I'm encouraged by Obama's response to the devastation from the weather
on the East Coast. He looks very presidential. And Romney
looks like a jerk. It's gonna help Obama in the polls in these final
days leading to the election. I'm starting to feel a bit more
optimistic. Romney is an evil man. Obama is a good man. And I'm a
judgmental man. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
My most distrusted list.
I don't trust some people. That's just the way it is. At the moment,
Mitt Romney tops my list of most distrusted. I probably have more faith
in Charles Manson than in Romney. I don't like either guy. But if I had
to befriend one or the other, give me Manson. I suspect that Romney is
more ruthless and a bigger manipulative liar than Manson. At least
Manson is tucked away in a prison cell. For the rest of his life. But
Romney is on the loose. And even dangerously close to becoming the
president of the United States. That scares the hell out of me. Romney
could end up doing far more harm than Manson. Because he would be in a
position of power. Just imagine the devastating effect Romney and his
policies could have on American society. He'd see to it that there's an
even wider gap between the rich and the poor. And he would trample on
the middle class. He would oppose the common good. And he'd probably
get us into a needless and obscene war. With a tremendous loss of
innocent lives. Manson was a cold-blooded killer. Makes me wonder if he
was any worse than leaders that lead us into unnecessary wars. --Jim
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
An opportunity to save ourselves.
What would it take for god to become mean-spirited? What would he have
to do? Yes, I have an idea. He could make Mitt Romney president. That
would be a way to punish Americans for their wayward ways. Christians
tell me that god once decided to wipe the slate clean by bringing on a
flood. Forty days and 40 nights of solid rain. With only Noah and his
ark of animals surviving. But we Americans may get a fate worse than a
mere flood. Yes, Mitt Romney. Not only for four years. But for two
terms. It'd serve us right. God thought that maybe we learned our lesson
from eight grueling years under George Bush. Instead, we have
regressed. Politically. Economically. Socially. We continue to ignore
the common good. Therefore, god will make us suffer. In a living hell.
Presided over by the heartless and cruel Romney. Because we don't know
any better. We have failed to listen to god. Oh, how I'd like to wheel
and deal with god. Wishing he had a forgiving nature. Giving us a second
term of Barack Obama. But god tells me it's up to us. We still have a
golden opportunity to save Obama and ourselves. Next Tuesday. --Jim
To see what lies beyond.
We humans tend to limit ourselves. Playing life too safe.
Conservatively. At least, that's the way I see it. Of course, there are
exceptions. And that's what I wanna be. An exception. Thinking. Thinking
my own thoughts. Doesn't matter where my mind takes me. I'll go.
Willingly. Over the horizon. To see what lies beyond. --Jim Broede
A lover, above all else.
Don't mind going off deep ends. Over the edge, so to speak. Maybe that's
why I'm a political liberal. Rather than a conservative. Liberals tend
to try new things. New approaches. New slants. That's the way I define
liberalism. I'm willing to take chances. Risks. That makes me a romantic
idealist, too. Little wonder that I have an Italian true love. And live
in Italy much of the year. Doesn't bother me, too, that I'm 77, and
counting. Taking life one day at a time. Savoring precious moments. And
oh, yes, I'm a free-thinker. In spiritual matters. No limits. I believe
in the impossible. In other dimensions. Far, far beyond. I cavort with
spirits. And no doubt about it. Love is the motivating force of life. I
was created and destined to be a lover, above all else. --Jim Broede
Monday, October 29, 2012
With his soul still intact.
If Barack Obama is re-elected, he needs to become another Lyndon
Johnson. A true politician. Unafraid to use strong-arm tactics. To get
things done. To bring feuding sides together. To accomplish an agenda
that's good for America. But there's one problem. Obama probably doesn't
have it in himself to be anybody but Barack Obama. An intellectual. A
guy who would make a better college professor than a politician. Obama
doesn't have the savvy or the inclination to do what it takes. To wheel
and deal. Maybe Romney does. Because he's a politician. Two-faced. And
ruthless. He's capable of becoming a Lyndon Johnson. Many Americans
aren't bothered by the fact that Romney is a bold-faced liar. And that
he would sell his soul to the devil, if that's what it takes to become
president. He'll say and do anything to achieve his goal. Obama won't do
that. He'd rather lose. And go home to Chicago, or wherever. And become
a college professor. With his soul still intact. --Jim Broede
A slight wear and tear.
I suspect we are all handicapped. To one degree or another. But many of
us find ways to overcome our handicaps. For instance, I'm 77. Considered
relatively old. I don't necessarily feel old. But I can't perform some
physical feats that used to come easy. I probably can't run a 7-minute
mile any more. Though I'm not even inclined to try it. Might strain a
muscle. Or even collapse. Instead, I settle for riding a bike for 30
miles. Or walking for 11 miles. At a clip of 14 minutes per mile. Which I
did today. Doing what I can. Within my limits. Slower than I used to.
Now my goal is endurance over speed. Makes me feel sort of free of
handicaps. Even though, I feel a slight wear and tear of age. --Jim
And that's no malarkey.
I'm occupied. By one thought or another. Only then do I feel truly
alive. Makes me conscious. And I feel most conscious when conjuring up
an actual thought. An awareness that I exist. That I'm alive. More than
imagination. Capable of being creative. By giving my life substance.
Discovering the concept of love, for instance. Used to think of love as
malarkey. But that wasn't fulfilling. So I had to make the malarkey
more meaningful. By taking this thing called love more seriously.
becoming a romantic idealist. Which means truly believing in love.
Practicing love. On a daily basis. Anyway, I'm convinced. Persuaded.
That I'm truly in love. With someone. And with life. Yes, I'm occupied.
By love. It's me at my creative best. Lately, I've been thinking about
how to love my enemies, so to speak. Republicans, for instance. And
maybe it's that I gotta stop thinking of 'em as Republicans. But merely
as stupid people. That makes it easier. I find it far easier to love an
idiot, imbecile or moron than to love a Republican. And that's no
malarkey. --Jim Broede
Sunday, October 28, 2012
It's a shame.
Here's the way I see it. Most Americans don't pay attention to politics.
They are busy with other aspects of life. Such as making a living. And
raising a family. Or pursuing a love. They can't even name a member of
the city council or the school board. Some don't even know who's their
senator or congressman or the president. But some of these same people
will trek to the polls next Tuesday. And vote. Based on very little
information. That's why Mitt Romney stands a good chance of becoming
president. Because Americans that have no business voting actually vote.
Based on scant information. Maybe no more than an impression obtained
from a sound bite or two. They have no clue about the issues driving the
election. In many instances, they won't vote for Barack Obama merely
because he's black. Or because they think he's a Muslim or foreign born.
Yes, in America, lack of intelligence (stupidity) is no barrier to
voting. It's a shame. --Jim Broede
The truly free spirits.
I like to get up at odd hours. In the middle of night. At 4:30 a.m., for
instance. And follow my impulse. To sit down at my computer. And write a
thread or two. For my blog. With no special topic in mind. Instead, I
trigger my thinking machine (the brain) and let thought flow. First of
all, it ain't 4:30 a.m. Instead, it's 11:30 a.m. Because I've projected
myself to Sardinia. Where my Italian true love lives. And she's 7 hours
ahead of me. I can connect with her. At the moment.
From Minnesota. On Skype. If I choose. She's most likely up and at home. Though
she might be at the graveyard. Putting fresh flowers on
the graves of her parents. She usually does that on Sundays. I go with
her when I'm in Sardinia. I like the ritual. Though once I felt uneasy
in cemeteries. But in Sardinia, I'm at peace with it. I'm
fascinated. By the Italian Catholic cemetery. My true love calls it the
graveyard. It's unusual. Not like the cemeteries I'm accustomed to in
the USA. Though I've not been in many. Seldom going to funerals.
Especially graveyard services. Anyway, in Sardina, I look at the names
on the graves. Some in small vaults. Containing compacted decomposed
remains. The names sound Italian. With rare exception. Unlike in the
U.S. Where there's a blend of nationalities. German.
French. Scandinavian. Asian. Name a nationality. And you'll find it in
America. In cities. In graveyards. Everywhere. Shows that America has
been open to immigration. From all over the world. Maybe more so than in
any other country. I like that. No problem for me welcoming illegal
immigrants. If they like the American way of life, let 'em come. I go
where I'm comfortable. I live on a lake outside a big city. But I also go to Sardinia. To live
with my true love. For about half the year. Gives me a sense of freedom
of movement. And closeness to my true love. And the spirits in
the graveyard. I suspect many of 'em have left. Choosing to hang around
in distant parts of the cosmos. Far from Mother Earth. They're the truly free
spirits. --Jim Broede
Saturday, October 27, 2012
A mind-set for happiness.
Have you ever lived 10 truly happy days in a row? Ponder an answer to
that question. I suspect many people would answer 'no.'
And I wonder if that's significant. Do some people find extended
happiness to be virtually impossible? That the most they can achieve is
two or three consecutive days of true happiness. They aren't calibrated
for more than that. I used to find happiness a little bit elusive. I
couldn't go more than a few days without being bothered by something
disconcerting. But I've learned to find precious moments of happiness
almost every day. I have cultivated a mind-set for happiness. Maybe it's
because I'm truly in love. With someone. And with life. --Jim Broede
My most fervent wish.
