Friday, March 31, 2017
About the myth.
I am going through a wonderful period. Of mellowing out.
Resting. More or less. Similar to sitting along a babbling brook. In a primeval
forest. Listening to the babble. With pleasure. To the sounds of nature. This
is my religion. My cathedral, so to speak. My way to worship. The divine. Nothing else matters. Because I
am in my cherished element. Savoring. A spiritual prelude. I hear nothing of
politics. Or the humdrum side of life. This is the way it was. When I was Adam. And ate from the tree of sanctity.
Don’t give me all the baloney. About the myth. Of the tree of knowledge. --Jim Broede
Believe it or not.
Perhaps I am living. During the strangest period of American History. When an idiot. Became president. If I had to choose any stage. This would be it. Yes, one would have to live in it. To believe it. Future generations will claim it never happened. It was imagined. It was too preposterous to be true. It had to be made up. But I’m leaving this note behind. For future generations to read. In 1,000 years. This is not a fairy tale. Inserted into American History. As a joke. On April Fool’s Day. In the year 2017. I, Jim Broede, lived it. Saw it. Believe me. It happened. Have pity. On those of us. Who endured. The living Hell of it. ---Jim
My current state of being.
I’m trying to remember. The moment. When I had my first conscious thought.
Something memorable. That I can recall. However vaguely. Makes me wonder. If
that’s the true moment of birth. It’s not the moment that I squeezed my way out
of my mother’s cozy womb. But the moment of true awareness. That I was me,
myself, I. I’ve come a long way since then. But not nearly as far as it would
be. If I lived for 1,000 years. That
would give me so much more time to expand my vocabulary. My conversant
language. More able to express myself. In words. Perhaps I will have that
opportunity. If I become spirit. Perhaps that will be the true moment of my
birth. When I finally leave my embryonic stage. I will put it all in
perspective. And realize that I was not fully alive. Until I reached spirithood. And perhaps some day I'll reach an existence way, way
beyond mere spirit. Yes. Yes. I’d love
it. If there were infinite stages of life. Allowing me to live forever. Maybe I’ve
been around since the very beginning of time. Evolving. Evolving.
Evolving to higher levels of precious being --Jim Broede
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Pardon me. For the blunt truth.
Walking out of step. Just for the sake of walking out of
step. I’m for it. If it doesn’t cause irreparable harm. Those who deny climate
change. Such as the Trump Administration. They are out of step. With the
scientific community. They are
Neanderthals. Living in a modern world. I’d not tolerate it. I would demand.
That they learn to walk in step. Before it’s too late. To avert a disaster. At
some point. We must serve the common good. And walk in step. For the sake of the planet. Better that. Than the way of the Neanderthals.
Pardon me. If I am being too blunt. With
the truth. --Jim Broede
A brilliant bamboozler.
I have no problem. With fooling myself. Because I do it
mostly. To make me feel better. About myself.
Could be. That I’m unhappy. When really I fooled myself into thinking
(and believing) that I am happy. Yes, I
have become a master. At the art of being happy. By completely bamboozling myself.
Of course, it’s easier for me to persuade me to be happy. Than it would be for
me to convince some of my obstinate unhappy friends to feign happiness. Though
I occasionally accept the challenge. After all, it’s an extraordinary opportunity for me to practice my skills as a brilliant
and natural born psychotherapist. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Helps me keep my sanity.
Every day. On my life’s journey. I try to avoid the bad world.
So that I can spend my time in the good world. Yes, I’ve discovered that there
are two distinct worlds. Good and bad. So far, I’ve been lucky. I seldom end up
in the bad world. And when I do, I plan my escape. Quickly. For
my own sake. So that I can pursue
happiness. Everyone has a right to happiness. But in the bad world,
is very elusive. Hard to come by. I see the bad world from a distance,
mostly. In
news reports from Syria and the Middle East and from the dysfunctional
Trump White House. Yes, mean-spirited stuff happens constantly in
those dreaded bad places. Hell on Earth. Reason to keep
safe distance. And to bed down in the
good world. Here in Minnesota. With occasional sojourns to Sardinia, to
with my Italian amore. I abhor having to reside part-time in a divided
world and divided countries. But that’s reality. Sometimes I pretend.
