Sunday, February 26, 2017
Pondering one's mortality.
I wonder. If I should learn to die. Long before
dying. Because then I’m more likely to be
prepared. For that sad and tragic event. That’s better, some folks tell me,
than leaving one’s passing to the last minute. With little, or absolutely no
forethought. Though being unprepared may
have merit. Gives one more time to focus on the pleasures of living. Of course,
it’s possible to muse endlessly. About one’s mortality. But that may be
unhealthy. Causing worry and stress. Thereby hastening one’s death. --Jim Broede
My spaced out stress.
Self-induced stress. I suspect that’s the most common form
of stress. At least, it is with me. I have the option. To avoid stress. And to
write it off. But I don’t always do that. I allow myself to be stressed. Often
over trivial, nonsensical matters. Maybe because I have nothing better to
do. So I let stuff bother me. I suspect
that most of us are in the same proverbial boat. Victims of unnecessary stress. Makes me
wonder. If some of us are addicted to stress. We need our stressful fix. Daily.
But I’ve learned to space it out. Once a week is enough to satisfy me. --Jim Broede
Give me justice.
There has to be a higher level of being. Than what I am.
Some call it the ultimate. Or god, the creator. I don’t have to reach the
pinnacle. But I have the desire. To be far more than what I am. There is no
justice. If I am blocked. By my creator. From achieving my goal. Of having a
more substantial and thrilling and perceptive soul. --Jim Broede
To land safely.
Truth be told. I must confess. That I go through periods of foreboding. When I’m more pessimistic. Than optimistic. Don’t like it when I feel that way. So I try several tricks. To get back on track. Always have. That’s a good sign. But I wonder. Sometimes. If I’ll ever find the track again. And if it really matters. Because the world might come to a tragic end. True pessimism. True foreboding. The inability. To get out of a rut. Because it’s too deep. Too far off track. Maybe that’s the definition of depression. Which I have so astutely avoided. All my life. But am I capable. Of falling off the edge. Into an abyss. With no bottom. No landing. The equivalent of being sucked into a black hole. If that happens. The true test. Will be. To remain optimistic. As one falls. Confident. That one will land safely. In paradise. --Jim Broede
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Call me Fearless Jim
I don’t get it. When politicians. Such as Donald
Trump. Tell me. That I should be living in fear. Of illegal immigrants. Of
refugees. And of people from Muslim countries. Fear. Fear. Fear. That seems to
be the message. And we are supposed to elect Trump and other fear-mongers. To
protect us. As far as I’m concerned. That’s hogwash. Trump doesn’t want me to
trust anyone. Not even the news media. Instead, Trump wants me to look at him
as the nation’s protector-in-chief. If I ever become that stupid, please put me
out of my misery. Anyway, I’m trying to be a fearless fellow. A trustful lover
of mankind, period. At the moment, the only person I don’t trust. Is none other
than Donald Trump --charlatan, snake oil salesman and goofball. – Fearless Jim
Taking control.
A strange dream. So discomforting. I was having it over and
over. I’d wake from the dream. And then go back to sleep. Repeatedly. Rather
than let the dream go. I picked it up. Where it had last left off. Until I
suddenly realized, I was dreaming. And I did what made sense. Got up out of
bed. Stayed awake. To rid my mind of the strange dream experience. Because it
was discomforting. And it’s far better
to feel comforted. Which I’m doing now. By taking control. Of my conscious
mind. Yes. Yes. I’m off to a day. Of pleasant and happy thoughts. --Jim Broede
The honorable way.
Donald Trump is not my president. Or our president. That’s my position. That is, if I’m talking for the majority of Americans. Please wake up, Mr. Trump. The majority voted for Hillary Clinton. By a margin of almost 3 million. You won. Legitimately. But on an electoral college fluke. If you were a fair-minded and decent guy, you’d be president for all Americans. Not merely for your base. Which actually represents only a minority of Americans. Might be wise, Mr. Trump, to follow the example of other presidents. The ones that truly tried to represent everyone. Even the people that voted against them. That’s the way a president is supposed to operate. Honorably. Working for the common good. Not just for the good of his base. --Jim Broede
To lose our souls.
More and more. I am refusing to be a recluse. I venture out. Into the world. In places where there is no hostility. Refugees keep looking. Fortunate for me. I am not a refugee. I have found a haven. A retreat. We lucky Americans. Should help others find the way. Rather than banning them. Let's roll out the welcome mat. To the desperate and destitute. Like in the old days. That would make America great again. So much better than building walls. To keep everyone out. That's the way to lose our souls. --Jim Broede
Friday, February 24, 2017
Satisfying my curiosity.
Consider the effect on religion. Right here on Earth. If
it’s found. That all kinds of intelligent life exist. Throughout the cosmos. On
millions or billions of planets. What sort of religion, if any, do these beings
practice? Do they all worship a god? Is
there a common bond? Shared by everyone.
I assume. That intelligent life has taken many human forms. But vastly
different models, too. Some superior to human life. Yes. Yes. Give me the
answers. Oh, if only I could live long enough.
To finally know everything. I’d hate to die. Before satisfying my
curiosity. --Jim Broede
A true patriot, am I.
Donald Trump is my enemy. Not the media. Though they aren’t
always my friends, either. Trump says we Americans need an enemy or two or
three. And he tries to identify them. I’d rather select my own enemies. And I
have very few. At the moment, only one. Trump. If I could get Trump out of my
mind and my way, life would be much better. Of course, I’m often told to love
my enemies. Believe me, I try. But I can’t get over the hurdle of loving, or
even respecting, the president of the United States. Maybe that’s what makes me a true patriot.
--Jim Broede
Thursday, February 23, 2017
My exotic world.
I’m elated. Thrilled. Jumping with joy. Celebrating the possibility of life on seven
Earth-size planets orbiting a tiny star. Yes, it’s all too far away to
visit. Actually, 235 trillion miles. It
would take 40 years to reach these planets. Traveling at the phenomenal speed of light -- 186,000 miles per second.
But I might be able to catapult there. In less time. By achieving my dream of some
day becoming a sprightly, fast-moving spirit. With the ability to explore the
cosmos. In the same deft manner as the original creator. Anyway, I read about this discovery today. In
my favorite newspaper, the New York Times. Astronomers said that at least three
of the planets, and maybe all, could be at the right temperature to have oceans
of water. The ingredients for life. The closely clustered planets orbit a ‘dwarf
star’ named Trappist-1. Think of our sun as a basketball. And Trappist-1 as a
golf ball. That’s an apt comparison. Meanwhile,
I have an overwhelming desire. When I go
to bed tonight. To dream of an exotic world. Of seven planets. Teeming with
life. --Jim Broede
A nation gone crazy.