When I become totally absorbed in now, I lose track of time. And that's
truly living. Because I shut out everything else. I'm focused. I'm
wearing blinders. I can't be distracted. I've captured the moment. One
can't be totally absorbed all the time. Impossible, I suppose. And maybe
I don't necessarily want to lose track of time. I have to catch a plane
to Sardinia in two weeks. I'd hate to miss the plane because I lost
track of time. I know people with dementia. And some of 'em have no or
little sense of time. Maybe for them it's a blessing. But not for me.
Because I need time. To be able to live a full life. I need a past. And a
future. My most fervent wish is to have forever. --Jim Broede
Friday, October 26, 2012
America's sharp racial divide.
I'm white. But when it comes to political and social issues, I'm far
more nonwhite than white. For instance, I take pride in having served on
the executive board of an NAACP chapter in Florida during
the civil rights movement in the 1960s. I've long argued that
America is a racist country. And that many conservative Republicans are
racists, and oppose Barack Obama simply because he's black. They are
livid that a black man resides in the White House. There's a sharp racial
divide in America. Polls show that 91 percent of Mitt Romney's
supporters are white. And that over all, Romney will get 60 percent of
the white vote, compared to 37 percent for Obama. Meanwhile, Obama is
expected to get 80 percent of the nonwhite vote. I suspect many whites voting for Romney are racists. They wouldn't vote for a black man
under any circumstances. However, it seems there's less racism
in America today than in the past. Evidenced by Obama being elected
president, and standing a good chance of winning a second term. A black
president would have been impossible a few years ago. --Jim Broede
A liar versus a truth-teller.
Mitt Romney is a pathological liar. I'm an amateur psychoanalyst. I love to psychoanalyze people. Especially politicians. And yes, I have diagnosed Romney as a liar
that is compulsive
or impulsive, lies on a regular basis and is unable to control his
lying despite foreseeing inevitable negative consequences or ultimate
disclosure of the lie. I suspect that Romney often lies to himself. By
declaring with a straight face and clear conscience that he's really an
honest guy. He's so used to lying that he has difficulty distinguishing a lie from the truth. Anyway, this is another reason I'm gonna vote
for Barack Obama. I've diagnosed him as a chronic truth-teller. --Jim
A way to break free.
I don't trust the media. To give me a true sense of reality. Over what's
happening in this world. It's distorted. Biased. Incomplete. Meant to
entertain more than inform. Leaves me confused. Maybe I'd be better off
living as a recluse. In the middle of nowhere. In an isolated cocoon.
With my Italian true love. To limit myself to a few friends and
acquaintances. And to ignore reports of what's going on in the rest of
the world. But still, I tend to be curious. I try to make sense of the
world. Knowing that's impossible. So I begin to think that I'm a
character in a living novel. In a scenario that keeps unfolding. Moment
by moment. Page by page. Chapter by chapter. Thinking that I have some
control over the storyline. On what comes next. When really, I don't.
It's all fated. But that doesn't scare me. Because if I'm part of a
living novel, there must be eternal recurrence. The novel can be
read/lived over and over again. But maybe I have the freedom to
interpret the significance of it all in different ways. Time after time.
Maybe I'll see something I didn't see the first or second or third time
around. Maybe I can find a way to break free. --Jim Broede
On turning bad into good.
I love the little on-going dramas of life. And how one copes. For
instance, I'm aware of a high school junior. A teen-age girl. Troubled.
Because she doesn't like her Latin/Greek teacher. For several reasons.
Incompetence. And a mean spirit. A personality conflict. I'm watching
how the teacher and the girl deal with the situation. It's an
opportunity for them to work out their differences. One way or another.
So many options. I'm intrigued. Watching how it all unfolds. The student
would like another teacher. But that's impractical. So far, she's cried
and felt sorry for herself. I'm suggesting that she deal with it in a
less emotional way. That she find a way to truly communicate with the
teacher. To resolve the matter satisfactorily. There's a lesson to be
learned here that transcends the Latin/Greek lessons. Yes, one must
learn to cope with the realities of life. And it ain't too early for
this girl to learn how to handle incompetent and mean-spirited people.
Because she'll run into many of 'em in the course of human events. Such teachers/people may be in the minority. The exceptions, thank
gawd. Most are very nice. And life is far more good than bad. But it's never too early/soon to learn how to turn a bad experience into something good. --Jim Broede
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Who cares for the poor?
If I had to choose between living under a dictatorship of the
proletariat or a dictatorship of the plutocrats, I'd much prefer the
proletariat. Guess that would make me a communist, of sorts. Fact is I'd
rather not live under a dictatorship, period. Unfortunately, America is
fast-becoming a dictatorship -- of the rich people. Resulting in a
widening gap between the rich and the poor. And an ever-shrinking middle
class. Those with the most money run the show. And they really don't
care about poor people. That raises the question, who cares for the
poor? --Jim Broede
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
A blessing I've lasted this long.
When I was 7 or 17 or 27, I never imagined living to 77, and counting.
That would have been thinking way too far ahead. And it would have
seemed like a remote and unlikely possibility. And that if I got that
far, I would be a doddering old man. Well, I'm still walking 10 miles a
day, or riding a bike for 30 miles. And I have an Italian true love.
Which allows me to spend half of the year in Sardinia. And hey, life ain't
so bad. Of course, I have more years behind me than ahead of me. But
the surprising thing is I don't think much about it. Because I deal with
life one day at a time. I've learned to not get ahead of myself. I
don't think about being 87 or 97 or 107. My focus is on today. And
tomorrow. Because it'll be the fifth anniversary of the day I met my
Italian true love. Therefore, it's a blessing I've lasted this long.
--Jim Broede
The American way.
I'll give a sigh of relief if Obama is elected to a second term. While
I'm generally an optimist, I tend to be pessimistic about American
politics. Because I often find myself on the losing side. I have little
faith in Americans when it comes to political choice. More often than
not, it's the wrong choice. Such as electing George Bush to two terms.
Bush was a disaster. And Romney as president, could be even more
disastrous than Bush. But many Americans never learn. They keep making
the same mistakes over and over again. That's the American way. --Jim Broede
Italian humor.
In Rome and many other Italian cities, it's illegal to sit down in front
of historic monuments and eat. Doesn't matter if it's a sandwich or an
ice cream cone. Italians want tourists and even fellow Italians to mind
their manners. And it's considered rude to munch around certain
monuments. And that includes fountains. Maybe that sounds silly. But
hey, I can buy into it. Because it's so Italian. Of course, not all
Italians concur. It's difficult finding two Italians who think alike.
They tend to be independent. And stubborn. And they do crazy things.
Such as sentencing six scientists/seismologists to six years in prison
for not giving adequate warnings of an earthquake. Sometimes I wonder if
it's all a put-on. A fabulous hoax. An expression of Italian humor.
--Jim Broede
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The offsetting of stupid white men.
I'm ashamed of stupid white men. Because they overwhelmingly favor Mitt
Romney for president. That's a sad state of affairs. At least I know
better. I'm white. And I'd vote for Genghis Khan rather than support
Romney. Anyway, maybe there's solace for the likes of me. In that Romney
needs to dupe far more than white males to win the election.
Fortunately, big majorities of blacks and Hispanics oppose Romney. Same
goes for women. In big, big numbers. It's gonna be a close election. But
there may be enough intelligent people to offset stupid white men -- to
defeat Romney and give Barack Obama a second term. --Jim Broede
I'm judgmental and opinionated.
Yes, I'm being judgmental. About Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. That's
just the way it is. It's not my best trait. Being judgmental. Certain
religions preach that it ain't nice to be judgmental. So maybe I'm not
nice. But I'm being nice, it seems to me, when I'm judgmental about
Obama. He's a nice guy. Honest. Doing the right thing. Working for the
common good. As for Romney, my impression is that of an evil, deceitful
liar. Yes, a pretty harsh judgment. I don't like the guy. You know
what? I don't feel guilty making harsh judgments. That's part of life. I
make judgments/decisions daily. Impossible to get through life without
being judgmental. I trust some people. Not others. I want no part of
Romney. But then, maybe I have to more or less accept him, especially
if he's elected president. I won't like it. But that's part of life.
Can't always have my way. But I can always have my opinion. --Jim Broede
I want to be Robin Hood.
Maybe monetarily rich people should be denied certain rights. Such as
spending wads of their money on creating political, economic and social
systems aimed at promoting their selfish individual good over that of
the common good. Chances of that ever happening are nil. But still, it's
worth discussing. Because it's a freedom of speech issue. In a sense, I
wanna deny them purchased speech. I'd still allow them to speak. But
not necessarily with their money. My dislike is for what money can buy.
Evil, for instance. Money gives the rich an advantage. Because they have
more opportunity to reach the gullible public. Too much freedom for the rich ends up taking away freedom from the rest of us. From the middle class and the poor.
The masses of common people are outshouted, outspent by the rich. By
the oligarchs. By the plutocrats. True democracy is impossible when we
give free rein to the rich. To do whatever they want with their money. I
want to be Robin Hood. Taking their money and redistributing it. For
the common good. --Jim Broede
Monday, October 22, 2012
A fairy tale.
Once upon a time, Republicans and Democrats in Congress socialized. With
each other. I know that sounds like a fairy tale. But I've heard it
from the mouths of politicians who served in the 1950s and 1960s. They
recall having each others' families over for meals and camaraderie. They
temporarily forgot about their partisan divides. And became friends.