That the bad world doesn’t exist. Helps me sleep at night. Helps me keep
my sanity, too. --Jim Broede
A gift. From our creator.
My Italian amore Cristina is Catholic. I’m not. Instead, I’m a spiritual
free-thinker. But it really doesn’t matter. When it comes to our wonderful relationship.
We’re drawn together. More by our differences.
Than by our similarities. She’s a woman. I’m a man. She’s Italian. I’m American.
She’s younger. I’m older. We both happen to be political liberals. But it
wouldn’t matter if she was conservative. Thing is. We like and love each other.
Just the way we are. No need or desire for us to be clones of each other. We
thrive on the differences. Because that’s precisely what gives us remarkable
balance. Makes us what we are. I’d not
be the same. Without dear Cristina. And Cristina would not be the same. Without
me. We need each other to be who we are. Cristina gives me life. And sustenance.
And I return the favor. By giving her life and sustenance, It’s a perfect
arrangement. Because we know how to accept each other. Just the way we are. No
rigid requirement to change each other. We both have blemishes. But once again,
that doesn’t matter. Because we are true lovers. True to each other. Yes, I
have been fortunate. Blessed with two true loves in my exotic lifetime. First,
Jeanne. My dear wife of 38 years. Until she died of Alzheimer’s. Of course, she
still lives. In the spiritual realm. Where she probably has guided me. To my
second true love. The divine Cristina. Life was meant to be this way. Destiny.
That I accept. A loving blessing. From the creator. Cristina knows it I know it. It’s a gift. From
our creator. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
A civil society again.
Democrats and Republicans. You aren’t that far apart. You
can resolve virtually all political issues. If you learn to act like decent and
fair-minded people. It’s not impossible. I do it every day. By reaching those around me. We accommodate
each other. By being nice. We get along.
And become friends. Doing favors for each other. We devise plans. Ways. To resolve controversial health care
issues. With give and take. When’s the last time that legislation passed
Congress with bipartisan support? It used to happen. On a regular basis. No
gridlock. And we celebrated. Together We linked arms. And sang ‘We Shall
Overcome.’ And then did what was best. For the common good. Not for selfish
special interests. Yes, for the good of America. For all of us. But we’ve become obstinate. We tell the other side to go to Hell. We allow no room for compromise. Democrats
and Republicans vote as separate blocs. Engaged in open warfare. And here I am.
On the sidelines. Trying to avoid the hateful taunts. Sometimes called tweets.
From an embittered president. Tell me, when will this all end? And we become a
civil society again. --Jim Broede
Monday, March 27, 2017
Life without end.
I don’t have to know the truth about others. But I need to
know the truth about me. Even if it’s hard and brutal. If I can’t be totally honest with myself,
how am I ever going to be totally honest with the
rest of the world? And especially with my maker. The creator. Consider. That I, and only
I, can penetrate my interior soul and spirit. It’s an inward journey. That can be launched.
Only by me. I cannot get totally inside another being. Even my earthly true
love. That’s where faith comes in. I am compelled. To accept another.
Unconditionally. An act of pure love. Nothing
else matters. When I have learned to surrender. My everything. For the sake of
love. Maybe that is the ultimate act of life. The love of my creator. For me.
And the love of my creator. For he.
Yes. Yes. Unconditional love. Achieved on a tree-lined, two-way lane. Reaching to an endless rainbow. Extended forever. Life without end. --Jim Broede
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Knowing the truth.
I have several friends. Who care too much. About what others
think of them. Yes, they are very concerned. About their own image. I try to put their minds at ease. Telling
them. That it’s more important what
they think of themselves. Self-respect goes a long way. Really, I’m not
that bothered. By what others may think of me. Even if it’s in a
negative way. Wrong impressions are a part of life. I accept that.
