagination. What about the rest of you? --Jim Broede
Telling the truth.
I have trouble. With pledging allegiance. To my country. Or
to a political party. My love of country is conditional. I refuse to exercise
blind loyalty. To a country. To any country. Because countries tend to go awry.
Sooner or later. Usually the result of unbridled politics. If I have any
loyalty. It’s to the world. To the entire cosmos. To creation. To life. I used to get up. In the elementary school
classroom. And pledge allegiance. As a
youth. When I didn’t know better. Don’t know exactly when I became enlightened.
And stopped pledging. Also, I don’t sing the national anthem. Other than to
recognize that the melody was a drinking song. With different lyrics. Appropriate
for fun-loving drunks. In English pubs. Meanwhile, I’ll stand up. At a baseball
game. While others sing the star spangled banner. My aim is to not call
attention to myself. In a public setting. That’s all. Another thing. When called
to testify. And swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth. I refuse to recite, ‘So help me god.’ I don’t need any help. Telling
the truth. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The benefit of marking time.
Used to think. That marking time meant to be wasting time. To
dilly-dally. To accomplish nothing meaningful. Fact is, I’ve learned to mark time.
By waiting. For something thrilling to happen. And begin to wonder. What it
might be. My imagination becomes stimulated. I’m marching in place. But at the
same time. I’m thinking, thinking, thinking. One doesn’t need to have a blank
mind. When marking time. I’m often at my best. Because I’m relaxed. Free of
stress. I merely let things happen. Unexpectedly. Naturally. Often, I’m
blessed. With a brilliant thought. That probably emerged. As a result of
marking time. --Jim Broede
To get it right.
Can’t quite decide. Whether. As a species. We humans are a
higher or a lower form of life. I can make a case either way. Depends on the
day. And on my focus. Take, for example, how we resolve our differences. With
wars. With all sorts of violence. By electing presidents. Such as Donald Trump.
Yes, examples of the worst of us. But then. As individuals. Some of us are self-sacrificing
. True lovers. Full of good deeds. Dedicated to a common good. Every day. I see good acts. And bad acts, too. I wonder. If we are striving. Diligently
enough. To get it right. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Making the best of life.
I can get on with my life. No matter the state of American
politics. So I occasionally tell myself. Ignore Donald Trump. Don’t get upset.
He’ll come. And some day he’ll go. I’ll survive. The country, too. Will go on
and on. It’s not worth getting hot and bothered. Over what might happen. In the
ever-changing realm of weird American politics. But for me, unfortunately, that’s
easier said than done. I know history. It was one of my majors in college. And
sometimes tragic and avoidable things happen. Because not enough citizens truly
cared. Never took the time to intervene. To change the course of history. Maybe it wouldn’t have mattered. Maybe the
likes of a Hitler was destined to come to power. Like it or not. A single
citizen would not have made a difference.
So one may be wise. To get on with one’s individual life. Making the
best of it. Despite the lousy political climate. --Jim Broede
True camaraderie.
it nice? That when it comes to religious and spiritual matters. We all
have the option to go our own way. And to live happily ever after.
Because we think we made the right choice. Doesn't matter if we are
fooling ourselves. When the goal is to be happy. I've been reasonably
happy. All my life. Right or wrong. I'm happy. Because I am free to
choose my course. To follow my instincts. To do the right thing. For me.
And for the common good, too. Of course, I could be wrong. But I have a
chance of being right, too. We all do. I proceed. On the basis of my
stylized inner faith. Rather than the dictates of organized religions.
Maybe that makes me disorganized. But still, I feel good about it.
Hopefully, we all feel good about our personal decisions. Even for those
of us who stand alone. So very many ways to be in love. With life. So
many paths to follow. Perhaps to a common destination. Where we all
meet. And have a convivial time. With each other. True camaraderie.
--Jim Broede
Monday, June 19, 2017
Little wonder.
I’m suspicious of advertisers and politicians and the media.
Of everyone. Trying to sell me a bill of goods. Primarily by using sound bites.
Tailored to manipulate my mind. Of course, I put up resistance. But still, I’m
swayed in subtle and unconscious ways. To buy this or that product. To vote for
certain political candidates. And I too often fail to separate fact from
fiction. Because I’m deluged with too much information (aka propaganda). Yes. I’m frightened. Scared out of my wits.
Because the grand manipulators have taken over the world. Often, without most
of us having the slightest clue. Little wonder. That oddball Donald Trump is our
president. We are being manipulated. To buy anything. Even the worst kinds of lies. -Jim Broede
No limits on my fantasies.
I wonder. If the creator has undergone a significant
personality change in the past million years. That’s an awfully long time to
remain static. Without an attitudinal upgrade. If I lived for a
million years. I’d have learned a lot. From my many, many mistakes. I’d
be a better and more understanding guy.