True friends. Despite being Republicans and Democrats. As a result, they
often compromised. Because they understood and listened to each other.
They tried to be genuinely fair and accommodating. They tried to do what
was best for America. That doesn't happen any more. Now they don't
socialize. Enemies don't socialize. That's left for friends. --Jim
A natural born liar.
Mitt Romney is trying to confuse everyone. By taking multiple positions
on virtually every issue. Makes it seem as though Romney is for and
against everything. Just depends on his audience. If he's talking to
conservatives, he has a conservative agenda. But if he sits down with
liberals, he becomes a liberal. Romney also is capable of being a
political moderate. Yes, it just depends. He's Mr. Flexibility. And
Romney assumes that will get him elected president. Maybe it will. Goes
against conventional thinking. But in the world of politics, nothing
surprises me. Not even Romney. Could be that Romney is a natural born liar.--Jim Broede
Talking: My second favorite pastime.
When I'm living in Sardinia, I seldom watch television. Mostly because
virtually everything is in Italian. Even American movies have dubbed in
Italian. Of course, it would be a good way for me to learn Italian. By
watching TV. But I don't. Because it feels good getting away from
television. I'm better off reading a book or an English language
newspaper. I don't miss American TV. I remember life when most homes
didn't have TV. We listened to the radio. And talked to each other.
Talking is my second favorite pastime. Just behind writing. --Jim Broede
Knowing that I'm blessed.
I'm pushing my luck. By sticking around Minnesota until Nov. 10. Which
means I may see snow before I leave. Could be lots of it. Remember a
Halloween when we had 28 inches of snow. Back in '91. But it's gonna be
70 degrees tomorrow. And October has been mostly balmy and sunny. Sort
of like Sardinia in mid-winter. That's where I'll be. With my Italian
true love. Until April. When I return to Minnesota. Nice thing about
Sardinia. No snow. No freezing temperatures. And I'm only 20 minutes
from wonderful beaches on the Mediterranean Sea. But then, I wouldn't
complain if I had to stay in Minnesota all winter. I'd make the best of
it. Knowing that I'm blessed. No matter where I live. --Jim Broede
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Italy's leftists make me feel at home.
I'm for government creating jobs. To put the unemployed back to work.
It's the humane and sensible thing to do. Hey, we could use more
teachers, more health care workers, especially in nursing homes and
hospitals. And we need workers to repair and expand the public
infrastructure, such as roads and bridges. And for good measure, let's
toss in some parks and arts projects. The additional employment will be a
boon to the economy. Because the workers will be spending their
salaries. Buying products and services. As for how we'll pay for all
this. No problem. Let's cut defense budget by a trillion dollars. Better
than spending all that money on unnecessary and obscene wars. Amazing,
isn't it? I have solutions to virtually all of our economic woes. But
nobody seems to be listening. Guess that fortifies my decision to leave
the USA in November. I'm going to live with my beautiful and intelligent Italian true love. On
the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea. I'll be back around Easter. To see if America
has come to its senses. If not, I'll keep returning to Italy. For longer
and longer stays. Where I mingle with political leftists. They make me feel truly at home. --Jim Broede
The bothersome nature of life.
Making more than small talk. I try to do that. With my friends and
acquaintances and strangers. I often ask: What's the most bothersome
aspect of your life? And how do you deal with it? Of course, some will
suggest that's too personal. They prefer innocuous small talk. Which is
all right. But I prefer stimulating dialogues. I spring these
questions on strangers. People I met only 10 minutes ago. Maybe they
think I'm weird. Or too nosy. That's all right, too. Doesn't bother me.
Thing is, I'm not really bothered by much. Because if it's something I
can't change, there isn't much sense in being too bothered. Instead, I
practice acceptance. And get on with other matters. Such as things I can
change. Then I work for change. So that I'm no longer bothered. --Jim Broede
When life becomes sticky.
I can choose to focus. On virtually anything. Positive stuff. Negative
stuff. Mostly, I select things that make me happy. Because my primary
mission is life is the pursuit of happiness. Doesn't make sense to be
unhappy. Yet, I know people that choose unhappiness. Instinctively. It's
as if they wanna be unhappy. In a sense, unhappiness makes them happy.
Yes, that's crazy. By my definition. But hey, to each his/her own. After
all, I believe in freedom. Of choice. Even if one wants to commit
suicide. I wouldn't recommend it. But also, I draw a line. It ain't
right and proper to take other people's lives. I'm strongly opposed to
murder. Even to capital punishment. Another thing I'm against. Lying
politicians. That's why I won't vote for Mitt Romney. He's a liar. A
pathological liar, I suspect. But I defend his right to lie. He's
allowed to attempt to fool people. And people are allowed to be stupid.
To accept his lies. To be bamboozled. Once again, I don't like it. I
abhor it. But I believe in individual freedom. Everyone has a right to
act like an idiot, imbecile or moron. But then, there's a decent limit
to everything. One musn't cause harm to others. And that's when life
becomes sticky. In drawing lines. --Jim Broede
Saturday, October 20, 2012
I can feel the spirits.
I give a romantic twist to the meaningful stuff. Guess that makes me a romantic idealist. That's why I believe in the spirit world. Because it's romantic. To converse with spirits. And I also dream of being a spirit some day. Free of my physical limits. Able to move about the cosmos. To other worlds. Spirits can do that. They are not restrained. They are closer to the creator. Because the creator is a spirit. And maybe it takes a spirit to understand a spirit. Though I'm not yet a full-fledged spirit, I try to think like a spirit. And to feel like a spirit. By romanticizing life. Savoring precious moments. Especially with my Italian true love. I fall in love. Spiritually. Or so it seems. I begin to believe in the impossible. Spirits merely drift and glide from place to place. They float on clouds. They ride the wind. One doesn't see a spirit. Instead, one feels a spirit. That's why I know beyond a doubt that spirits exist. I can feel the spirits. --Jim Broede
Friday, October 19, 2012
From the creator's perspective.
I wonder if the creator can travel to any place in creation. And if so, by what mode does he travel? Or is it possible that he can simply will himself to be at any location in an instant? That would be a remarkable feat. I have an overwhelming desire to visit another solar system. Where a planet was recently discovered. The planet is relatively close. Only 4 light years away. Many other worlds are thousands of light years away. Think about distance in terms of light years. In other words, it would take four years to reach that new planet if one traveled at the speed of light -- 186,000 miles per second. Some astronomers have suggested sending a probe to the newly-discovered planet. But if we used the fastest technology that we have, it'd take 1,000 years for us to arrive. Therefore, it ain't gonna be practical for Earthlings to even consider such a flight. Guess I'll have to give up on my dream to travel very, very afar. Unless, of course, I ask the creator for an assist. A favor, really. I suspect he has the know-how and wherewithal. He could transport me. The same way that he moves about. Maybe the secret is to become a spirit. Maybe then I could will myself to be 4 light years away. With the mere snap of my spiritual fingers. Anyway, I'm curious. About creation. About the cosmos. I'd like to spend forever exploring the place. To learn more about the creator's handiwork. Yes, I want to see everything from the perspective of the creator. --Jim Broede
Thursday, October 18, 2012
An excuse to lie.
Lance Armstrong. Cheater. In the bicycle-racing world. Now he's been caught. And being vilified by a self-righteous society. But I suspect we're all cheaters. And liars. To varying degrees. After all, isn't that the way of the world? Take politics, for instance. Aren't many politicians natural born liars and cheaters? How else can they claw their way to their niches. They have to lie and cheat. To get ahead. And we know it. And we tolerate it. Name a successful honest politician. You can't. There is no such thing. Maybe there isn't even an honest man/woman. We lie to each other, and especially to ourselves. We can't get through life any other way. And tell me, what is truth? Maybe there's no such thing. One man's truth is another man's lie. Do I sound cynical? Certainly, I do. It's my way of pretending that I'm honest. When I'm just as dishonest as the next guy. I hereby declare there's no such thing as truth. Gives me an excuse to lie. --Jim Broede
The best language of all.
Soon, I'll be living with my Italian true love. In Sardinia. For months and months. It's a different life. In a different land. With a different language. One that I'll never master. But that's unimportant. Because my true love and I speak the same language. The language of love. Which comes instinctively. Between two people. Two living souls. Our common language is called English. But it's far more than that. The language of love. Intermixed with a few words of Italian. Sometimes, our language is silence. That's the best language of all. --Jim Broede
A chain of thoughts.
My favorite pastime. It's doing what I'm doing now. Writing. My thoughts. Which I call broodings. Makes me aware. That I'm alive and conscious. Puts me on record. That I exist. When I sit down to write, I often have no idea about what to write. So I begin a stream of consciousness. And merely put down words. I like to do that. To turn on my thinking machine. In a sense, I am a machine. A robot. A computer. Maybe planted on Mother Earth. By a higher intelligence. Sometimes called god. Maybe that's how to define god. A higher intelligence. A form of life impossible to fully comprehend. Anyway, I'm trying to figure it all out. With the written word. A stream of thought. That meanders. Through a primeval forest. Takes me on a journey. To an unknown destination. Makes me wonder if there's an end. If I fade into oblivion. Never to think again. To be totally unaware of existence. My existence. or anyone's. Or do I keep advancing? To ever-higher levels of consciousness and awareness and thought? I have a compulsion. To forge ahead. To link my thoughts. Into a chain. Maybe that's all I am. A chain of thoughts. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
An ideal and happy society.
