Thursday, June 30, 2011
As a patriotic gesture.
We have a budget crisis in Minnesota. So, we are no different than most other states. And we’re like the rest of ‘em in another respect. There’s a political impasse on how to solve the problem. The same kind of impasse that we have in Washington. The majority Republicans in the Legislature want to cut spending and to muddle through without any tax increases. The Democratic governor, meanwhile, has no problem with some spending reductions. But he also wants a tax increase on the richest 2 percent of Minnesotans. If the stalemate isn’t solved by tonight, state government will shut down. As far as I’m concerned, let’s shut it down. Rather than give in to the Republicans. It’s time for rich people to bail out our state and our nation. They’ve gotten by far too easily. And if that means a new dimension to class warfare, so be it. After all, we’ve got class warfare now. The rich lord it over the poor and middle classes. Have for a long, long time. That’s the nature of our selfish capitalist system. Making the rich richer. Making the poor poorer. Keep widening the gap. Well, it’s immoral. Obscene. It’s gotta stop. We aren’t a poor nation. If we pooled all of our resources, we probably qualify as the richest nation in the world. But we have millionaires and billionaires with far too much money. They can afford higher taxes. And they should pay up. As a patriotic gesture. Serving the common good. –Jim Broede
Yes, call me a socialist sympathizer.
I notice that Wells Fargo and Bank of America aren’t offering reverse mortgages any more. Because of the uncertainty in the housing market. It might jeopardize the amount of the bank’s profits. There’s no risk that the banks actually would lose money. Because the mortgages are backed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The reverse mortgages are intended mainly to help senior citizens stay in their homes. Interesting, isn’t it? Wells Fargo and the Bank of America have no interest in providing a service that’s intended for the common good. Because the profits ain’t big enough. That’s why we need government, folks. A government that works for us. The common people. The middle class. The poor. Because the bankers couldn’t care less. They are in business to make bankers obscenely rich. And to hell with the common good. Same goes for the big insurance companies. And the oil companies. And so very many private corporations around the world. It’s important to remember that they are in business to make money. To widen the gap between the rich and the poor. Little wonder that I’m pro-government. Yes, call me a socialist sympathizer. I'm proud of it. –Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Didn't know it at the time.
I keep telling Alzheimer care-givers that they’ll survive. Despite the travails. And quite possibly they’ll find ways to thrive for the rest of their lives. Doesn’t seem like it now. In their daily roles as care-givers. I had a 13-year-sojourn with dear Jeanne. Thought it was the end of the world at times. Thought I wouldn’t make it. But I look back on those 13 years, and it was indeed a learning experience. It was worth the effort. Worth finding the wherewithal to manage. To cope. And to survive. Taught me how to be a better lover. A better human being. Life wasn’t always meant to be easy. Maybe for a reason. I discovered that Jeanne was teaching me something. Every day that I took care of her. She was taking care of me. Teaching me how to be a better lover. An unconditional lover. A lover of the life force. Life has taken on new and profound meaning. Because I was an Alzheimer care-giver. I was being blessed. Didn’t know it at the time. But I know it now. --Jim Broede
Bragging ain't tolerated.
Pardon me if I brand most politicians as crooks. Shrewd crooks. In that they find ways to get away with crooked and immoral acts. That’s the nature of politics. Do stuff behind the scenes. Don’t get caught. The successful ones get away with shenanigans. And far worse. The stupid ones get caught, and go to jail. That includes four of the last eight governors of Illinois. The latest being Rod Blagojevich. Some of ‘em never learn. Blagojevich was convicted of 17 counts of corruption. So he’ll be off to prison soon. But still, I have a soft spot in my heart for Blagojevich. In that he didn’t think he was doing wrong. That he was just playing politics the way virtually every other politician plays it. He was a little more open about it. Bragged about it. And I suppose that’s why he got caught. He tested the limits. Suggesting that if others do it, why not him? Blagojevich was more brazen. Thought he had a right to play like other politicians. Yes, he did. But bragging about it? Well, that was his mistake. You are not supposed to brag. That ain’t tolerated in the political brotherhood. You do it quietly. Deceptively. You don't get caught. –Jim Broede
No sense of decency.