Better to get on with life.
In a kind and caring manner. And if some others think wrongly of me, so
be it. At
least I know better. I know the truth. And yes, that really does set me
How many of us, I often wonder, really know the truth about ourselves?
--Jim Broede
A sense of destiny.
Thing is. I don’t always know where I am going. I go. And
allow myself to be surprised. That’s the way I write. And live, too. Just feel
my way. Destination unknown. No sense in
living by a rigid plan. Better to remain flexible. And adapt to the
unexpected moment. So many choices along the way. When
I finally arrive. I have a sense of destiny. This was meant to be. --Jim Broede
You make my day.
Look at it this way, folks. When we challenge each other. In
matters of religion, politics and life. It’s good. Because we need to be challenged.
Put to the test. Disagreement is a good thing. You may convince me. To take a
closer look at your side of the argument. And to shift my position. A little
closer to yours. Or you may help me solidify staying exactly where I am. On
the far left politically, for instance. You will have done me a favor. No
matter the result. It’s nice that you would take the effort to sway me.
Especially if it’s in a well-meaning way. I have already made a favorable judgment about you. That you are well-meaning and decent. Based in large part on the positive vibes
that you exude. I trust you. More and more. Every day. Even when we disagree on
this and that. It’s a nice feeling. When you make my day. That’s the way human
relationships should be. You aren’t my clone. Good reason to like you. That’s a
high compliment, you know. --Jim Broede
No need to rule out anything.
I’m not afraid to live outside of America. Whether it be in
Europe or Australia or New Zealand or
Canada or Scandinavia. The potential for the pursuit of happiness and the good
life is almost boundless. No matter where. One doesn’t have to be in America.
To achieve one’s dreams. Starting life all over, I’d probably pick a remote place.
Off the beaten track. Maybe on another habitable planet. In a distant galaxy. I’m
an optimist. It might well happen. In a reincarnation. No need to rule out
anything. --Jim Broede
Saturday, March 25, 2017
My new-found best friends.
Most people who disagree with me. On a variety of topics.
From politics to religion to life in general. Are pretty decent people. Decent
enough for us to be friends. Turns out. That when we talk and listen to each
other, we aren’t that far apart. Little wonder that we often become friends.
Really, it’s the decent thing to do. But we have been taught and programmed. To
be enemies. That goes against my religious upbringing. To love thy enemies.
Initially, I thought that was asinine advice. Instead, I hated and detested and
distrusted my so-called enemies. Until I got to know them. Intimately. Sure,
I learned they were different. Not my clone. Turns out. I found that it’s more difficult to love my clone. Than
it is to love an enemy and making him a friend. Finally. Finally. I understood.
We were stimulating each other. Because of our differences. We got each other
to think. About the alternatives. About life’s many, many options. We made each
other better (and more decent) human beings. One by one by one. My enemies are
becoming my best friends. --Jim Broede
Time to act decently.
Obamacare isn’t perfect. It needs fixing. But it’s a step in
the right direction. To an eventual single payer system. Perhaps Medicare for
all. Universal health care. Socialized
medicine. Call it what you will. Just like the medical care I got in Italy. And
I’d get in Germany and France, too. If it’s good enough for the Italians, the
French and the Germans, it’s good enough for me. It comes close to being good
enough for everyone. Let’s put a plan together. That has support of both
Democrats and Republicans. A plan that
serves the common good. Let’s finally learn to walk hand in hand. Together. We’re
all in this world together. Let’s start acting like decent, civilized human beings.
--Jim Broede
Friday, March 24, 2017
Until it was too late.
I felt foolish. Embarrassed. Being loaded into an ambulance.
Jan. 30. For a ride to a hospital. Merely because I was a little woozy. For no
apparent reason. They told me. Better safe than sorry. The next day. I was
released. Without any firm diagnosis. They thought maybe it was dehydration.