I like people that have become happy. Without having to make lots of money. Instead, they enjoy the things in life that don't necessarily require being monetarily rich. Going for walks. In the great outdoors. Enjoying nature. Reading a book. Having a loving relationship. A modest home. And a family. And friends. Living frugally is possible in many societies. Especially where the emphasis is on the common good. Where government steps in. With such services as public education and socialized medicine. And a tax system based on ability to pay. Of course, the likes of Mitt Romney may look upon these people as moochers and freeloaders. Especially if they pay little or no income taxes. But sounds fair to me. That the people with low incomes are subsidized to some degree by people with higher incomes. Yes, I like it that way. Because it's the decent thing to do. Distribution of wealth in ways that benefit society. Certainly, it's better than a society in which the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. We're all in this world together. I'd like to think we have a moral obligation to help each other. Another reason to have strong and effective government. To make for more equality and more fairness. An ideal and happy society. --Jim Broede
Full-fledged jerks, like Romney.
Mitt Romney is a jerk. And Barack Obama is a nice guy. That's really all I need to know. No way would I vote for a jerk. No matter what he stands for. Because a jerk is a jerk is a jerk. In Romney's case, he's a monetarily rich jerk. His primary motivation in life is to make money. To get so rich that he can afford elevators in his garage. So that he can lift his cars to multiple levels. It's also important for Romney to have multiple homes. Mansions. Small castles. In acquiring all this, Romney has cultivated himself as a true blue jerk. A money-grubber. He considers himself a member of the ruling elite. Privileged. He looks with disdain on people beneath him. Which means virtually anyone that isn't motivated by the accumulation of money. Romney claims to be a Mormon. But he really worships money. Far more money than anyone needs to survive. In fact, 100,000 people probably could survive decently if Romney's total wealth were redistributed. To serve the common good. I'm not saying that's what needs or should be done. But I am saying that Romney and other rich people should be taxed more. For the public benefit. Such as narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. Another thing. I'm not saying that all rich people are jerks. I'm merely singling out Romney. Because he also has a lust for power. Primarily so he can advance the interests of other rich people. In his elite class. He couldn't care less about the middle class and poor people. He thinks of them as moochers. Deadbeats. Seekers of hand-outs. Entitlements. But there's a far worse fate. They could become full-fledged jerks. Like Romney. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
How to better manage life.
My abhor list used to be topped by Alzheimer's. Because my dear sweet wife Jeanne had Alzheimer's. And died of Alzheimer complications. But now I've learned to abhor other things more than Alzheimer's. Maybe it's because Alzheimer's is sort of behind me. I've learned acceptance. And how to deal with adversity. In better ways. Oh, I don't isolate myself from the disease. I'm still a parttime, volunteer care-giver. I'm not scared to pitch in. To mix with Alzheimer patients. Years and years ago, I didn't even want to visit a nursing home. Because it made me despondent. But now I've learned to even enjoy being a care-giver. And being able to exude good vibes in their presence. Knowing that it does good. I've learned that almost everyone with Alzheimer's can be reached. In one way or another. It's just a matter of looking and experimenting. Yes, the attitude of the care-giver makes a big difference. Best to be positive and well-rested. The care-giver has to be a little bit selfish. By taking care of himself/herself. Otherwise, the care-giving may all go for naught. Doing more harm than good. I'm happy being a part-time care-giver. No way do I ever want to be full-time again. Because it's destructive. Not only to my patient. But to me. To everyone. That's just me. I know my limits. The Alzheimer's experience wasn't all that bad. Taught me how to better manage life. --Jim Broede
Monday, October 15, 2012
Because it's my reality.
I'm focused. On life. My life. And what's happening. And how I'm affected by it. I put it in writing. And in so doing, I am creating a story. My reality. This stuff...these thoughts...become my existence. I am alive and conscious. And this blog is living proof. I am here. I exist. In the moment. But so do others. Significant others. Anyone I write about...or to...is significant. Even if I don't put it in my blog. But rather in love letters. To my true love. Or in emails. To my friends. And acquaintances. I've posted over 5,000 threads in my blog. I've written over 8,000 emails in recent years. Some lengthy. Some short. With observations about life. I've written thousands of stories published in newspapers. But the essence of what I have to say is in this blog. This is where I declare who and what I am. A romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. I define myself. Rather than leave that up to others. That's the wonder of the modern age. The technology that allows me to move about the world. To connect. Daily. With my Italian true love. Even when she lives in Sardinia. And I live in Minnesota. Different sides of the world. And I choose, too, to share it all with strangers. Random strangers. Random thoughts. Passing through my life. Occasionally, we connect. In meaningful ways. Maybe only for minutes. But then, a handful of strangers have become friends. Even a true love. By happenstance. Or grand design. I suspect it's the latter. And so I write about it. For the sake of substance. It's better than living in a novel. Because it's my reality. --Jim Broede
Sunday, October 14, 2012
I'd rather know what it's all about.
Opinion polls. I'm not sure they are good. Especially during a presidential election campaign. Because on a daily basis they give us an idea of shifting attitudes. Toward Obama. Toward Romney. The polls have turned the campaign into a race. Maybe too exciting. Too tension-filled. It's like following a baseball or football game. Makes it all entertaining. Just what we Americans demand. That we be entertained. Rather than informed. We want election coverage framed as a soap oprea. Too close to call. A real nail-biter. That draws us to the TV and the radio and the newspapers. To get the latest. To keep us guessing about the outcome. In the process, we often lose track of what the candidates stand for. Because they misrepresent each other. All we know is that it's a close race. At least, that's what the pollsters tell us. I'd rather know what the election is all about. --Jim Broede
A life full of surprises.
Maybe Mitt Romney is a master politician. One from which we all could learn. After all, he was able to get elected governor of Massachusetts. No small feat. When considering that Massachusetts is full of liberals. Goes to show that Romney can fool liberals in voting for him. Furthermore, Romney pushed through a universal health care system for Massachusetts. A program very similar to Obamacare. Of course, Romney says he's opposed to Obamacare. And that he'll try to get it repealed if he's elected president. I'd hate to see Romney get elected. But still, I marvel at his adeptness. His ability to lie and manipulate. He's two-faced. One never really knows what's behind his many, many masks. I suspect that Romney does pretty much as he pleases. Because it could be that he has no conscience. That makes it easy for him to sleep. Nothing bothers him. Little wonder that Romney has become a career politician. Politic was made for Romney. And Romney was made for politic. Another thing. Romney is capable of betraying anyone. Even his wife and kids, I suspect. Even himself. Because Romney doesn't consider betrayal to be betrayal. Instead, it's pragmatism. Doing whatever is best for Romney at the moment. Romney could even prove to be a blessing for liberals. Because he might choose to betray his conservative cohorts. Anybody that trusts Romney must be crazy or downright stupid. Romney might even accomplish good. Not by grand design. But inadvertently. Even the most evil leaders have done some good. Hitler, for instance. He helped launch the German autobahn system. Thing about Romney. Nobody really knows him. I suspect that Romney doesn't even know himself. He wakes up every day and surprises himself. That's an adventuresome way to live. A life full of surprises. --Jim Broede
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Love is my everything.
Every day, I become more pissed. About Barack Obama. He might well lose the election. And not gain a second term. And he's the one at fault. For not adequately selling himself. And his administration. And the cause of liberals. Obama sits in the White House. And dilly-dallies. He's not the same Obama that got all hyped up when he ran for president in 2008. He's lost his enthusiasm. It's as if he wants to lose. He doesn't want a second term. He is letting us all down. Everyone that voted for him. Obama should have at least announced a year ago that he doesn't want the job any more. And the Democrats should have picked another nominee. Perhaps Hillary Clinton. Instead, it's almost as if Obama is ceding the election to Mitt Romney. A despised Republican. Likely to rule very much like George Bush. Yes, the guy that took a budget surplus and in eight years turned it all into a huge deficit and an economic crisis. And engaged us in two unnecessary and obscene wars. And widened the gap between the rich and the poor. Yes, Obama's administration has returned some semblance of sanity and balance to our politics and economy. But there's still a long way to go. But if Obama abdicates, as he seems to be doing, all these gains will be for naught. Lost under a Romney regime. Leaves me despondent. Which is out-of-character for me. But I despair. And grieve. For my nation. If Romney and the Republicans gain a strong hold of our government, I may well flee. To another country. Where I can mourn. From a distance. But I will still pursue happiness. With my Italian true love. She's more important and more valued than my country. Turns out, love is my everything. It's gotta sustain me. --Jim Broede
Our mean-spirited political system.
I lack faith in the American people. Especially the ones that go to the polls to elect the president of the United States, A majority are capable of electing Mitt Romney. Consider the fact that Americans elected George Bush. Not only once, but twice. With an assist from the U.S. Supreme Court. The thing is, Republicans are shrewd. They know how to operate/maneuver/manipulate. Effectively. They get their voters to the polls. And they stymie non-Republicans from voting. With silly picture ID rules and other gambits. Anyway, Republicans tend to be more excited and more revved up and more gullible than Democrats. That's the way it is. I don't like it. But gotta give credit where credit is due. Yes, liberals are far too passive. Too complacent. Too nice. It's easier to draw a mean spirit than a kind spirit to the realm of politics. And that's exactly what we have in America. A mean-spirited political system. Producing the likes of George Bush, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich. --Jim Broede
The laughing god.