Maybe even a god. I suppose it took time to qualify as a really
competent god. Yes. Yes. Give me a million years. And I would learn to
be, if not god,
his trusted and competent assistant. I’m sure of it. God can rest assured. I have no plan for a heavenly
palace coup. But I am amused. Merely
thinking about it. I place no limits on my fantasies. --Jim Broede
Willing to go anywhere.
wrong. With being one of many. I get solace. In being able to think
about it all.Used to be. That I didn't have a clue. Now I do. But it's
only a clue. That's good enough. Because one clue leads to another clue.
That's the nature of life. Endless clues. That take me beyond the
horizon. I am a curious explorer. Willing to go anywhere. --Jim Broede
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Could it be?
I’d love to flit back and forth. To a million years in the
future. And to a million years in the past. To satisfy my curiosity. Maybe the
original creator. Could do all that. Someone who can do any and everything. If
he’s still around. I want to submit my request. To be granted the ability. For only a few
days. To experience what conditions were like. On planet Earth one million
years ago. And what it’s going to be like one million years from now. I suspect
that the future will be far more scary than the past. Makes me wonder. If I’ll
still want to live forever. Could it be that nothingness will be better than life?
--Jim Broede
Let me be around. To find out.
We’ve come a long way, my fellow humanoids. In 300,00 years.
That’s the age of the oldest fossils of homo sapiens found in Morocco.
Read it in a story in the New York
Times. Complete with a front page photo of a 300,000-year-old human jawbone. Wow! I’m fascinated. Just thinking about all this. Wondering. Curiously. What it must have been like. Roaming
our planet. When there was no clue. Of what we were to become. Apparently,
evolution has brought us this far. But
we still have a long way to go. Before becoming truly intelligent
beings. Wondering. Wondering If it will happen in another 300,000
years. Please. Please. Allow me to be an everlasting spirit. So that I'm
still around. To find
out. --Jim Broede
Friday, June 16, 2017
Does it really matter?
I wonder. If intelligent physical life exists on millions or
billions of other inhabitable planets in the infinite cosmos. And if they have religions. Similar to ours.
Or have they gone in other enlightened directions? Do they believe in a creator?
Have they developed technologies that
allow them to contact life in other far-flung worlds? Stuff beyond our
imaginations. Of course, I want no limits. On my imagination. Maybe they
are the
ones. That brought life to Planet Earth. Yes, another more advanced
created us. Complex and sophisticated robots. Who think we are truly
alive and conscious. Able to replicate ourselves. Yes. Yes. Here we are.
Billions of
robots. The offspring of a single computerized robot. Perhaps named Adam. Don’t know If it's a
myth. Or real. Does it really matter? --Jim Broede
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Forever, it seems.
I’m waiting. For a time. When Democrats and Republicans.
Deal with political issues. On a bipartisan basis. Working together. For the
common good. For solutions. To almost everything. By give and take. By compromise. Respectful
of each other. I’m waiting, waiting, waiting. Forever, it seems. --Jim Broede
When I become spirit.
I’m thinking. About the advantages of being a living spirit. The
physical world would be transformed. Into an idyllic wonderland. To visit and
explore. On the whim. I’d waste no time going to the planet Venus. To explore.
Where it’s 900 degrees Fahrenheit. No place for a physical version of me. But
hey, a spirit can go anywhere. No physical restraints anymore. Living, instead,
on a plateau closer to the creator himself. I’d move from galaxy to galaxy. Of
my own choosing. Knowing there are billions of galaxies. Each with billions of
suns. Clustered with planets. All suitable for spirits. I suspect. That right
now. Spirits are residing on Mars and Jupiter and Saturn. Wow! I can hardly
wait to visit them all. When I become spirit. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Time to percolate.
Lately, I find myself taking life one week at a time. Rather
than focusing on a single day. Don’t know why. Other than it seems best. The
comfortable way to go. Breaking life into weekly segments. Time is such peculiar thing. I need more time than a day. To make my
life click. Properly. Can’t do it in 24 hours. I have so much to cram in. And
it makes no sense to be in a hurry. I have an obligation. To ponder how to go about
living. To the fullest. Really, I need multiple or never-ending lifetimes. I’ve
learned. That a moment becomes precious. When I give it time. To percolate.
--Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
A thrilling thought.
Always was. Always will be. If that’s so. Doesn’t have
to be a creator. When I speak of life. I imagine it to be teeming.
the cosmos. Consider the mathematical possibilities. Billions of
galaxies. Each galaxy with billions of suns. Orbited by planets. Some of
which have
conditions favorable for the emergence of life. Even more intelligent,
profound than that on our planet. Yes. Yes. We are not alone. Perhaps
there never was a need for a grand creator.
After all, there was no beginning. There will be no end. Life
abounds. And keeps evolving. From physical. To spiritual. In whatever form we wish. Anything imaginable. We can choose. Whatever form we want to be. We are our
own creators. With no limits. Oh, what a thrilling thought. --Jim Broede
Monday, June 12, 2017
Probing. Learning. Listening.
I’m an unabashed political liberal. So where do I go?