For having walked 5 miles. Or it could have been a TIA (A precursor to a future
stroke) There was no direct evidence for either theory. Anyway, my hospital
bill. For that one-day experience. And tests that included an MRI and a cat
scan. Was $19,108. Maybe that should
have been enough to frighten me to death. But it wasn’t. And on hindsight. I
have reason to be thankful. That I went to the hospital. Anyway, my government-provided
Medicare insurance and a private supplemental insurance
policy. Covered everything. It’s the type
of coverage every American deserves. Even the poor. Yes, universal health care.
Also known as socialized medicine. Should be a guaranteed right. For everyone.
That’s the way I see it. I deserve no more or no less than what I am getting.
Full and affordable coverage I want the same for the rest of you. When I was in
Italy several years ago, I checked into an Italian hospital emergency room. For
what proved to be a silent angina attack. Spent 8 days in the hospital. Had
angioplasty. A procedure that opens blocked or narrowed arteries and restores normal blood flow to the
heart muscle. It is not major surgery. It is done by threading a catheter (thin
tube) through a small puncture in a leg or arm artery to the heart. The blocked
artery is opened by inflating a tiny balloon in it. Sure beats open heart
surgery. Anyway, my total bill. In Italy. For the entire experience. Medical
and hospital. Was less than $7,000. Italy has universal health care. Like most other
European countries. Medical care provided to everyone. At cost. Not for
profit. Because affordable and proper health care is a human right.
Regardless of income. I’m not an Italian citizen. Only a visitor. Living part of the year with
my Italian amore. I paid the bill. Out of my pocket. And eventually got reimbursed
80 percent. By my private health insurance. Meanwhile, imagine what the bill
would have been. If I had entered an American hospital. For 8 days. For the
exact same kind of medical care. I’m told it would have been in the six figures.
Over $100,000. Because we Americans get ripped off. By the profiteers in the health
care industry. That’s why certain
politicians want to repeal so-called Obamacare. Despite the fact that 24 million
Americans will lose their health insurance. That’s the hard facts of life, folks.
In dear old America. My shameful homeland. To tell the truth, I often feel more
at home in Italy and Europe. Where they have universal health care. Doctors and
other health care workers make less. Because profiteers are steered away. But hey, my friends in Europe have an easier
time. Living with their consciences. By the way, I am happy that I hitched the ambulance
ride to the American hospital. Turns out that an MRI showed a narrowing in one
of my carotid arteries. I went in last week. To get it fixed. If not for that
check up, I’d be in mortal danger of a stroke. Without knowing it. Until it was
too late. --Jim Broede
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Let me stay awake, please.
My biggest concern. When I went in for surgery. On my left
carotid artery. Was being anesthetized. t was knocked out. For two hours. I’d
rather have stayed awake. With the benefit of a local anesthesia that deadens
feeling in my neck. Even if I have to endure some degree of pain. And watch the
bloody slitting of my precious neck. In order to reach my equally precious carotid.
No surprise. Most physician, if not all, prefer general anesthesia. It’s more convenient and
less cumbersome to have an unconscious patient. That includes my highly
competent vascular surgeon. My fear of
anesthesia dates to when I was a screaming
5-year-old. Having a tonsillectomy. They placed a mask over my terror-stricken face.
And pumped in foul-smelling ether. Of course, now they have more sophisticated ways
to administer anesthesia. With an IV. And promises of a drifting off to Paradise.
But that doesn’t make me any less leery
of modern day anesthesia. Maybe they have
long-term negative side effects. Triggering dementia. Better to be safe than
sorry. Wife Jeanne, who died nine years ago of Alzheimer’s, had two hip replacement
surgeries. In a six-month period. Her dementia came on then. If I ever have a
hip replacement. I’ll stay awake. To watch and to offer surgical advice --Jim
Is that too simple?
naïve. Because I’m of a mind. That it’s reasonable. For Republicans and Democrats. To sit down. And compromise over a
health care bill. That satisfies both sides. And most of America. Just do it.