When crap happens all over the world, it ain't my fault. Because I have virtually no control over other people's actions. I'm merely an individual. Pretty much isolated from it all. Really, with no influence. Maybe powerful people can intervene. And change outcomes. For the better. But I'm a recluse. In a tiny corner of the world. With no effective say. Instead, I blame the powerful. The presidents. Our elected representatives. And not least of all, god himself. Because, if I'm correct, god is all powerful. Can do anything. Even intervene. To stop shit from happening. But chooses not to. Maybe for good reason. He wants us, as a society, to figure it out. But we are too stupid, obviously. Or we have a will to screw up. That's our way. But always, we can conveniently blame god. Because he's supposed to be the guy that created us in the first place. But then, maybe it wasn't a mistake on god's part. He wanted to make us less than perfect. Otherwise, we'd be god's equal. And that would be potentially troublesome. Might lead to multiple gods. Resulting in a dispute/fight over who's the supreme god. Similar to the ongoing dispute/fight over who's the supreme leader of a country. Yes, a matter of politics. God didn't want to play politics in his domain. Heaven. So it was important not to create competing rivals. Anyway, my guess is that god created us strictly for entertainment. We are all actors in god's soap opera. We continually improvise. On stage. One idiotic captivating blunder after another. And god watches. Laughing. Laughing. Laughing uproarishly. --Jim Broede
It's gawd's fault. Not mine.
Occasionally, I go into a mental funk. Which means thinking in a downbeat and negative way. Mostly, I'm upbeat and positive. The nice thing is that I always get back on track again. Because I've trained myself. To put life in proper perspective. With a reminder. That there are certain things/events over which I have no control. Such as the outcome of a baseball game or an election or the weather. I gotta learn acceptance. For instance, if Mitt Romney becomes president. Means that's how it was fated. Doesn't matter how much I wish it would be otherwise. It just is. And if I wanna be happy, it's best to get on with the rest of my life. Maybe in Sardinia with my Italian true love. Rather than in the USA. Yes, that's something over which I have control. I can do it. It's a viable option. One that could make me happy. That's my major goal in life. The pursuit of happiness. Used to be that when my Chicago Cubs had a miserable baseball season, I was miserable, too. Not any more. Actually, I learned to appreciate the benefits of the Cubs losing. Because then they don't get into post season playoffs. Where they might lose a heartbreaking game. Similar to what happened last night to the Washington Nationals. In a decisive playoff game, the Nationals blew a 6-0 lead and lost to the St. Louis Cardinals in the 9th inning. That made true blue National fans feel miserable. Therefore, I thank gawd that I'm a Cubs fan instead of a Nationals diehard. Of course, I should feel sad for other people. Especially if a cataclysmic event such as an earthquake takes thousands of lives. But still, I've learned acceptance. Shit happens. Over which I have absolutely no control. World War I happened. World War II happened. And if Mitt Romney wins the election, maybe there's a chance of a World War III. By thinking about it, I could go into a state of depression. But hey, if it happens, it's gawd's fault. Not mine. --Jim Broede
Friday, October 12, 2012
A sad state of affairs.
Some liberals feel let down, if not betrayed, by Barack Obama. In that Obama has steered more a moderate course than a truly liberal one. Obama has worked for compromise. Yes, with conservative Republicans. But the GOP has given nothing in return. Instead, Republicans have tried to sabotage Obama at virtually every turn. That ain't right. It's downright mean-spirited. Believe me, the most ardent liberals feel that politics should be played tit-for-tat. In other words, treat the scoundrels like dirty rotten scoundrels. Obama has refrained from that. He's been far too nice. And that may cost him a second term. The Republicans play dirty and ruthlessly. No scruples whatever. They are bold-faced liars. Knowing that if a lie is repeated often enough, stupid people will start believing it. Such as the outrageous lie that Obama isn't an American. That he was foreign born. And that his birth certificate is a fake. Meanwhile, the Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney, flip-flops all over the place on issues. He's for and against everything. Just depends on what his audience wants to hear. Indeed, Romney is the biggest scoundrel of all. But Obama more or less takes it all far too passively. Little wonder that liberals feel let down. Maybe even betrayed. Indeed, it's a sad state of affairs. --Jim Broede
Signs of robust life.
Didn't watch the vice presidential debate live last night. Instead, I tuned in the Baltimore Orioles-New York Yankees playoff game. And ended up being happy. Because Baltimore won. In 13 spell-binding innings. And forced the decisive fifth game today that determines who advances to the final round in American League championship series. Anyway, one can see my priorities. Baseball over politics. Life is more fun that way. Baseball is a fair and square game. Politics is a dirty and often obscene game. I peeked into the debate afterward. Learned that Joe Biden had more or less won. Yes, Biden showed signs of robust life that Barack Obama lacked in his earlier debate with Mitt Romney. Obama was a listless disappointment. Romney a bold-faced liar. Biden was a strong defender of the liberal cause. A nice contrast to rigid conservative Paul Ryan. Both men made their case. Effectively. The way it's supposed to be. And when that happens, liberals usually win. Or so it seems to a partisan liberal like me. That's all I want. Not what Obama-Romney gave us. Biden-Ryan finally showed the way. They helped clarify the issues. Maybe it would be wiser if the vice presidential nominees moved to the top of the tickets. While Obama-Romney settled for vice presidential roles. Because they aren't nearly as articulate and honest as Biden-Ryan. --Jim Broede
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The pied pipers play their tunes.
Too many Americans are stupid or ill-informed. Especially about politics. They don't understand the issues. They really don't know what's going on. But still, hordes of these same people will trek to the polls on Nov. 6. And vote. Willy-nilly. Against their best interests. Because they don't know any better, Of course, it would be best if they stayed at home. And didn't vote. But that's perceived as being unAmerican. In reality, it's very American. Typical American. Goes to show that there's a glaring weakness in so-called American democracy. Everybody has a right to vote. When they shouldn't. But it won't ever change. Because well-heeled, conniving, lying politicians want to keep it so they can influence the ignorant. With asinine sound bites. And so the pied pipers play their tunes. And lure the gullible and ignorant to the polls. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I'm happy.
I have no real complaints about my life. In other words, I haven't been short-changed. Things don't always go the way I want 'em to go. But that's no cause for complaint. And occasionally people disappoint me. And I disappoint myself. But again, no reason to complain. Because disappointment is part of living. And I accept that. Maybe my biggest disappointment is that I can't live forever. I'd like nothing more than that. So I could pursue happiness, endlessly. Maybe that's why I have no complaints. I'm happy. --Jim Broede
The craziness of it all.
Maybe life isn't supposed to make sense. And here I am, trying to make sense of everything. Which could be an utter waste of time. My best guess is that god made mistakes when he created life. That something went terribly wrong. He created a batch of crazy people. And instead of eliminating 'em all, he decided to move 'em all to an insane asylum. Yes, to Mother Earth. So that they wouldn't end up mixing with the sane and truly intelligent people in the rest of the cosmos. There's plenty of evidence to support my theory. For instance, the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. They are so crazy that they make the rest of us seem sane. Relatively speaking. But I know better. We are all crazy. It's just a matter of degree. As for me, I'm so very crazy that I even try to make sense of it all. --Jim Broede
The winning formula: Big whoppers.
Mitt Romney is willing to say just about anything. Whatever it takes to get elected. Doesn't matter if he tells lies. He tells people what they wanna hear. In that sense, he's manipulative. It's a little like me tuning in MSNBC on cable television. Their programs are geared for political liberals. Just as the Fox Network is designed for lunatic fringe conservatives. To hell with objectivity. Maybe Romney is the most objective of us all. In that he's intent on winning an election. In practical, pragmatic ways. By telling lies. And pretending that the lies are the truth. I'm watching with keen interest. To see if it works. Seems to be. Because the more lies that Romney tells, the higher he climbs in the polls. And he's got a whole month of lying to go. His opponent, Barack Obama, tries to tell the real truth. But that ain't working. So I'm wondering if Obama will see the light. By touting some real big whoppers. Yes, incredible and fantastic lies. That would be the winning formula. I am sure. --Jim Broede
My most basic human right.
Many people keep imagining that they have problems. One problem after another. They tell me I'm a Pollyanna. Or an idiot. Or both. Because I tend to deny having any serious problems. Guess I don't know any better. I'm happy. Even when things go wrong. When my Chicago Cubs lose. When my favored candidate loses an election. When the weather turns cold or rainy. I've learned to make the best of bad situations. To the point of feeling good about life. I'm not supposed to do that. Instead, I'm to mope and grope and lament about my multiple, endless array of unsolvable problems. But I'm able to escape. To my hideout. My cocoon. And live in my own fantasy world. I insist on protecting my sanity. That's my most basic human right. The protection of my sanity in a crazy world. --Jim Broede
Give me real choices.