Was I the blind man? The one who didn’t see the coming
light? Could be, I suppose. After all, here I am. Wondering how Trump won the
presidency. When initially, I thought, confidently, that he had
no chance. That he would be soundly rejected. But then, ever so slowly. I became
scared. Flustered. That he might win. Yes,
by golly, like so many others, I’d miscalculated the mood of the fickle American
electorate. How could it be? Now I know. Trump hypnotized the voters. In a
deceptively entertaining way. So brash.
So outlandish. That people began to ponder. What would happen? If a political
freak got to the White House. Therefore.
Maybe out of curiosity. Barely enough voters. Took the calculated risk. To find out. And so,
here we are. A witness to a potentially tragic chapter in our history. But hey,
that’s the absurdity of life. And now I’m asking. Is there anything we can do
about it? Or must we glumly ride out the nightmare. Of a nation gone crazy. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Walking on water.
Fantasy. It’s a big part of my life. A nice way
to escape reality. If for no other reason than to take a hard-earned break.
From the turmoil and disappointments of the real world. I owe it to myself. To
enter a fantasy land. Periodically. Where the impossible becomes possible.
Merely by giving free rein to my imagination. Helps me, too. As a writer. In
creating fanciful characters. Makes me feel. Like a divine creator. Allows me
also. To perform amazing feats. Such as walking on water. --Jim Broede
My arrogance.
Sometimes, I think of myself as a glorified and exotic animal.
Sure. I’m pegged as a human being. At the top rung in the animal kingdom. More
intelligent than my pet cat, Marcello.
But still, I’m physically constructed similar to other mammals. I
function much like dear Marcello. But with a higher level of intelligence and
consciousness. But there’s a limit on our life spans. Marcello and I are born.
And we inevitably die. Our bodies return to dust, or nothingness. Except maybe I’m
different from Marcello. In respect to my yearning. To live forever. To
envisage a future. Perhaps in spirit form. I doubt that Marcello has similar thoughts.
He simply goes through the motions of
living and dying. Without establishing an organized religion or a spiritual
reality. Marcello doesn’t think of life in the Great Beyond. Though some argue. That animals have souls. Frankly, I don’t
know. Other than to declare, I’d rather be me. A glorified animal. Better that. Than a mere Marcello. The difference. I’m arrogant. Able to imagine and
contemplate a future. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Unique as unique can be.
I’d like to think of myself as unique. One of a kind. But at
the same time, I’m merely just one of billions of people currently residing on
Earth. And that makes me insignificant. Lost in the masses of humanity. Like a
grain of sand on a remote beach. Makes me very much like everyone else. But introspectively,
I recognize me. Specifically me. Consciously aware of my existence. Able to
take control of my life. Able to experience emotions. Able to grasp stuff happening
around me. Also, there’s no stopping me from pretending. That I’m unique. A blend of many pursuits. A romantic idealist.
A spiritual free thinker. A political liberal. A writer. A lover. A dreamer.
Yes, I’ve identified myself. Rather than
allowing others to do it for me. My way of
feeling as unique as unique can be. After all, I have my own mind. My own
spirit and soul, too. --Jim Broede
A goodbye to the truth.
Little wonder. That fake news is fast overtaking the truth.
For the very reason that I retired from what once was the real news business.
Because so many people didn’t want real and accurate news any more. They wanted
to be entertained. With sound bites. And preposterous stories. With lies. Entertainers have taken over society. And
the political and news realm, too. It’s becoming impossible. To differentiate
between fake news and the truth. Donald Trump epitomizes the shift in emphasis.
He’s allowed to lie. Daily. To tell tall tales. That entertain. Trump is our
new entertainer-in-chief. It’s obvious that he’s telling lies. But his
supporters say that’s all right. That they want someone who has become larger
than life. A celebrity. A master entertainer. A stand-up comic. It’s more important
to be funny. Than to be serious. Yes, that’s what we have come to. We have gone over the edge. Into the abyss.
And what is it I am hearing? Screams of anguish? No. No. It’s rollicking
laughter. A goodbye to the truth. --Jim Broede
Reason to laugh.
The acceptance of others. It’s so important.
Yes, it’s called respect. Here's the truth. The other side of me. Sometimes, I find acceptance difficult. Even with people
who cause me no harm. Funny, isn’t it? I
have an open mind. Or so I tell myself. But I confess. I’ve poked fun. At
people with divergent views. On political, social and economic issues. For
being closed-minded. When really, I’m the one being unfair. And intolerant.
Like I’m Mister Know-It All. Even Holier-Than-Thou.
Traits that I detest in others. When really, it’s me that should mend my ways. And
learn to be more kind and more understanding. Oh, maybe I am. Much of the time.
But that’s not good enough. I should hold myself to a higher standard. By
cultivating my conscience. Giving others. The benefit of the doubt. Far more than I do. After all, it’s all-too-obvious
that I don’t know it all. When I think I do. I make a fool of myself. Now that’s funny. Something to
laugh about. --Jim Broede
Monday, February 20, 2017
A trip lasting forever.
Solitude. Maybe that’s what I cherish. More than anything. Solitude.
The nicest part of living alone. Oh, I like to be with people, too. Especially
my Italian amore. But even when we are living together, we both need breaks. Periods
of solitude. To be off by one’s self. For reflective moments. For escape. Into the
inner sanctum. Being alone without being
lonely. Along an isolated seashore. Or in a primeval forest. Or like tonight.
Sitting in quiet solitude. At home. Musing. About what it would be like. In the
perfect harmony of solitude. Drifting. Drifting. On a grand tour of
the cosmos. A solitary trip lasting forever.
--Jim Broede
My unending pursuit.
A good friend. And supporter of
Donald Trump. Cautions me. To not get hot and bothered by Trump. She knows I’m
a political liberal. And that I abhor
Trump. And virtually everything he stands for. I write to the friend. About
Trump. And she writes back. With good advice. Either learn to laugh at Trump.