It’s not impossible. Certainly not as hard as walking on water. Blend the best
ideas of both political parties. Into a workable bill. That will win plaudits. From most everyone. Believe me. Where there’s a will, there’s
always a way. Life is that simple. I’m a
simpleton. An advocate for simple solutions. That make everyone happy. It works
every time. In my Simpleton Paradise. Where I’ve spent several days. Getting a
simple but amazing procedure. The cleaning out of my left carotid artery. Thereby,
diminishing chances of a stroke. Of course,
it helped that I had Medicare and supplemental insurance. Covering the entire
cost. I’m for similar coverage for every American. Or is that too simple? --Jim Broede
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Better to postpone judgment.
I can think of some very bad people. But if I was pushed. And had to say something nice
about them. I could. Because I’m
convinced. That everyone has some redeeming qualities. Even the devil himself.
Underneath, he could be a decent guy. If one really got to know him. Thing is.
We really don’t get to know very many people. Intimately. Instead,
we are in a hurry to form biased opinions. Often based on unverified gossip. We
don’t give people we distrust a fair hearing. An opportunity to explain
themselves. Yes, it’s better to wait. Before passing judgment. --Jim Broede
A hypnotic solution.
I ran for president. Now that’s an absurd thought, isn’t it? But hey, I’d do a
better job than Donald Trump. Because I’d become a peacemaker. Not a divider.
I’d bring feuding sides together. By advocating peace and harmony. Of course, I’d
cultivate the art of hypnotism. I’d hypnotize everyone. To follow me. To Paradise.
On Earth. So simple. A hypnotic solution to all of our problems --Jim Broede
When time becomes no more.
I'd like to put in a request to the creator. To
slow down time. To make an hour last for a year. I’m told that the creator can
do any and every thing. To even live
outside of time. But for starters, I’d settle for slowing time to a crawl. That
would give me time to negotiate an even better deal. Yes, I need time. All the
time that I can get. That guy, Methuselah, got 900 and some years. Incredible.
Makes me wonder if he had an ‘in’ with the creator. Time, I suppose, is a relative
thing. Maybe it applies only to the physical world. Makes me wonder. If one
ascends to the spiritual realm, does time stop? Is that the definition of
forever? When time becomes no more. --Jim Broede
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Worth a try.
There are better ways to send a message.
Than stuffing it in a bottle. And taking a chance. That it’ll ever be delivered.
Using the archaic Italian postal system is another way to lose a message. Lately, I’ve modernized. And turned to email.
But I’m giving strong consideration. To using carrier pigeons. It's worth a try. --Jim Broede
Particular me.
I do and don’t like to be busy. Depends on the situation.
And my mood. Maybe what I’m saying. Is that I differentiate. Between busy. And
too busy. Sometimes, I’m overwhelmed by the activity in my life. That’s too
busy. But if I’m simply occupied. And
flowing smoothly. That’s the ideal. And generally what I aim for. I have plenty
of friends and acquaintances. Who gripe. About having too much to do. Of
course, I suggest that they alter their schedules. And slow down. Life was
meant to be pursued at either a slow or moderate pace. Not
in a hurry. Yes, I’m for speed limits. Setting time aside. For smelling the
daisies and petunias. And not too much
time sniffing the roses. Goes to show. I’m particular. --Jim Broede
A blessed life-giving spirit.
When the outside world turns hostile. It’s time to discover
the inner realm. The spiritual. Deep into one’s soul. One’s interior life becomes a refuge. An
oasis. A place for sustenance. For survival. I suspect. That’s where one
reaches his creator. Where one dares to follow his instincts. And surrenders
his mind. To the spirit. It’s an interesting concept. That captures my imagination.
I surrender. I let go. And learn to savor my being. My true essence. I acknowledge where I have come from. And
where I am going. I allow myself to be
consumed. By the blessed spirit. That
gives me life. Without it, I would be no more. --Jim Broede
A great monastery. In the sky.