Limited choices. That's what I'm stuck with when I go to the polls. Especially in national elections. Because of America's two party system. I gotta choose between a Republican and a Democrat. A plodding elephant. or a braying donkey. That's essentially it. No effective third or fourth or fifth party. Wish I had more choices. And that if socialists or greens got 6 percent of the vote, they'd get 6 percent of the represenation in Congress. Seems fair. That would give minority parties more of a voice in government. In the congressional forum. It's called a parliamentary form of government. Might bring America into the modern era. Instead, we Americans are saddled with political principles out of the 18th century. Innovative and acceptable for that time. But hey, we're living in the 21st century. Time for a change. A new constitution. Instead, we have Supreme Court justices and conservative Republicans nostalgically embracing the old, archaic ways. Thinking that the founding fathers were geniuses. When really, many of 'em were immoral nincompoops. They even supported slavery. And denied women equal rights. Made it all constitutional. Of course, we've corrected some of their errors. But we still have a long way to go. Maybe we should start from scratch. Start all over again. We used to castigate the Soviets. For communist rule. One was allowed to vote only for communists of one stripe or another. We Americans fool ourselves into thinking we have legitimate choices. When really, it's often choosing between one idiot or another. Yes, a degree of idiocy. I want more. Give me intelligent and real choices. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
In stupid and destructive ways.
The intelligent and well-informed Americans knew well before the presidential debate who they'd be voting for. Their minds were made up. Long ago. And they didn't need a relatively stupid and inane debate to change their minds. Their homework was already completed. They stay tuned in. Because that's their way. Many of 'em are naturally curious people. With well-thought-out political philosophies. They don't wait until election day to make up their minds. As for those that do wait until the last few weeks or days -- well, many of 'em are probably not very bright. Or very curious. Society and the country might be better off if they didn't vote. That's better than voting in an uninformed way. No doubt, there are idiots, imbeciles and morons that go to the polls. Some barely smart enough to mark their ballots. But they've been recruited by politicians who talk in meaningless language. Prompts people to vote zombie-like against their own best interests. They don't know any better. Haven't got a clue what it's all about. But in a democracy, they are entitled to participate. Albeit in stupid and destructive ways. --Jim Broede
Obama ain't a politician.
I have a bad feeling about Barack Obama. That he's ill-fated. Maybe for the wrong reasons. Because he's too honest, too kind, too accommodating. Obama needs to be ruthless. That is, if he wants to succeed as a politician. And especially as president of the United States of America. One has to be a conniving liar. A manipulator. In that sense, Mitt Romney is far superior to Obama. Furthermore, Romney is a good actor. A natural born con man. He's capable of selling snake oil. Especially to stupid people. Romney understands the art of stupidity. He's sort of smart stupid. He'll do anything to obtain power. Even sell his soul. Thing is, he's purchased souls. He owns 'em. Like the devil himself. Obama tries to stay above the fray. He's not designed to be a politician. He'd make a better poet or philosopher or college professor. His most comfortable cocoon would be an ivory tower. A place in acadamia. He doesn't belong in Washington. He's an ill-fit. Romney will feel at home in the White House. Obama is mighty uncomfortable. And he's especially leery of political games. Obama has a death wish. He wishes to lose. He really doesn't want a second term. He lacks the heart and stamina to go for it. Maybe it's that he doesn't have a ruthless bone in his body. Still, I'm gonna vote for him. Knowing full well that he's likely to lose. Because he ain't a politician. --Jim Broede
The entirety of sacred creation.
I wonder if there's an average American. If such a being exists. The scary thought is that maybe a majority of Americans are average. And that they support Mitt Romney. Making him president. Thing is. I don't wanna be average. I'd rather be sub-average or above-average. Makes me wonder if I flee America, what does that make me? UnAmerican? Maybe that's what I'm gonna be. UnAmerican. In a sense, that could make me a true American. A genuine rebel. With a cause. To become a citizen of the world. To declare that my loyalty is to the planet Earth. Maybe even beyond. I must start thinking of my homeland as the cosmos. The entirety of sacred creation. --Jim Broede
The wonderful aspects of life.
I'm sticking around just long enough to cast my vote. For Barack Obama. Then I'll take off for Sardinia. And life with my Italian true love. All winter. And into the spring. Of course, I know my vote won't count. Won't make one iota of difference. I cannot alter the course of human history. The best I can do is pursue happiness. And moreorless ignore the politics of America. I'll be a bit happier if Obama wins. But if he doesn't, I have to accept the consequences. No. No. No. That's negative thinking. I'll merely spend more time living in my cocoon. My own little world. I will try to ignore the state of American politics. Knowing that there are better things to do. Going for strolls along the Mediterranean seaside. And walking through primeval forests. Cavorting with my Italian true love. And writing. About the wonderful aspects of life. --Jim Broede
Monday, October 8, 2012
Enough to make me an optimist.
I'm an optimist. Except when it comes to American politics. Usually, I expect the worst to happen. Or at least I fear it's gonna happen. I feared that George Bush would spend eight years as president. And it happened. I was happy that Barack Obama won in 2008. But now I dread the possibility that Mitt Romney will win. And what that means for America. Oh, I know the polls today still give Obama a 75 percent chance of winning a second term. But that's down from 84 percent only a week ago. Before Obama bungled his debate with Romney. Of course, Obama could recover. And besides, he still holds a narrow advantage in the polls. But I'm a pessimist. Because we are talking about American politics. A system of politic pretty much rigged. By the plutocrats. The people with money can and do influence the outcomes. Money is power. And power is money. Especially when it comes to politics on the national level. I'd like to have a voice. Influence. But I don't. And therefore, I have to grudgingly accept whatever happens. Which means my country may be taken over by lunatic fringe conservative Republicans. Nothing I can do about it. Other than to be thankful that I have an Italian true love. And I can go live with her in Sardinia. I can frequent the beaches on the Mediterranean Sea. And read good books. And go for long walks. And cavort with my true love. That's enough to make me a happy camper. Yes, a genuine optimist. --Jim Broede
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I'm fully immersed in today.
A friend asked me if I'm looking forward to moving to Sardinia for the next five or six months. Where I'll be living with my Italian true love. And I thought about it. And decided that I'm too busy being in love with today (now) than focusing much attention on tomorrow or next month or next year. Instead, I'm trying to make the most of the present. Rather than getting lost in the future. Yes, I'm savoring life one day at a time. Moment to moment. I don't make too much effort getting ahead of myself. Because then I tend to lose track of today. My daily goal: To be aware that I'm an alive and conscious being. In love. With life. I ponder that thought. Daily. As for my Italian true love, I love her dearly. Whether I'm with her in Sardinia, or if we are separated by an ocean and thousands of miles. Makes me appreciate modern technology. Which means we are connected 365 days a year. By audio-video. On Skype. Makes for wonderful communication. I'm the master of the written word, too, in form of love letters. Anyway, it all means looking forward to tomorrow isn't a requirement. Because I'm fully immersed in today. --Jim Broede
Now is all that matters.
I spend an hour a day with Ron. He's battling Alzheimer's. I take him for a walk. With his dog, Sasha. We have a good time. I make sure of it. Even when Ron isn't functioning very well. Yesterday, Ron was confused. So many bothersome things on his mind. Had to remind Ron that we're taking a walk now. That's our focus. The fresh air. The scenery. The exercise. Putting one foot in front of the other. Repeatedly. Time to put on blinders. Shut out everything else. Think happy. Ron was in dire need of good vibes. And that's all I exuded. Everything positive. And soothing. Ron caught the vibes. He came back relaxed. With an uncluttered mind. With a one-track mind. A single thought. A good, pleasant thought. That's the way I deal with Ron. One on one. Friend to friend. Every day I tell Ron I'm there to walk Sasha. But that Sasha won't come with me. Unless Ron comes, too. 'Sasha loves you,' I quip. 'She insists that you come. She won't go without you.' Ron smiles. He pets Sasha. And we take off. For a stroll of a mile and a half. A great opportunity to engage Ron in conversation. About living in the moment. Let's not worry about the past or the future. Now is all that matters. --Jim Broede
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Maybe Obama had to go.
I'd like to interview Barack Obama. Occasionally. Maybe for only 10 minutes. That's all it would take to ask a few questions. I want to know what happened to him at the debate with Mitt Romney. Obama seemed to be off in another world. Unfocused. Maybe he was sick. Indigestion. A bad headache. Pain in the joints. I suppose if he had canceled the debate over a personal health issue, it would have stirred wild, rampant speculation. That he was seriously ill. So maybe Obama went on stage. And toughed it out. He looked sick when he gave his two-minute uninspired spiel at the end. Like he wanted to exit quickly. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom. --Jim Broede
The American nightmare.
Only a lunatic fringe conservative Republican would be saddened by good news. That the unemployment rate dropped from 8.1 percent to 7.8 percent. For normal people, that's darn good news. But Republicans aren't normal. They would much rather have seen a rise in the jobless rate. Even if that's bad for workers and for America. But for sick-minded Republicans, bad is good. As long as it hurts Barack Obama and the opposition party. Goes to show the mean-spirtedness of politics. No objectivity. No sense of fairness. No kindness. Our politicians have turned the American dream into a nightmare. --Jim Broede
The sane thing to do.
I'm thinking again. About what would happen if people in the deep throes of Alzheimer's could be brought back to normal again. But only for a brief reprieve. Knowing that they'd soon revert to their Alzheimer's state. Would they choose to commit suicide instead? My guess is that most of 'em would. Seems the sane thing to do. Only the crazy ones would do otherwise. Doesn't surprise me when I hear of people in the early stages of Alzheimer's taking their own lives. --Jim Broede
Friday, October 5, 2012
I want a truly moral war.