Or ignore him. Pretend he doesn’t exist. Of course, that makes sense. Trump
will be Trump. And I can’t change him or
the political climate. Might just as well get on with life. Focused on the
stuff over which I have control. In my
unending pursuit of happiness. --Jim Broede
It works. Believe me.
A gentle reminder, folks. If you put someone in a nursing home.
Show up every day. Be a protector and advocate. Don’t ever abandon anyone in a
nursing home. It’s likely to lead to disaster. It’s inhumane. I’ve seen the
abandoned. While caring for Jeanne. I’ve
tried to intervene. To become their advocates.
There are some good and dedicated
staff members. But there are employees who shouldn’t be there. Their hearts
aren’t into it. It’s just another job. Of going through the motions. But some
really do care. That’s the good and encouraging news. Life has down sides. But
good sides, too. I want good vibes.
Morning, noon and night. That’s the most effective way to treat dementia. You might think that some with dementia are
totally out of it. They aren’t. They respond to good vibes. Especially if the good vibes come from
everyone. At the start, I had to fake it a little bit. But before I knew it,
the good vibes had a positive effect on me, too. There was no more faking. I was
a true believer. In good vibes therapy.
It works. It works. It works. Believe me. Every time I enter a nursing
home. I practice. I turn it on. I love to take someone out. For a walk. And if
they can’t walk, I’ll push a wheelchair. Fresh air. Movement. It’s all part of
my arsenal of good vibes. --Jim Broede
A teacher of good vibes.
I’m not sure if
anyone is initially prepared for the Alzheimer’s care-giving journey. Indeed,
it’s on-the-job training. Some learn better than others. Some fall by the
wayside. And I feel their pain and anguish. I survived it. And became a better
human being in the process. A
better care-giver, too. Wish I knew at the beginning what I knew at the
end. Learning to pace one’s self. To take care of one’s self. It’s so
important. If you become exhausted mentally and physically and
emotionally, you’ll be in trouble. That’s the pity. Of so many, many of
the 24/7 care-givers. They don’t take care of themselves. They can’t go
it alone. They need help. They need respite. And some don’t get it. That
was me. For a while. Until I succumbed. And put Jeanne in a nursing home.
That’s when I really became a very good care-giver. Because I was a
supplemental care-giver. There 8 to 10 hours daily. Didn’t miss a single day in
38 months. I hand-fed Jeanne. In the quiet comfort of her room. So
much better than the disruptive congregate dining room. I was face-to-face with
Jeanne. We looked into each others' eyes. I brushed her teeth. Rinsed her
mouth. Took her out daily. In her custom-made wheelchair. Year-round.
Even in hostile Minnesota
winters. Wrapped in a thermal sleeping bag. Personally gave her a shower. Every
night. After learning that the nursing home offered only one shower a week. I
gave her massages, too. Nightly. As she fell asleep. To soothing recorded
music. From her earphones. This was all part of what I call good vibes
therapy. I insisted that Jeanne be exposed only to good vibes. Always. From me.
From visitors. From the staff. I became a teacher of good vibes.
And yes, a decent care-giver. Because I was rested. Revived. And with Jeanne
for 10 hours. Instead of 24. I was there most of her waking hours.
Caring. Caring. Caring. But then I went home. And took care of myself. So that
I would be ready for the next day. I wasn’t an exhausted 24-hour care-giver
anymore. I was a loving and efficient care-giver. In so many meaningful
ways. I could write a book. About what I learned on the 13-year Alzheimer
care-giving journey. Instead, I merely stick around. On the Alzheimer
Association message boards. In musings. Eight years after Jeanne died. To let
other care-givers know. There is life
after the Alzheimer’s experience. Yes, I have gotten on. Learned to be who and
what I am. A lover. A dreamer. Amazing, isn’t it? What comes in the aftermath.
Keep the faith, I tell other beleaguered care-givers. Life gets better and better and
better. Give it time. But above all else, take care of yourselves. So that you
can truly care for and about others. --Jim Broede
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Just knowing, feels good.
I’m happy. To settle for what I have. With no
laments. Over what I don’t have. In other words, I’m generally satisfied with
life. Sure, I could wish for more. And occasionally I do. But then I catch
myself. And decide to settle for less.
Simply because that’s the right thing to do.
Maybe that’s the source of my happiness. Staying true to myself. At
least when it comes to the important matters. In my roles as romantic idealist,
spiritual free-thinker, political liberal, lover and dreamer. Believe me. It
feels good. Just knowing who and what I
am. --Jim Broede
A nightmare.
I awaken. In the middle of the night. Either laughing. Or crying.
Sometimes in a state of high anxiety. Strange, isn’t it? I must tell my
psychotherapist. Such a wide range of emotion. Being experienced in my sleep.
I’m imagining. That I’ve become a novelist. Writing masterful fiction. A
preposterous story. Yet it seems so real. The main character in my novel is
both hilariously funny and very, very scary. A rich business tycoon. With a
narcissistic personality. A shrewd manipulator. Turned politician. A
pathological liar, too. Through a weird series of events, he becomes the
president of the United
States of America. And that’s where the awful phase of my
recurring dream begins. I wake up. Trembling. Terror stricken. And worst of
all. I’m unable to convince myself. That it’s all fantasy. That it ain’t real.
Little wonder. That I need to see a psychotherapist. It’s a nightmare. That won’t go away. --Jim Broede
Friday, February 17, 2017
The place to be.
I have a soft spot. In my heart. For our 11
million illegal immigrants. I’d not
round them up. For deportation. Instead, I’d look the other way. And encourage them to stay. And become
American citizens. I’m assuming. That the vast majority of the immigrants came.
In search of a life better than the one they had in their homelands. I hope
they’ve found it. It would be cruel to send them back. Especially the ones that
are settled. And happy. Of course, it could be argued, that they should have
come by legal means. But let's be kind and forgiving
Americans. I’m also for letting in big numbers of refugees. They are likely
to appreciate America. Let them follow in the footsteps of many of our
ancestors. Including my paternal grandfather, who sneaked in illegally at the turn
of the 20th century. Fortunately, he wasn’t rounded up and sent back to Germany. Instead,
he quickly fell in love with America.
An easy thing to do. After all, we are a melting pot of many
nationalities. Little wonder. America
is the place to be. In one’s pursuit of happiness. Yes, let’s keep
it that way. --Jim Broede
Beyond a doubt.
Call me. More an introvert than an extrovert. I turn my
thoughts more inward than outward. Don’t know if that’s a good trait. Or bad.