I generally don’t allow things over which I have no control get to me. In negative ways. I just ignore ‘em. And get on with life. But I tell you, I do occasionally get a little despondent when I focus on politics. American-style politics. Because of the total lack of goodwill and sense of decency. It’s so highly partisan. Politicians become mean-spirited. Hateful. It’s worse than being a racist. They become livid. Their eyes bulge. They find it impossible to put a rein on their loathing of each other. In the process, they become evil-doers. Fighting perceived evil with even worse evil. They’d rather see the nation fail than to see their opponent succeed. Yes, it’s come to that. Seething hatred. Absolutely no sense of decency. –Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I can't be doing nothing.
I like days in which I have nothing planned. Allows me to follow my impulses. When I was a kid, and I was quiet, in another room, my mother might yell, “Jim, what are you doing?’ And I replied, ‘Nothing.’ But mom said I had to be doing something. One can’t just be doing absolutely nothing. That got me thinking. She was right. I may have nothing in particular planned. But I’m always doing something. Even if I’m whiling away time. That’s something. I might be napping. Sleeping. Still, that’s something. Mom may have figured I was too quiet. And that could be trouble. I might be up to something devilish. She better check it out. Especially if I said, 'Nothing.’ –Jim Broede
I thank god.
I try to imagine myself in other roles in life. For instance, being a complete idiot. Or worse yet, being a Republican. Yes, that would be the horror of horrors. For me to sink that low. Of course, I say that with a smile. Because I know that will never happen. I know better. It can’t possibly happen. Because I was blessed with the right kind of genes. I’m too smart to be a Republican. And even if I lost my mind, I’d still know better. God made me Republican-proof. And therefore, I thank god. For blessing me. –Jim Broede
No wishful thinking for me.
I’m not a wishful person. Maybe because I think wishes may end up causing more trouble than they are worth. For instance, some people wish they had more money. But plenty of people who have won lotteries found themselves jinxed. Because they didn’t know how to deal with having so much money. It actually ruined their lives. They were better off before they had a fortune. Maybe it’s best to merely adjust to one’s life. The way it unfolds. Naturally. Instead of wishing for something else. Oh, I have little wishes. Like having the Cubs win more games. But really, that’s a silly wish. I may wish for a sunny day. But really, it doesn’t make a difference if we get rain. I can adapt. It’s no big deal. I suppose I could wish to live forever. In good health. But I know better. Such a wish won’t be granted. So I gotta take life as it comes. And make the best of the hand I’m dealt. No wishful thinking for me. –Jim Broede
Complaining can be a waste of time.
I have a tendency to complain. About this and that. Even though I know it won’t do any good. But more and more, I catch myself. And decide not to complain. Because it’s a waste of time. I have better things to do. By just enjoying life. Rather than complaining. I suppose that if I think complaining will do some good, I’d complain. But from experience, I know that complaints are often ignored. Because the people who deal with complaints are often sick and tired of hearing complaints. They get turned off. I wonder what possesses people to apply for jobs in a complaint department. Imagine that. Listening to complaints every day. Making a living. Dealing with complaints. I suppose it could be rewarding. If one actually dealt with the complaints. And found solutions. Maybe that’s what I should do. Listen to people’s complaints. And do something constructive and positive about it. Now that would be a novel thing. Managing a complaint department that actually worked. That dealt effectively with complaints. –Jim Broede
Monday, June 27, 2011
If I were King James...
American corporations are making trillions of dollars in profits. And sitting on the profits. Or just padding the pockets of big-wigs and investors. But not creating jobs. Imagine that. There’s enough money in profits to create millions of jobs. Maybe even billions of jobs. But it’s not being done. If I were king and running American government, I’d tax the corporations. To the hilt. And I'd use the money to create jobs. So that everybody who wants to work has a job. A decent-paying job. As king, I’d declare that it’s the right thing to do. And I’d get it done. Because kings rule by divine right. –Jim Broede
A big and bold assignment.
I like to let life happen. In a natural way. I don’t need a long-term, or even a short-term plan. Just make the best of each day. And see where it leads. That allows me to savor each day. To make the most of it. Makes me think that I’m living a storied life. Living one page at a time. It’s a nice feeling. The only thing that I know I’m gonna do each and every day is to sit down for a little while. To write. I know not what. But that’s the way I want it. To be free to capture whatever thought comes to mind. About love. About politics. About anything. Nobody tells me what to think. Except maybe a mythical god. A god that I create. In my mind. In my thought. Maybe that’s what I’m doing today. Creating god. Imagine that. I have taken on a big and bold assignment. –Jim Broede
I like the thrill of losing.