It's a theme I'll herald over and over again. Let's make the rich less rich. I want class warfare. It's time that the non-rich inherit the Earth. Or if not the entire Earth, at least the American government. By touting and adopting socialist programs. Financed, in large part, by redistribution of wealth. There's far too much wealth at the top. In the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. Wouldn't even surprise me if there's a trillionaire or two in the mix. Shameful. Shameful. Shameful. I want more than trickle down wealth. I want a gush. A flood. No more excuses. Such as 'the wealthy earned it.' Doesn't matter. They don't deserve to keep obscene amounts of it. A nation's wealth should be shared. For the common good. For the benefit of the many. Not the few. And if it's gonna take a fullscale class war to bring about the change, sobeit. I want a truly moral war for a change. --Jim Broede
I'm a welcome foreigner.
When I am in Italy, I am the foreigner. I like that. The feel of being a foreigner. Makes me the different one. Yes, I like to be different. And then, when I am accepted, despite being different, it's a truly joyous and gratifying experience. I know that doesn't always happen in America. Of course, there are exceptions in Italy, too. But with rare exception, I'm embraced. Italians like me. And I like Italians. My true love is Italian. A wonderful Sardinian. Anyway, I have a sense that America isn't as accepting of foreigners as it used to be. America used to take pride in being a melting pot. But now that white people are becoming the minority, it's getting a little tense. Many conservative white folks don't like being a minority. They feel a loss of political power. And they want to hold on to it. They even resent having a black president residing in the White House. It comes as no surprise that they question whether Barack Obama is a true American. They want to see his birth certificate. And when they look at it, they question the authenticity. They accuse Obama of being a foreigner. Maybe even a secret Muslim. Polls show that significant numbers of white Republicans think that Obama has pulled a ruse. That he isn't what he says he is. That he's a foreigner. An unwelcome foreigner. Thank gawd. I've never felt that way in Italy. I'm a welcome foreigner. --Jim Broede
Italians make me comfortable.
When I leave America in November, I'll look at it as an escape. To a better place. To my new Paradise. In Sardinia. An island in the Mediterranean Sea. A bit off the beaten track. The home of my Italian true love. Yes, it's an escape. A better place. Might as well be truthful about it. I'd rather spend winter and early spring in Sardinia than in Minnesota. It's so much nicer. More pleasant. Especially being with my true love. I really won't miss America all that much. Oh, it'll be nice to return in April or May. Absence does tend to make the heart a bit fonder. But still, I'm thankful that I don't have to live in the USA year-round. Sometimes, it feels as if I'm getting too much of the American way. Especially if the conservative Republicans seize the reins of government. After all, I'm a political liberal. With tendencies toward socialism. Even communism. And in Sardinia we have socialists and communists. And conservatives, too. But not quite as wild-eyed as the American conservative lunatic fringe. Sardinia and Italy have a better balance, a better and more tolerant mix of political rivals. Italians are unlike Americans in many ways. Ways that I like. They are more sociable. More tolerant. More leftist leaning. Italians make me more comfortable. That especially goes for my beautiful and intelligent Italian true love. --Jim Broede
The new true American way.
It's been drummed into we Americans that socialized medicine and a welfare state are bad. Contrary to our American values. So maybe that makes me unAmerican. Because I'm for these things. I'm proud to be unAmerican. If that's what it takes. I'll fight for a changing of American values. For a narrowing of the gap between the rich and poor. Yes, for a redistribution of the nation's wealth. Higher taxes on the rich. Only moderate taxes on the middle class. And more and more socialist programs geared to help the poor and most destitute and unfortunate amongst us. I'm for basic human decency. That should be the new true American way. --Jim Broede
True love. Twice now.
The thing is, I care. About things. About certain people. Friends. Acquaintances. And especially about my Italian true love. But so many things that I care about are totally out of my control. I can't affect the outcomes. So I have to learn acceptance. That was the case when my dear sweet wife Jeanne had Alzheimer's, and up and died. I had to learn acceptance and patience and love. In that sense, I affected Jeanne's life. In good ways. In bad ways, too, I suppose. Because I had to learn how to be a good and loving care-giver. Yes, a decent human being. Not sure that I've accomplished all that. That is, to my satisfaction. I could always be more decent and loving. Never doing enough. For instance, in the realm of politics. I could do a little more in trying to get Barack Obama elected. Because I think Obama is a good human being. And while Mitt Romney may be good and decent, too, I don't trust him. Makes me judgmental. So I'm gonna vote for Obama. Though I know that all my efforts won't really make a difference in the outcome. Other than it might give me a sense of satisfaction. For trying. For having gone with a tide that sweeps Obama into a second term. But also recognizing that maybe I'm swimming against the tide. Maybe Romney gets elected. And maybe some day there's World War III. Just as there was World War II and World War I. No stopping the natural course of human events. History. And I merely become the observer. Therefore, I have to learn to live my life accepting many things that unfold around me. Such as the death of my longtime, beloved wife. And ultimately, my own death. But there's still something nice about life. Good things happen. In the midst of everything. I have golden opportunities. To cultivate loving relationships. Right now. With my Italian true love. It's gonna be five years on Oct. 25 that we met. And now I'm living on an island in the Mediterranean Sea for about half the year. In Paradise, really. With my true love. And she stays with me for the part of summer. In Minnesota. Which makes me blessed. Doesn't even matter whether Romney becomes president and World War III unfolds. At least I've experienced true love. Twice now. --Jim Broede
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Makes me a winner.
Gotta keep reminding myself that I have no control over world events. Including politics. Therefore, I shouldn't let it bother me if a Republican is elected president. If it happens, it happens. Might as well accept it. And get on with life. Maybe by ignoring the outcome. No sense in fretting. Chances are my life won't change much. If at all. No matter who's president. Gotta look at it the same way I look at a baseball game being played in Chicago. I'd like to see the Cubs win more games. But it really doesn't matter. Even if the Cubs lose 101 games. Which they did this season. Makes no difference whether the Cubs and Barack Obama end up as losers. I'll still savor life. No matter what. That makes me a winner. --Jim Broede
Do the ends justify the means?
I try to not hate anyone. But I have difficulty with that. When it comes to Republican politicians. Because many of 'em are con men and women. Including Mitt Romney. They believe that the ends justify the means. Lying and cheating are acceptable. Anything to meet their political, economic and social goals. Makes them indecent and immoral people, I suppose. And makes me judgmental. But sobeit. I try to stop short of actual hate. Because that's immoral, too. But that doesn't stop me from looking at Romney with disdain. He represents virtually everything that I abhor. Blatant dishonesty. But all this has reaped dividends for Romney. Made him the Republican nominee for president. And there's even a chance that he will be elected. Because far too many people are gullible and stupid. Or it could be that they are Republicans buying into the concept that the ends justify the means. --Jim Broede
Yes, a living hell.
I want Barack Obama to be ashamed of himself. For the way he handled last night's debate with Mitt Romney. He allowed Romney to get away with murder. With deceit. With lies. Obama was not thinking. He was a dour zombie. He wasn't the Obama that I knew four years ago. When he first ran for president. Obama no longer knows how to defend himself. Bill Clinton tried to show him how. At the Democrats' convention. Apparently, Obama wasn't paying attention. He didn't learn. Makes me wonder if Obama is in the early stages of dementia. Or deep clinical depression. If so, I'll forgive him. But I suspect that the real problem is that Obama has lost his passion. He's become disillusioned. With the world of politics. I can't fully blame him. I'm disillusioned, too. Disillusioned that Obama has let us down. We Americans deserve better. If Obama doesn't wake up and show more life and vitality, we are doomed to four years of Mitt Romney. Yes, a living hell. --Jim Broede
Maybe even a Russian.
Barack Obama has been portrayed by Republicans as a far left winger. A socialist. A radical. Believe me, he isn't any of those. He's a middle-of-the road Democrat. Maybe not even left of center. My gawd. True liberals know that Obama isn't a liberal. They've been trying to drag him to the left. And Obama resists. Instead, Obama allows the lunatic fringe of Republican conservatism to pull him to the right of center. Makes me wonder if Obama is a traitor to the liberal cause. If Obama loses this election to Mitt Romney, I fear what will happen to America. Imagine what will happen to the Supreme Court. The new appointees may even make Scalia look moderate. Wild-eyed conservatives will have taken over the nation. I will no longer want to be an American. I'd prefer to be an Italian or a German or a Swede. Maybe even a Russian. --Jim Broede
A nice combination.
Americans have been brainwashed. To think of socialism as evil. The same goes for the term liberal. Portrayed as evil. I consider myself a socialist sympathizer. And a political liberal. Believe me, I ain't evil. And another thing. I'm not a Christian. Though I was raised in the Christian faith. But I've become a free-thinker. Rather than associate myself with organized religion. That doesn't make me evil, either. I'm really a pretty decent guy. I'm also a romantic idealist and a lover and a dreamer. Add it all up. It's a nice combination. --Jim Broede
A truly progressive nation.
My kind of president would be a guy/gal that doesn't want the job. But takes the job anyway. And does it well. With enthusiasm. Verve. Passion. Probably, he/she should be a poet or a philosopher. Maybe both. Not a politician. But adept. An expert in the machinations of political games. He/she would be very able in the art of persuasion. Making sense. Able to sell people on concepts of the common good. Politicians would hate him/her. Because of his/her unselfish approach to governing. He/she would work for virtually no salary. Just to set a fine example. For others to follow. And in his/her spare time, he/she would serve as the nation's poet laureate. Oh, what a refreshing approach this would be. It would elevate America to a truly progressive nation. --Jim Broede
Long Live Sweden!