Probably doesn’t matter. It is what it is. Doesn’t matter whether one has blue
eyes or brown eyes. Or whether one is
right-handed or left-handed. Anyway, I’m inclined to believe. That it’s better
to be an introvert. Because I want to
connect to my spirit. And I have the notion that the spirit is the interior
portion of my being. Can’t prove it. Yes, there’s so much that I can’t prove.
Beyond a doubt. Instead, I speculate. Take educated guesses. And mostly attempt
to believe what I want to believe. Might as well. Sure beats not believing anything. Used to be
that I was a thoroughly Doubting Jim. Even doubted my own existence. Wasn’t until I started to fall in love. With
someone. Or something. That’s when I finally believed in something. Beyond a
doubt. --Jim Broede
Fully aware.
Yes. Yes. This is a way. To stay out of depression. Simply
by keeping control. Over my mind. I inherently want to do. Whatever is good.
For my mind. I know. Instinctively. What brings me happiness. It’s to fall
in love. With someone. Or something. Mostly, I’m in love with pure thought. A
conscious awareness. That I have a unique mind. At this very moment. Fully
aware. Of my existence. That’s exactly. What I’m supposed to be. Fully aware.
Of my happiness. No more. No less. --Jim Broede
Deep down. In my soul.
Always. I try to have something on my mind. A thought or
two. Elusive thoughts. That come and go. Unless, of course, I sit down at my
computer. And manipulate the keyboard. As I’m doing now. Often, it’s a form of
psychotherapy. Because I’m asking, ‘Why
is this particular thought coming to mind?’ Maybe for no reason. But I’m free
to find a reason. By thinking some more.
In essence, by letting my mind flow. And wander. From this thought. To another
and another and another. An endless chain of thought. Not knowing where it’s
taking me. That can be the thrilling part. Of a thoughtful journey. Yes. Yes.
I’m blessed. With an imagination. Living proof. That I have control over mind.
I can choose. To be happy. Or sad. But invariably, I pick the happy course.
Because that’s the way I’m programmed. Deep down. In my soul. --Jim Broede
Thursday, February 16, 2017
The meaningful stuff.
I undergo psychotherapy. Daily. It’s so convenient. Because
I’m my own psychotherapist. I know myself. Intimately. That makes the job
fairly easy. Occasionally, I try to lie to myself. But my conscience
intervenes. And forces me to tell the truth. I went to a professional
psychotherapist today. Just for a change of pace. She was good. But not as good
as me. I’m a natural. And I’ve been
playing the psychotherapy game most of my life. I also work for free. And I’m
on call round-the-clock. Allowing me to nip my psychological problems in the
bud. Of course, I could hang up a shingle. And offer psychotherapy services to
the public. But I’m not interested in making a buck. More evidence of my head
being screwed on straight. Yes, it’s obvious. I’m well-balanced. And versed on the meaningful stuff of life.
--Jim Broede
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Too busy laughing.
Me worry? Heck, no. I am learning to love the
chaos in Washington.
By looking at real life as a soap opera. With one preposterous plot after
another. A cliffhanger every day. With a cast of characters. Directed by
Donald Trump, the clownish impresario.
Sometimes, I tell myself this must be a put on. An entertaining surreal
extravaganza. But here it is. Real life. With no set script. All of the actors
improvise. Spectacularly. They make it
all up. Every day. Every moment. In an effort to dazzle, if not scare the
audience. Not only the citizens of the United States of America. But the
entire world. We’re all enthralled. Taken in. Hooked. Yes. Yes. America! The
Greatest Show on Earth. Greater than a P. T. Barnum three-ring circus. Indeed, I have no time to worry. About the
plight of our nation. I’m too busy laughing. At the absurdity of it all. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
My new calling.
I know. I know.
Occasionally, I take life too seriously. And get upset. Over matters
beyond my control. Of course, that’s a waste of time. And it’s not good for my
physical, mental and emotional health. Yes, I’d be better off. Taking life less
seriously. By focusing on the funny and absurd side of life. By setting
aside time, daily, for laughter. If I
can’t find something to laugh at or about – it’s time for psychiatric help. I’m at my best. When I’m downright silly.
Especially when someone tells me to get serious. Indeed, I have to take a
stand. Draw a line. Make a declaration. That life wasn’t meant to be taken
seriously. Yes, that’s why I’m gonna pursue my new calling. As a stand-up comic. --Jim Broede
For the nation's sake.
I suspect. That our president. Donald Trump. Would be a much
better president. If he saw a psychotherapist regularly. I am setting an example. By going to see a psychotherapist. This
Thursday. To help me deal. With the likes of Donald Trump. I need to get my
head together. And so does Trump. The thing is. I know it. But Trump doesn’t.
Of course, here I am. Living in the wilds of Minnesota.
Relatively harmless. To anyone but my crazy self. Trump, on the other
hand, is in a position of great power. He could cause indescribable harm. Not
only to the U.S.
But to the entire world. Trump has to learn to move cautiously. And to think things through. Rather than acting on impulse. Psychotherapy
sessions could make a difference. Therefore, I plead. Please, Mr. President. Go
into psychotherapy. For your sake. But more importantly, for the nation’s sake.
--Jim Broede
To keep me enchanted.
Always. Always. I’m looking for those who don’t think like
me. Who don’t share my views. About
life. About politics. And social issues. And religion. All sorts of matters. So that we can have
discussions. And maybe teach each other. Stuff that we hadn’t considered before.
Even if we continue to disagree. That’s all right. I’ve learned to understand
and often respect people with widely different perspectives. I have no desire
to live with my clones. Rather, I’m
looking for those capable of mutual respect.
Curious people. Who love life. In large part. Because we aren’t robots. We have minds of our own. Yes, give me unique characters. To keep me enchanted. --Jim Broede
Monday, February 13, 2017
A better place. Without me.
I wonder. What it would be like. To withdraw from the world.
For a year or two. Shut off completely. From what’s happening
back in civil society. No news. No
contact with the outside world. Isolation. Similar to being stranded on a
desert island. I’d get by. As long as I had food. And books. And pen and paper.
That would be sufficient. Anyway. I’d likely feel good
about the experience. Though I’d miss my Italian amore. And a few friends. But
it would be an interesting experiment. I like the notion. Of being
separated from the rest of mankind. Of course, I’m generally a curious
fellow. Keeping tabs on current events. I’m
reasonably social, too. But I could put that all aside. And use the opportunity
of self-exile to stir my mind. With deep thought. Including conversations with myself. And with spirits, mythical and otherwise. Upon return to civilization, I’d hope to have discovered.