Virtually every night. For my news and commentary. Yes, to MSNBC. With good reason. Because it’s comforting. To get the so-called
liberal slant. It’s stuff I want to hear. In support of the way I think. Seldom
do I turn to conservative-leaning Fox News. It’s a waste of time. I’ve been
there. As a young man, I was duped. I was politically conservative. Now I
know better. I’ve rejected political conservatism. I’m happy being a liberal. To
have MSNBC around to help fortify my views. Of course. I’m encouraged. By my
conservative friends. To be more objective. To listen to opinions contrary to mine. Fact
is, I do. That’s why I am what I am. Accepting
a liberal or progressive label. Though really, I’m a maverick. An independent. Constantly
evolving. Always on the move. Probing. Learning. Listening. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
A very decent guy.
think of the creator as a very decent guy. A
buddy. That I can converse with. At any time. The creator doesn't
require me to hold him in exaltation. He's one of us. Very modest. And
self-effacing. I can talk to him about anything. In a very casual
manner. There's a book. 'Conversations with God.' By a bloke. He takes my casual approach,
too. He and his god are buddies. Nice thing about the creator. He's multi-lingual. Speaks
every language. And seems to understand where everyone is coming from.
Including me. His ultimate challenge. He puts me at ease. Always. That's
very comforting. Furthermore, he loves to debate. We have some real
donnybrooks on occasion. I give him credit. For having an open mind. He
tolerates the likes of you and me. Encourages us to be
ourselves. Little wonder. That I like him. --Jim Broede
Causing no harm.
to me. That my view/perspective on political, economic, social, religious and
spiritual issues. Cause no harm. For
anyone. It’s mere opinion. No more. No less. I am not compelling anyone. To do
as I say. This is where I stand. Take it or leave it. And if you think I’m
wrong, tell me. I’ll listen. Because you have your right to your opinion. And I’ll
respect it. I may even change my mind.
If you make a worthy case. Yes, I try to stay in a state of flux. With an open mind. Reasonable. And
truthful. That’s what I want to be. And I don't mind being in the minority. --Jim Broede
Lies. To get us by.
The truth. Maybe that’s what I have been searching for. All
my life. And now I’m wondering. If there is such a thing. As truth. Because it’s
so easy to deceive one’s self. To start to believe. That one has finally found
the truth. Only to wake up the next day. Knowing full well that the search must
continue. And most likely there is no truth. Only lies. Designed to get us
by. --Jim Broede
All I need.
I have far too much stuff. It’s one of my weaknesses. Maybe
one of my sins. I’ve allowed myself to collect. Too many clothes, too many
books, too many CDs, too many knick-knacks. Stuff tucked away. Neatly. Clothes
on hangars. Or folded in dresser drawers. Collecting is an addiction. For a
while, I collected bird houses. Because it made me feel good. Seeing all those
bird houses. Hanging from hundreds of
trees. Finally. Finally. I’ve made a decision. To get rid of stuff. Boxes and
boxes. Off to the thrift stores. And to the organizations. That pick up stuff.
At the curbside. For their money-raising events. Makes me think I’m giving to a
good cause. But my real motive. Is to get rid of stuff. That I never needed.
Material possessions. All I need. Are the bare essentials. Not least, a little
bit of love. And the knowledge that I’m an alive and conscious being. Yes. Yes.
That’s all I need. --Jim Broede
Monday, June 5, 2017
My destiny.
I choose to notice stuff. Rather than ignore it. That was my
training. Not only as a journalist. But as a human being. As a young man, I
thought I could change the world. Now I know better. All I can do is change me.
Alter my approach to life. I can’t change
others. Only they can change themselves. Maybe that’s the way it should be.
Though I am able to have a remarkable effect. On certain people that I love.
Such as my Italian amore. She, too, has an extraordinary impact me. And the
way I approach life. Amazing. Amazing. The effect love has on one’s life. That’s
my destiny. To be a lover. --Jim Broede
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Being reasonable and truthful.
to me. That my view/perspective on political, economic, social, religious and
spiritual issues. Cause no harm. For
anyone. It’s mere opinion. No more. No less. I am not compelling anyone. To do
as I say. This is where I stand. Take it or leave it. And if you think I’m
wrong, tell me. I’ll listen. Because you have your right to your opinion. And I’ll
respect it. I may even change my mind.
If you make a worthy case. Yes, I try to stay in a state of flux. With an open mind. Reasonable. And
truthful. That’s what I want to be. And I don't mind being in the minority. --Jim Broede
Friday, June 2, 2017
Please, allow me to be.
I consider myself a citizen of the world. Not merely an
American. I have German and Czech roots. I have an Italian amore, too. I travel
in Europe, in Britain, in Canada. All over. I feel unrestricted. Free. A
resident not only of Planet Earth. But of the vast, infinite cosmos. I don’t
put America above and beyond all else. Because we are all in this
together. At the moment, I feel more French. Than American. Other times, I feel
African or Asian or Middle Eastern. Little wonder. That I am in love. With life.
With existence. Please. Please. Allow me to live in a buoyant and boundless
manner. --Jim Broede
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