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof makes a good point. Americans seem by intuition to be flaming lefties, he writes. A study published last year by scholars from Harvard Business School and Duke University asked Americans which country they would rather live in — one with America’s wealth distribution or one with Sweden’s. 'But they weren’t labeled Sweden and America,' Kristof said. 'It turned out that more than 90 percent of Americans preferred to live in a country with the Swedish distribution.' Perhaps nothing gets done because, in polls, Americans hugely underestimate the level of inequality here, Kristof said. 'Not only do we aspire to live in Sweden,' he added, 'but we think we already do.' Makes me want to shout: Long Live Sweden! --Jim Broede
I flee to Paradise.
I take pride in my ability to avoid getting truly angry. Instead, I get annoyed. There's a difference. Oh, I'm capable of getting angry. If someone does me or others, maybe even society, a gross injustice. But still, I'm able to restrain myself. In that sense, I'm able to control my anger. So it doesn't become over-reactive. Doesn't become full-fledged, effusive anger. I don't lose it, so to speak. I can do that because I'm a retiree. And I spend much of my life living in a cocoon. Sort of isolated in a dream world. A realm of my own creation. That's why I'm not a politician. Not a candidate for public office. Because if I got into that situation, I'd become angry. Maybe out of control. Because I'd be dealing with despicable people. Other politicians. The likes of Mitt Romney. Liars. Cheats. The ruthless. People willing to transgress common decency for the sake of political gain. It's a corruptible offense just being a politician. One moves into a virtual hell. Especially at the top of political power in the nation's capitol. Washington, D.C. Even a basically decent guy such as Barack Obama has been corrupted by Washington. By his fellow politicians. By the system. Obama tries to stay aloft and above the fray. But he fails. In that he allows other politicians get the best of him. Through lying and cheating. Obama doesn't know how to counter it all. And so he's relatively easy prey. He's too passive, too naive. He really ain't a natural born politician. He's over his head in Washington. Corrupted by the devil. He tries to do as I do. To retreat to his carefully-constructed cocoon. But in Washington, that ain't good enough. His cocoon has been invaded. By vermin. Yes, by politicians. He can't get away from 'em. There's no escape. Unless he gets out of Washington. Far, far away. Maybe to an island in the Mediterranean Sea. With his true love. Like I do. Every year. I leave Minnesota and the USA. I flee to Paradise. Yes, Barack. Life is much better in Paradise. Much better than in your hell. --Jim Broede
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The best cheaters usually win.
Politics is a game. A sporting event. With winners and losers. And politics is to be covered. Like a baseball or football game. Political parties even have mascots. Like most sporting teams. The leading teams in the American political realm are the Republican Elephants and the Democrat Donkeys. Early in my professional writing career, I was a sportswriter. For newspapers. And eventually, I switched my speciality. To covering politics. But really, it wasn't that much of a change. Felt like I was still writing about sports -- the dirty sport of politics. The one sport in which cheating is allowed. Actually, encouraged. The best cheaters are usually the winners. They go on to the Super Bowl of politics. In Washington. --Jim Broede
Without qualms of conscience.
I was disappointed in Obama's debate performance. I don't know what it is about him. Why he doesn't get revved up. Why he's too reserved. Too professorial. Too lethargic. Romney was animated. Of course, he lied through his teeth. He tells lies with a straight face. And maybe he gets away with it. Because people are stupid. Anyway, Obama's performance makes me wonder if he really wants a second term. A little like me. When I was on the school board. Serving one term was more than enough. It drained me of any desire/gumption to run for school board or anything again. My heart wouldn't be in it. And Obama seems to lack exactly that -- heart/passion. He's not cut out to be a politician. He's chosen the wrong profession. Romney is a natural born politician. He plays the game. Without qualms of conscience. --Jim Broede
Ain't fair.
I've formed an unalterable judgment. Mitt Romney is bad, bad, bad. No way could I support him for president of the USA. Nothing can persude me otherwise. Impossible. I'll vote for Barack Obama. Strange, isn't it? America is so divided. Polls show that only about 6 percent of us have yet to make up our minds. And those of us who have, are more or less evenly divided. But slightly in favor of Obama. Maybe it's too bad that we have only two choices. A Republican. A Democrat. I would much prefer multiple choices. Something more like 10 choices. Instead, we are often compelled to choose the lesser of two evils. Ain't fair. --Jim Broede
A reward for being bad.
The baseball season ends today. For me, that is. Because the Chicago Cubs play their last game. There's no post season for Cubs fans. No play-offs. The Cubs will finish with the second worst record in major league baseball. Only the Houston Astros are worse. But Houston is getting better. By defeating the Cubs by 3-0 scores in the last two games. Anyway, there's consolation in being a really bad team. The Cubs will get the second pick in next year's draft of amateur baseball talent. Yes, there's a reward for being truly bad. --Jim Broede
My saving grace.
It's supposed to be 80 degrees. Today. In Minnesota. Where I live. Not bad for Oct. 3. But tomorrow the high is supposed to be 50 degrees. Yes, 30 degrees cooler. But hey, if this was the middle of winter, 50 degrees would be a record-setting heat wave. So, I'll pretend it's winter. That helps get me through life. Pretending. I have a vivid imagination. Maybe that's my saving grace. --Jim Broede
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Champion of the common good.
The common good and the individual good. Seems to me they are one and the same. Because what's generally good for society as a whole also is good for me. I have benefits from socialized medicine and social security and public education. Yes, as I see it, socialism serves the common good. Society benefits. And so does the individual. We're all in life together. As one big family. We need to help each other. By promoting the common good. That's why I'm gonna vote for Barack Obama instead of Mitt Romney. Obama is a champion of the common good. And Romney isn't. --Jim Broede
One way of looking at life.
I awakened this morning. With a feeling that maybe Joe (a pseudonym) deserves our empathy. Because he keeps searching for happiness. And doesn't find it. He shouldn't be written off. Nobody should be written off. Maybe we humans tend to be far too judgmental. Holier than thou. Looking with disdain on others. Especially if we think they are on a wayward path. We start to think like pious Christians. And that's very dangerous. I wrote off my sister. For a long, long time. Because she didn't do as I scripted. Maybe I wrote her off because I was selfish. Displayed a lack of empathy. I justified writing her off. Because I didn't want to be dragged down. Emotionally. Mentally. I denied her help. Denied her my understanding. Maybe that wasn't the right thing to do. Of course, I'm not necessarilty saying it was the wrong thing. Gets back to my constant theme. That maybe there isn't a truly right or wrong way. Especially in dealing with people. We end up picking and choosing. Willy-nilly. Randomly. We love some more than others. We find it impossible to love everyone. Only god is capable of that. Therefore, we reject people. Even some of our brothers and sisters. Our friends. Our spouses. Because they don't toe our line. Could be that Joe is grappling with his own soul. And that he feels wretched. Knowing that he's unable to bring himself to do the right thing. Maybe he doesn't know how to find happiness. Maybe he's weak. Weaker than my sister. In the search for happiness. Maybe it's imcomprehensible for Joe to find happiness by loving another more than himself. I wonder, is that a sin? I was raised a Christian. Now I'm a free-thinker. But that doesn't stop me from thinking about the Christian precept. That we are all sinners. We all sin. One way or another. In many, many ways. Maybe Joe is merely trying to be a happy sinner. Like me. I'm a relatively happy sinner. In a convoluted sort of way. Yes, maybe Joe deserves my/our empathy. That's one way of looking at life. --Jim Broede
Monday, October 1, 2012
I'd vote for a commie.
I confess. Don't pay much, if any, attention to local politics. The city council. The schoool board. The county board. Wasn't always that way. Because when I was a writer for newspapers, local politics was my beat. And I even got elected to the school board. But ever since I retired, in 1998, I don't follow local politics any more. Guess I have better things to do. Such as following national and international politics. And a little bit of state politics. Maybe it's a recognition that I can't affect political outcomes. My vote or my voice doesn't make an iota of difference. Politics will go the way it goes. With or without me. My vote is totally insignificant. But still, I'm sticking around until after the national elections. On Nov. 6. So that I can personally go to the polls. To vote for Barack Obama. So that I can cancel out the vote of one of my conservative Republican neighbors. That'll give me great satisfaction. And soon after the election, I'll go live with my Italian true love. In Sardinia. In the Mediterranean Sea. And not return to Minnesota until April or May. Oh, I'll pay attention to Italian politics. Even to local Italian politics. Because the city council where I live in Italy has some communist members. Very, very refreshing. I can't imagine a communist on an American city council. Wish I could. I'd vote for a commie. --Jim Broede
A source of love and joy.
It would be good for everyone to learn how to muse. Daily. In writing. Really, musing doesn't hurt. It can be stimulating. And a source of love and joy. --Jim Broede
To search my soul.
I could be wrong about everything. But I could be right, too. That makes life so very interesting. Trying to figure out right from wrong. And more and more, I'm concluding that in many instances, there isn't a clear-cut right and wrong. Just depends. What may be right for me may be wrong for others. So most times, I choose to plod ahead. And do what seems right. Sometimes for me. Other times, for the perceived common good. Might depend on my mood. Or on happenstance. Thoughout life, I've been brainwashed about right and wrong. By my parents. By politicians. By religious zealots. Yes, by all kinds of people. I want to be decent and fair-minded. And to do that, I've decided to follow my instincts. Rather than accept my teachers' advice in unquestioning ways. Better to think for myself. To search my soul. --Jim Broede
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