That the world became a better place. Without me. --Jim Broede
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Is that asking too much?
I have an overwhelming feeling. That I’m running out of
time. Used to be. That I had time on my side.
I didn’t worry. About the looming absence of tomorrows. I was
optimistic. That I’d make it out of my 50s, 60s and 70s. I’m going to reach the
end of the road. Most likely. Somewhere in my 80s. Maybe sooner than later. I’m allowing myself.
To be occasionally consumed by such a depressing thought. I know. I know. I
should come to terms with my mortality. And be grateful that I’ve made it this
far. I’ve beaten the odds. I should
learn to die gracefully. And accept the notion that my spirit will survive. I
should look forward to life in the spiritual realm. Despite the doubts. Can’t say I’m a true
believer in anything. Hey, I might not even be real. Only someone’s dream. If
that someone wakes up, maybe that will be the real me. Oh, I have so very many
fantasies. A boundless imagination. Maybe that’s my salvation. The way I get
through life. Yes, I’m imagining all of the possibilities. Nothing is too
preposterous. As long as I am a conscious, pulsating, thinking being. That’s
the way I want to stay. In one form or another. Is that asking too much? --Jim Broede
Lost art of human decency.
It’s time for the political right and left to acknowledge
each other. In respectful ways. Instead, they keep working at cross purposes.
Little wonder. They don’t get things done. It’s called gridlock. I’m for cultivating
political friendships. On both sides of the aisle. Treating each other fairly.
In the search for the common good. We’re Americans, aren’t we? Can’t we find common ground? Win-win agendas.
Everyone gets something. Compromise shouldn’t be a dirty word. Let’s have
polite debates. More movement. Toward the middle. In order to accommodate each
other. Let’s learn to be reasonable.
Let’s find ways to get along. Let’s
revive the lost art of human decency. In
the sadly sordid political realm.--Jim Broede
Walk. You won't regret it.
Go for a walk. Every day. Without fail. That’s my
recommendation. For everyone. But especially for beleaguered Alzheimer care-givers. As for the length. The
longer, the better. But one doesn’t have to break speed records. Just go.
Outdoors. Breathe in the fresh air. Walking was my salvation. When caring for
dear sweet Jeanne. All those years. Half of the time, I was pushing Jeanne. In
a custom-made wheelchair. Didn’t matter. If it was winter. In Minnesota.
We proceeded. With Jeanne wrapped in a thermal sleeping bag.
Occasionally. We were reported. To the police.
By people who thought Jeanne shouldn’t be out in inclement weather.
Nonsense. Jeanne always enjoyed the outdoors. And even the frigid fresh air. Made her
smile. The secret. Dress properly. And
one will survive a Minnesota
winter. I’m hooked. Addicted. To walking. To fresh air. You can get hooked, too. Take a break. Walk,
walk and walk some more. You won’t regret it. --Jim Broede
Saturday, February 11, 2017
I'm the protagonist.
Novelists create stories. But I use my imagination. To
create my life. To live what might seem
like a fantastic story. A new chapter every day. And I’m the protagonist. The
teller of the story. That I am living. This is not wishful thinking. Not a novel. But actual life of a romantic
idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a writer, a lover, a
dreamer. --Jim Broede
Looking for reassurance.
There are worse fates than growing old. Take me. I’m 81. And
have no serious complaints. Certainly, it’s better than being dead. I’m a survivor. I’ve outlasted many friends
and associates. A glance at the obituary page. Shows many expiring in their
40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. I would have hated dying before my time. Fact of the
matter. I’m in no hurry to die. Though I might change my mind. If I were
decrepit. Unable to move about or think sensibly. Used to be hard for me to
imagine. Ever becoming an octogenarian.
But here I am. Still walking 10 miles a day.
And writing about the good and grand life. Oh, I’ve had occasional
pitfalls. But it seems like I’ve been
happy forever and ever. But that won’t stop me from seeing a psychotherapist.
This week. Just to see if my head is screwed on straight. Think it is. But I need reassurance. --Jim Broede
Please forgive me.
Hate to admit it. But there are certain people I dislike. Because of their looks. They look
evil. I don’t trust them. They don’t
even have to open their mouths. The first time that I focused my eyes on them,
I told myself, ‘I don’t like these guys.’
Maybe they radiated bad vibes. Can’t say for sure. I know. I know. I’m
not being fair. I should give the guys a chance. And not merely judge them.
Based on their facial features. Deep down. Beneath the surface. They may be
very decent and good people. Okay. Okay.
I confess. I have in mind two ugly politicians. Both Republicans. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. I beg them, please forgive me. Could be, they don’t
like my looks either. That would make me feel better. --Jim Broede
All sorts of clues.
I’ve thought about suicide. Who hasn’t? Such thoughts are a
normal function of living. One has the option. To not live. To take one’s own
life. People do it every day. Maybe they get plain tired of living. Please don’t
get me wrong. Never have been suicidal. But my dad committed suicide. When he was 38
years old. Statistically, that’s supposed to make me more prone to
suicide. Of course, here I am. At age
81. Still in love with life. It would be a shame. To check out voluntarily.
While I’m in love. I have many reasons to savor life. Meanwhile, I try to put myself in my father’s
shoes. To understand his suicide. He wasn’t in love anymore. With life. Of
course, if he had had the will. The proper insight. And counseling. Maybe he
could have fallen in love again. I could have been his psychotherapist. If I
had known what I know today. But I was only 13 at the time. I had no clue. Time
makes a difference. I’ve since collected all sorts of clues. About the whys and
wherefores of life. --Jim Broede
Also known as respect.
I love freedom. And ideas. And tolerance. Always have. Maybe
that’s what makes me what I am. A fellow that finds ways to get along. With
almost anyone. Even the worst kind of politicians. Because I bend over
backwards to listen. And to be tolerant and respectful. That’s all I ask in
return. Let’s talk. And truly listen to each other. About politics. About religion. About
economic and social matters. And about life, in general. Even if we differ,
let’s try to be friends. Is that asking too much? Turns out. That people with
widely different views on life can co-exist. And live with each other. By
practicing tolerance. Yes, people are different. And that’s a blessing.