Seems to me, we are going through a period of being rude and
nasty and vindictive. Certainly, that’s the
case on the political scene. Maybe it’s my imagination. But I’m picking up
mean-spirited vibes. Not here in musings. But elsewhere. In everyday walks of
life. People seem more hostile and unsettled than usual. I’m watching. From the
sidelines. An observer. Trying to avoid the skirmishes. Because I want peace and
tranquility in my life. Yes, I’m trying to be selfish. Doing what’s best for me. In an increasingly
hostile world. Maybe that’s why I am in pursuit of the spiritual. No. No. Not
religion. But the spiritual. Because religion seems to have been contaminated.
Spoiled. By the bad vibes. Creeping across the land. Therefore, my
escape. Is into the spiritual realm. Looking for safety. In a great monastery.
In the sky. --Jim
Friday, March 17, 2017
Really, I've found my touch.
Used to be that I was a rabble-rouser. Fomenting
controversy. Just for the sake of bringing out the rabble. For entertainment
purposes. But now I’ve reformed. Mellowed, so to speak. I’d rather bring people
together. To solve political, social and economic problems. In constructive
ways. Getting people to cooperate with each other. Even when they have sharp
differences on the issues. Most problems can be solved, it seems to me. When
there’s mutual respect. And a willingness to be fair to each other. And an honest attempt to see the other side.
Especially on controversial issues. Yes,
I’d rather be a peacemaker than a rabble-rouser. Makes me wonder. if I’ve lost my
touch. Or simply wised up. --Jim Broede
A pretty shoddy job.
Too bad, Andy, that we always seem to need winners and
losers. In the skirmishes in politics and life. I’m for finding ways to create
more so-called win-win situations. Where both sides feel they’ve won something.
They’ve learned to accommodate each other. They’ve learned the art of give and
take. Not necessarily a total win. Or not a total loss. Where we walk away as friends. Rather than
enemies. Am I being too much of an idealist? A Pollyanna? I believe in diplomacy.
As an alternative to war. Let’s talk to
each other. And to listen to each other. Truly talk. Truly listen. By the way,
isn’t it a Christian virtue? To love thy enemy. Seems to me that both Trump and
Obama are professed Christians. Do they
come close to loving each other? Does one come closer than the other? Does it
matter? Seems to me that in the realm of politics, there’s no such thing as
true love. It’s a game of selfishness. Not played for the common good. Maybe
that’s the story of life . Too many of us out for ourselves. A game of distinct winners and distinct
losers. I don’t like it. Let’s create a winning civilization. Out of this
cosmos. That the creator has given us. We are doing a pretty shoddy job of it.
--Jim Broede
A fair-minded creator.
Fair is fair. I want everyone saved. Muslims, Jews, Buddhists.
All sorts of so-called non-believers. I
want a fair-minded creator. One that practices what he preaches. Forgiveness.
And pure love. Is that asking too much? --Jim Broede
Tell me, please. It ain't true.
A living nightmare. I’m better to fall asleep. And hope for
a sweet dream. To replace the nightmarish reality I’m experiencing in my waking
hours. I need relief. A respite from my on-going, fully-conscious nightmare. It’s driving me crazy. Don’t know how much
longer I can endure it. My heart is pounding. I’m scared. Yes, it’s
possible. I could die of fright. Tell me. Tell me, please. That Donald Trump
isn’t our president. --Jim Broede
Thursday, March 16, 2017
A message in a bottle.
To think. Is to discipline one’s self. To practice. Being
alive. I can’t think of a better thing to do. At 4 o’clock in the morning. Oh,
I could go back to bed And fall asleep. But I’d rather have fun. Occupying
my mind. With thought. About anything.