Personally, it would be scary living only with those that agree with me. That’s
the fastest and surest way to become an ignoramus. I’m open to new ideas. To different
points of view. Especially when my friends,
associates and total strangers come into the discussion acknowledging that they don’t know everything
about everything. I’m the first to admit. That I have a lot to learn. That I’m
not the smartest kid on the block. Actually, I don’t know if I’ve ever met the
smartest. We’re all in the same proverbial boat. Fishing for answers. For ways to live life
decently and happily. To the fullest. Seems to me, that usually happens. When we grant
each other. A high degree of freedom. And tolerance. Also known as respect. --Jim Broede
Thursday, February 9, 2017
What lies beyond?
put no limits on my thoughts. I go wherever my imagination takes me.
That's how the creator created the cosmos. With his fertile imagination.
An imagination should know no bounds. Tell me, what lies beyond the
cosmos? I intend to find out. --Jim Broede
A refreshing outlook.
I refuse to be god-fearing. I look at my creator as
the creator. I prefer that over the term ‘god.’
I give him credit. For creating
me. I can’t speak for others. That’s their choice. As to what to believe. My
creator is a creator of love. Not to be feared. He doesn’t even require me to
believe in him beyond a doubt. Doesn’t matter. He treats religious believers
and atheists alike. He tells me that some atheists live more pure lives than
the believers. And that’s why, ultimately, he saves everyone. Because he
practices pure love. Pure forgiveness.
Everyone is saved. Even those who lived before the creation of organized
religions. Even before civilized
societies. Actually, he has doubts about whether we’ve ever had a truly
civilized society. Maybe that comes only in the spiritual realm. Maybe ‘completely
civilized’ is meant to be impossible in the physical realm. Who knows? My
creator wants everyone to get a taste of physical existence. To pave the way
for spiritual existence. Then it’s an entirely different ball game. Everyone automatically falls in love. With
the spiritual. Because they know instantly that it’s far better than the
physical. They are enamored with their new life. It is bliss. Doesn’t matter whether it’s
called Heaven or Nirvana or Valhalla or Paradise.
And everyone finally learns the truth. That their ‘god’ was not to be feared,
after all. All this time, he was to be
taken as the god of love and total forgiveness. And that’s what we all should
be. Creatures of love and forgiveness. At the very moment we arrive in Paradise, or whatever you want to call it. Call me a
Pollyanna. Call me weird. Call me crazy.
Doesn’t matter. As long as I see the light and arrive in my version of Paradise. By the
way, my creator has created physical life. On many, many other planets in the infinite cosmos.
Millions. Billions. Trillions. Life abounds. What can be more thrilling than
that? Especially if we all end up in a spiritual Paradise.
Call me an optimist. A believer. Better that than living in fear of the gods. How’s
that? For a refreshing outlook on life and eternity. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
See you all there.
I’ve listened. Avidly. To Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists
and Christians. Studied their beliefs. From top to bottom. And I still prefer
my route. That of an independent spiritual free-thinker. But I have the highest
regard and respect. For the other religions. They are all right. For the right
people. To each his own. It’s my belief that they all qualify for advancement
to the spiritual realm. They all may travel different routes to get there. But
in the end, they all wind up in the same place. Paradise.
Believe me. I love ‘em all. Yes, my vision. Of a perfect world. I’ll settle for
nothing less. See you all there. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Better than forever.
I wonder. How one should define forever. If I live for only
80-some years, maybe that’s my forever.
I sprang from nothing. And perhaps return to nothing. Time would cease for
me. An existing world would become
irrelevant. For me. Chances are. There
are millions of other worlds. Scattered throughout the cosmos. And life will go on. For the living. With an
entirely different cast of characters. From those that existed when I was
alive. Soon, there will be no one left
from the 19th century. Makes me wonder. If the creator. Has the option to move
back and forth in time. Or if the
creator died long, long ago. By committing suicide. Because that seemed a better option than
living forever. --Jim Broede
Without explanations.
Occasionally, I have an anxiety attack. Shows I’m not
perfect. I hate to admit. That I ever become anxious. Rather have everyone
think that I’m always in full control. But I suspect. That most people have
anxious moments. Imagined fears. That all is not right. And perhaps disaster
looms around the corner. Lately, I’ve been having anxiety. For no apparent
reason. Which probably means something hidden in my fragile psyche. Though I’m told, it could be the result of an
overactive thyroid gland. Always. Always. Some kind of explanation. Maybe it
would be better. If I learned to get on with life. Without explanations. --Jim Broede
Believing in the impossible.
The impossible. The impossible. The impossible. That’s what
I want out of life. Nothing less than the impossible. The fact that I exist. In
this world. A reality that seems almost impossible. But here I am. Yes, if
teeming so-called intelligent life is possible on Planet Earth. It doesn’t take
much more for me to believe. In the impossible. --Jim Broede
A nice & pleasant thought.
I’m assuming that the creator is a spirit. Not someone of flesh and blood. Instead,
someone that envelops all of creation. In a spiritual way. That’s the creator
communicating with us. Directly. Through the spirit. But maybe our spirits are
still in the embryo stage. Still in the womb. Ready to be fully born. At the
moment of our so-called physical death. Imagine that. Being in the same spiritual
realm. With the creator himself. Such a
nice and pleasant thought. --Jim Broede
Monday, February 6, 2017
A believer. In the spirit.
As I see it, everyone is entitled to his/her own
religion. Or no religion at all, for
that matter. Yes, I believe in freedom of choice. I am, personally, not very
religious. Instead, I’m spiritual.
There’s a difference. Religions tend to
be organized. Often with rigid systems of belief. That must be endorsed or
adhered to. In order to qualify for membership. That’s certainly not for
me. Nobody tells me what to believe. I
simply believe what I want to believe. Mostly in the existence of a spiritual
realm. No doubt, I have a spirit. And I suspect that most everyone has a
spirit. That’s what I cultivate. My unique spirit. My unique soul. As far as I
can tell, spirit and soul are essentially one and the same. It’s up to me to explore
the dynamics of my free-thinking spirit. Yes, I’m proud to say. My spirit
thinks for itself. My spirit also has a desire to escape, eventually. So it
will no longer be encapsulated in my physical body. Thus making it a complete
and genuine free spirit. Of course, this may sound like nonsense. Especially, to
people who favor the security and safety and comfort of organized religions.
Many such folks prefer being told what to believe. As for me, I prefer to be
free to think for myself. Without the dictates of an organized and traditional
religion. So here I am. A self-styled spiritual free-thinker. A true believer.
In the spirit. --Jim Broede
In of all places.
Donald Trump is a freak. Don’t get me wrong. That’s not
necessarily meant as insult. After all, I’m a freak, too. Eccentric. Unusual.
Odd. A bit crazy. Goes to show that Trump and I have something in common. We’re
freaks. Of course, I’m not dangerous. I’m a mere harmless nobody freak. Hidden
away in my own remote corner. Trump,
meanwhile, is president of the United
States. Could he pose a freakish danger?
Consider. He has a finger on the nuclear launch button. He could start a colossal
and devastating war. On a freakish whim.
Consider. He’s easily angered. Consider. That he’s hugely self-absorbed. In
love with himself. A narcissist. Thin-skinned, too. Consider. Watches cable
television. Incessantly. As a main source
for his news. Consider. Fires off
bombastic and huffy tweets. In the middle of the night. Yes. Yes. So very much.
It all adds up. To freakish behavior, doesn’t it? Sounds scary. The potential perils
of a freak. Residing. In of all places, the White House. --Jim Broede
Sunday, February 5, 2017
If my dreams came true.
I like people. Who agree to disagree. In nice ways. Too bad.
That isn’t a way of political life. Politicians have learned to be nasty to each
other. To take no prisoners. It’s their
way, or the highway. No room for compromise. The world has to be divided. Into
winners and losers. Of course, I don’t like it. But I have no influence in the
matter. Stuff happens. And I walk away. Annoyed and disappointed. But I’m
trying. To not let it bother me at all. To accept the world and politics.
Exactly as they are. If I had my way. I’d redesign American government. With a
brand new modern-day constitution. I’d
promote a parliamentary form. With proportional representation. Where
coalitions form. To accomplish the common good. Ah, a prevailing spirit of
camaraderie. And human decency. Wouldn’t
it be nice? If my dreams came true. --Jim Broede
They tell me I'm weird.
I have several weird friends. Who are devoted to Donald
Trump. They voted for him. They adore him. With them, it’s almost a religion. A
blind faith. In Trump. They admit. That Trump tells lies. But that doesn’t
bother them. The ends justify the means. Better, they argue, to believe what
one wants to believe. And to hell with
the facts and the truth. Better to proceed on blind faith. And that’s exactly
what it is. Religious fanaticism transformed into political fanaticism. With uncanny
fervor. To my weird friends, Trump is equivalent to a walking, talking messiah. A savior. That includes my own sister. I
encourage her and other afflicted to see a psychoanalyst. To get their heads
together. But they think I’m the crazy
one. That I need counseling. That I’m the weird one. --Jim Broede
The most wonderful dream.
I dream. Pleasant dreams. Can’t remember the last time I had
a nightmare. Most dreams don’t need interpreting. They come. To be enjoyed. To soothe my
psyche. Though if a dream seems puzzling. I look for a meaning. Often, multiple
explanations. Customarily, I choose the most positive one. Could be that my
dreams are expressions of my spirit. Attempts
to communicate with my physical being. Makes me wonder. If I’m a two-part
being. Having the ability to divide. To separate. Allowing me to leave my
physical existence behind. In favor of a spiritual destiny. A true parting of
ways. Yes, the most wonderful dream of all. --Jim Broede
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Beyond belief.
I’m an explorer. Of two worlds. The inner world and the
outer world. And most of my time is
spent in the inner world. Which I find most fascinating. And so easily
accessible. And less hostile than the
outer world. Though there’s some things nice to be said of both worlds. I list
my occupation as writer. But if truth be told, I’m more explorer than
writer. I suspect that most of us were
born to be explorers. Otherwise, we would merely be going through the motions
of living. That may apply, too, to those who rarely, if ever, venture into the
inner world. That’s where I have made my most profound discoveries. Such as the existence of an intangible
spirit, also known as soul. I suspect that’s my real being, my real
self. It’s there. Behind my façade. Otherwise known as my
physical shell. Which eventually
crumbles into nothingness. It has no lasting relevance. A spirit/soul is
eternal. Little wonder. That’s why I am motivated to explore the inner world. It captures my imagination. Beyond belief. --Jim Broede
It's up to me.
I marvel. At the stuff I can do. Rather than at what I can’t
do. For instance, I can think thoughts.
That make sense. And not least. I can imagine. Being a spirit. Able to visit
other galaxies. I can imagine talking to the creator. Directly. I’m also able
to create. My life. And make it seem real. Not mere imagination. There’s no
stopping me. From declaring and
believing that I am alive and in love.
And that I am fully able to manage my life. Even when things seem out of control. Yes, I
have a sense. Of when I came into being. Though I don’t know why. Don’t know the purpose. But that’s no problem.
Because I have the option. To find my own purpose. That is my ultimate freedom. It’s up to me.
--Jim Broede
Good enough.
I like people. With talent. That I don’t possess. Doesn’t
make me the least bit jealous. I appreciate talent. In others. Oh, I wish. That
I had more talent. To play professional baseball. To sing brilliantly and
melodically. Yes, to carry a tune. To
dance gracefully, too. But I never lament. For lack of talent. Because I am who I am. And that’s good
enough. I have no compulsion. To be anyone else. Best of all. I know. That a
spirit. Lives inside me. --Jim Broede
My fondest dreams.
Taking control. Of one’s life. That’s so
important. I want to control me. And my reaction to adversity. Better that.
Than to allow others to control me. Though I make exceptions. By allowing my
true love. And maybe several trusted friends. To hold some sway over me. But I attempt to steer clear of
controlling others. Better to encourage
others to be themselves. Unless it’s obvious they need help. I’d like to take
control of certain political situations. But recognize that’s impossible.
Beyond my control. However, I make it through the day. Under temperamental control. I am slow to anger. And avoid it. Best as can. Giving me a sense of being a reasonable human being. I’d be nice. If
everyone could do that. That’s one of my fondest dreams. --Jim Broede
Friday, February 3, 2017
An easily managed life.