To prove. To myself. That I am alive. And I am showing you, too. With the
written word. At this very moment. As you read these words. I have lured you
in. To my brief message. In a bottle. Now it’s your turn. To stuff a note. Into
the bottle. And launch it. In the current. For the random chance. Of discovery. That’s how it happened. Almost
nine years ago. When my Italian amore and I. Discovered each other. Yes, some things
are meant to be. Such as messages. Found in a bottle. Yes. Yes. Life is
amazing. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Drifting. All the way to Paradise.
It’s so important. To like what one is doing. The way one is
living. That’s rarely been a problem. For me. I’m comfortable with myself. I
like me. But I know people who don’t like themselves. And they don’t always
know what to do about it. They feel trapped. In their own skins. That’s sad. As
for me, I have a compulsion to be happy. I refuse to live any other way. Than
in avid pursuit of happiness. With my mind. My soul. Everything. I especially need
to be happy. When going to bed. As I fall asleep. I hypnotize myself. With
soothing thoughts. Drifting. Drifting . All the way to Paradise. --Jim Broede
It's called love.
I presume that many Christians keep asking themselves:
What would Jesus do in any given situation? Of course, one doesn’t need be a
Christian to pose such a query. I’ve often asked. With surprising and gratifying results.
Learning that Jesus, much like the creator himself, is one of the guys. One
wouldn’t hesitate sitting down with him. And having a beer. Or a glass of wine.
I’ve often imagined a conversation with Jesus. It felt so real. And
enlightening. He’s guided me. To where I am today. A romantic idealist. A spiritual
free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. He keeps telling me.
That there are many ways to the truth. Seek and ye shall find. And this is what
I’ve found. I’m comfortable with being a free-lancer. Maybe as comfortable as a fundamentalist Christian. Jesus seems
to think that we are both right. In our own unique ways. He wants us to learn
to respect each other. It’s called love. –Jim Broede
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Let's make it happen.
for the common good. For universal health care. Right here in the U.S. A single
payer system. Run much like Medicare. Covering every man, woman and child. But
it won’t happen. Because that’s construed by the ill-informed as abhorrent socialism.
Not by me, however. I love socialism. Including social security and Medicare and public
education. Socialism is designed for the
common good. But too many of our political decision makers prefer catering to special interests. And the common good be
damned. That’s the way it is. I don’t like the political climate. But then, I’m
lucky and fortunate. To be 81. Thereby qualifying me for Medicare. Also, I can
afford private insurance to supplement Medicare. I’m safe and secure. So are
the politicians in Washington. They qualify for deluxe health insurance. I’m of
a mind that everyone deserves health insurance. Even those who can’t afford it.
It’s the responsibility of government to
make it happen. Yes, serving the common good. It’s the right thing to do. --Jim Broede
Steering clear of Hell.
Yes. I confess. I visit Hell. Occasionally. But knowing. It’s
only brief visits. I’m free to leave. At any time. I’d be crazy. If I stayed
for long. I go. Primarily to remind myself. That Hell is a hellish place to be.
I know people who live in Hell. Full-time. In lifelong depression. I’d not want
to live with certain people. Because that would be a living Hell. Donald Trump,
for instance. Better to live with the devil. Anyway, it’s real easy. Steering
clear of Hell. I prefer Paradise. Where I live most of the time. --Jim Broede
Meaningful thought.
people clam up. Because they don’t know what they truly believe. And they are
afraid to find out. Afraid to venture into the unknown. So they choose not to
face up. To a personal truth. They would rather dwell on mundane matters. And
go through life. As if on a meaningless journey. Avoiding the pertinent questions.
About one’s own existence. Instead, they allow others to define them. But I’ve
always felt. That I must define myself. By digging deeper and deeper and
deeper. By putting words together. Into meaningful thought. --Jim Broede
Monday, March 13, 2017
It's very therapeutic.
like to talk. About any and every thing. No subject is taboo. But I’m
finding increasing numbers of people who don’t want to talk about
politics and religion. For a variety of reasons. Too personal. Too
bothersome. Too annoying. I’m not bothered. Because I’m fascinated. By
religion. By politics. I could get up on stage. And talk endlessly.