To relax. I practice biofeedback. Mental and physical
tricks. That put me at ease. I don’t like to be distraught or upset for any
prolonged time. After all, it can raise one’s blood pressure. Sky high. But I
know how to deal with it. By taking charge. By soothing myself. By sitting
down. In an easy chair. Placing my hands on my thighs. And slowly rocking back
and forth. While massaging my thighs. Rhythmically. Yes, biofeedback at its best. Also known as mind over matter. In less than two minutes. My blood pressure
dropped dramatically. From 175/92 to 108/74. Of course, it’s my fault. For
allowing my blood pressure to soar in the first place. But then, that’s life. Full
of ups and downs. But easily managed. --Jim Broede
Better to be plain old me.
In order to be a success. I don’t want to be forced or conned into competing against other people. Life shouldn’t be meant to be unrelenting competition. Against others. Instead, I should be competing against myself. In a relaxing manner. At a slow and leisurely pace. For pure enjoyment. I don’t have to be better than the next guy. But that’s not the way the world is set up. Especially in America. If I enter a marathon or a tennis match or a golf tournament, I’m supposed to be better than others. To win. To defeat others. No. No. No. That’s not me. I’m into the game. For the fun. For pleasure. Being the best. Isn’t my goal. Instead, my goal is to relax. To be at ease. With myself. I don’t need to win the best job. Or the most friends. Or to become monetarily rich. Better to be a decent and honest fellow. To live with my conscience. To be at One with my soul. With my inner self. I used to jog 13 miles. And I used to run a 7-minute mile. I was encouraged. By friends. To enter a marathon. I declined. For good reason. To save my soul. I had no desire to compete against others. To the contrary. It wasn’t necessary to be better than others. To see the guy running just ahead of me. And then compel myself. To pass him up. And then get ahead of the next guy and the next and the next. Getting to the head of the pack. Ain’t the purpose of my life. I want to be a winner. In my own way. Without annihilating the next guy. Better to live. Just being plain old me. I don’t have to be better than others. I refuse to make life an all-out competition. --Jim Broede
Thursday, February 2, 2017
My own soulful paradise.
No sense. In allowing the real world to get me down. Doesn’t really matter. When events beyond my control go awry. Such as electing a disaster as president. I’ll still survive. And not lose any sleep. Because I know what to ignore. And what to savor. I’m still able to fall in love. Despite the political melodrama. The abhorrent conflagrations. The inhumanity. The devastation. I still go for long walks. And breathe fresh air. And read books. And listen to music. And wish to live forever. Yes, I know the trick. To make life worthwhile and idyllic. Isolating myself. From the bad stuff. By creating my own soulful paradise. --Jim Broede
There's no stopping me.
I become. By imagining. What I want to be. A romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A writer. A lover. A dreamer. Yes, it all starts. With my imagination. Often, the first step is to dream dreams. I go in hot pursuit of my most cherished fantasies. That’s how I became a writer. As a youngster. In the sixth grade. I started publishing a neighborhood newspaper. Focusing on writing. News and feature stories. Some of satirical nature. About my neighbors. Of course, I needed the tools of my craft. A typewriter. So I asked my parents for one. And suddenly there it was. Under the Christmas tree. I also commandeered a gelatin printer. Called a hectograph. From which I ran off copies of the Riverlawn Gazette. Selling for a penny a copy. But I became rich. From fabulous tips. And garnered much attention. In my hometown. Yes, I was off to a newspaper career. By not only imagining what I wanted to be. But by actually doing it. Of course, it all needed a beginning. A seed. Planted in my mind. Other seeds were quick to follow. The best seed of all. Has sprouted in my eternal soul. Here I am. A full-fledged spiritual free-thinker. Who’d have thought? I could become. Anything. In the realm of my boundless imagination. Even a lover. And a romantic idealist. There’s no stopping me. --Jim Broede
Keep it going everyone.
I’m learning. To be the natural me. When I wrote for newspapers, I
followed more traditional ways of writing. After retiring. I declared,
to hell with tradition. I’ll write as I please. And not to
the dictates of an editor. My blog. Is my blog. My postings in other
forums, are my postings. I stay flexible, too. On subject matters.
Musings and broodings, for instance. Should be real musings and broodings. About any and everything. Stuff
that comes naturally. I want flexibility. When it comes to rules. I
write as I think. Spontaneously. In spurts. I’m speaking in shorter
sentences, too. Again, doing what comes naturally. My style is for me. Your style is for you. That’s the way it should be. To each his own. Let’s
learn to tolerate and appreciate. Each other. Might be a good lesson.
For politicians. I’m for less rambling. And more getting to the point.
And let’s excel at listening. Yes, listening, listening, listening. I’m
listening to so many others. To you. And often I like what I’m hearing.
I’m impressed. Keep it going everyone. Please. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Slowly. Leisurely.
Living a slow and leisurely life. I like the idea. And the goal. Don’t always achieve it. But I’m getting better at it. By learning to say ‘no.’ To folks who prod me to do more. Too much, really. I’m attracted mostly to associates who encourage me to slow down. To slacken my pace. Some suggest that less is more. I agree with that concept. Years ago, I quit being a 24/7 care-giver. And became an 8-10 hours a day care-giver. Allowing me to set side time daily. For much-needed respite. One of the wisest decisions I ever made. Yes, like magic. Presto. I became a more efficient, more effective, more loving care-giver. Rest. Rest. Rest. Made the difference. Put me in genuine mood for caring. I started to resonate good vibes. All the time. I benefited. But so did everyone around me. Of course, I have an occasional relapse. Trying to do too much. But not for long. I take charge of my life once again. Slowly. Leisurely. --Jim Broede
As I once imagined.
A confession. Don’t always feel safe. When venturing into
the world. I occasionally feel high anxiety. Hard to say why I’m uneasy. I feel
safe. When I’m alone. In my home, also known as cocoon. Out in the woods. On a
mountain top. On an isolated seashore. All those places put me at ease.
Especially if no one else is around. Of course, I feel safe, too, with my
Italian amore. And several other friends.
But overall, I’m leery of the rest of the populated world. Especially
power elites or ruling class. The politicians. The bureaucrats. The capitalist oligarchs.
People such as Donald Trump. And his associates. I don’t trust religious
fanatics, either. Though some of them are more funny than dangerous or
hostile. Oh, one more thing. I don’t
mind meeting total strangers. Which may seem odd. But consider my underlying motive.
Looking for people I can trust. To prove a point. That the world isn’t all that
hostile and unfriendly. That maybe I have a grossly warped view of mankind.
Really, it would be a pleasure. If I learned. Beyond a doubt. That the world
isn’t nearly as bad. As I once imagined. --Jim Broede
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