About virtually any subject. In an entertaining way. Especially about
personal stuff. And the funny side of life. Little wonder. That I like
to muse. It comes naturally. Off the top of my head. Sometimes without
forethought. I draw the subject up. Out of my subconscious mind. Indeed,
it’s very therapeutic. I recommend it. --Jim Broede
Sunday, March 12, 2017
One of us.
hate to think that the creator saves only self-professed Christians. That
leaves out Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus. Seems to me that wouldn’t be fair. And what
about the trillions of other non-Christians on other planets in the infinite
cosmos? And what about the others on Planet Earth, that lived and died before
Christianity came into vogue? Pardon me. If I’m an optimist. And a positive
thinker. Who believes in a kindly, compassionate, loving creator. Who
saves everyone. Even our pets. That’s
the divine world I want to live in. Yes, that’s something worth believing in.
My creator gives little credence to exclusive clubs. With rigid requirements
for joining up. There are lots of nice and decent and worthy people in this
world. Who aren’t Christians. But who live more noble lives than many
Christians. They aren’t banned. Just because they didn’t take a pledge to Jesus
as savior. Nothing wrong with taking the pledge. But there are other options.
So very many religions. Living life itself is a religion. Takes a lot of faith
to get through life. To feel the pulse beat of creation. That’s enough. That’s what
my creator tells me. And I believe him. And please believe me. He’s a darn good guy.
He's one of us. --Jim Broede
One of the guys.
I wish for perfection. Knowing it will never be achieved.
And then I ask myself, why wish for the impossible? Settle for something less.
Such as the possible. Something more realistic. And that’s what I really do. I
only dream of perfection. I exercise my imagination. I fantasize. That’s good
enough for me. I want to be on equal footing with my creator. More than an acquaintance.
Nothing short of friendship. I want to be able to sit down and talk to him.
About life. About philosophy. About politics. About love. About everything. I
want us to be buddies. Able to sit down and have a beer. Together. True
camaraderie. I want us to be living on the same plateau. I know. I know. Some
religions tell me. There must be a respectful separation. That I must be subservient.
And worship the creator. But I don’t think
he wants that. He’d rather that we think of him as one of the guys. Imperfect.
Just like the rest of us. --Jim Broede
A two-way street.
Used to be. That I looked with complete disdain. On people
who didn’t share my views on political, social and economic matters. That was a
long time ago. Before I learned to respect. Just about anyone. Even if they
voted for Donald Trump. Yes, I owe respect. Even to terrorists. Even to white
supremacists. Even to Republicans. Yes, even to so-called scumbags. Of course,
it’s one thing to mouth open-mindedness. Another to live it. To practice what
one preaches. I confess. I don’t always
reach my goal. Perfection eludes me. Always has. Always will. Let’s put it this
way. I’ve edged from complete distain. To moderate disdain. I’ll listen to
anyone. I’ll try to grasp where they are coming from. Without necessarily
accepting their premises. Meanwhile, it would be nice. If they backed away from
total disdain of me. And listened, too. True understanding, after all, is a
two-way street. It takes work. To keep an open mind. --Jim Broede
A vibrant conversation.
I talk to my beloved cat, Marcello. As if he understands English. He looks like
he’s listening. And trying to grasp what I’m saying. And maybe he does. By a
magical form of mindful thought transfer. He’s catching my vibes. And I’m catching
his. I sense it. Yes, we have a vibrant conversation. We trust each other. Might be true
love. --Jim Broede
Saturday, March 11, 2017
A simple choice.
guess. Is that we choose our own Hell. On a daily basis. If we so wish. It’s up
to us. Individually. To decide whether today will be a venture into Paradise.
Or into Hell. If I decide to focus on having Donald Trump as our president, it’s
going to be a hellish day .If, instead, I’m riveted on my Italian amore
Cristina. Which I am doing. I will have arrived in Paradise. A simple choice. I’d
have to be crazy to go to Hell. --Jim Broede
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