I’m blessed to be a Chicago Cubs fan. Especially this season. When the Cubs are going nowhere. When they haven’t even managed a three-game winning streak yet. That means I can watch a game in a relaxed manner. No sweat. Even if they lose a heart-breaker of a game. Because really, it isn’t a heart-breaker. Just another loss. Because it’s a meaningless game. Doesn’t matter much if they win or lose. It’s just a game. And I can watch it as it unfolds. And keep asking myself, how will the Cubs find a way to lose this one? Occasionally, they surprise me. And win a game. Despite themselves. Yes, I understand how the Cubs have become known as loveable losers. We true blue Cubs fans would have it no other way. We really don’t want the Cubs to become enmeshed in a pennant race. It takes too much of an emotional toll. Because then when the Cubs lose a close or tough game, we anguish. We lament. Some Cubs fans even think about suicide. Not me though. I’m a tough hombre. I’ve learned to like the thrill of losing. –Jim Broede
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Civilized society's best invention.
I have nothing against the notion of a so-called welfare state. In other words, government-sponsored social programs that help the people. Especially the needy. But citizens in general, too. For instance, I’d like to have Medicare for all. With the possible exception of the very rich. Same goes for Social Security. And I’d want benefits for the jobless. In a way, one might say I’m for big government. Especially big-hearted government. Seems to me that government is one of the best inventions of civilized society. Because when government is run the right way, government serves the common good. –Jim Broede
A reunion in an afterlife.
My endodontist’s surname is Stec. Which means he’s of Polish ancestry. I was curious. So I asked him. To be sure. I’m interested in names. In their origins. Stec could also be German. Particularly if one came from Westphalia. Stec was derived from the popular Germanic personal name Stecho. The name Stec also is derived from the Old Germanic word ‘steck.’ Which referred to a parcel of land. The steck was a tract of pasture land. Many cultural groups lived in German states in medieval times. Each had its own dialect and traditions, and unique variations of popular names. Low German, which is similar to contemporary Dutch, was spoken in Westphalia. German names, I’m told, are characterized by additions such as regional suffixes and phrases that tell something about the origin or background of its original bearer. Further contributing to the variation in German names was the fact that there were no spelling rules in medieval times. Scribes recorded names according to their sound. The recorded spelling variations of Stec include Steck, Stechel, Stecher, Steckler, Steckel, Steckell, Steckle, Stecker, Stechlen, Stek and many more. Meanwhile, I’ve noticed that Stec’s partner in his endodontics practice is a guy named Wachlarowicz. I’m assuming that’s of Polish origin. But I have yet to do my research. I’ll let you know. By the way, my name, Broede, was originally Brathi. The name of my paternal ancestors in Switzerland. In the 1600s. They migrated to Germany after the 30 Years War. And the pronunciation of ‘Brathi’ sounded like the German ‘Brode,’ with an umlaut over the o. And the umlaut ‘o’ was Americanized with an ‘oe.’ Thus, here I am. And I’m wondering if I’m related to some offbeat Neanderthal. Personally, I’d like to have a meeting with him in an afterlife. To determine if he even bothered with a surname. –Jim Broede
I don't want to be too limiting.
When I go walking, jogging, running or bicycling, I’m often more or less oblivious of my surroundings. Oh, I watch for safety impediments. But I don’t pay much attention to the scenery. Because I’m focused on the mesmerizing effects of exercise. Plus, I’m thinking. Immersed in thinking about something. Getting it all together. And often, I take a break. Take to my computer. And record my thoughts. Yes, I’ve discovered that exercise is a catalyst for thought. Gives me a high, of sorts. Helps illuminate. I may be taking a shower, too. And can’t remember if I shampooed my hair. Because I was immersed in thought. And I was taking my shower mechanically. Like a robot. Without focusing at all on what I was doing. I was more or less on cruise control. Don’t know if that’s a good trait. Or not. Instead, it’s merely a recognition. That’s the way I operate. Maybe I should be more focused on what I’m doing. Instead, the focus is on what I’m thinking. I suppose that could be dangerous if I’m driving a car. But I do make a conscious effort to focus on anything I’m doing that could be dangerous. And maybe the best time to think is when I’m sitting down. Just for the purpose of thinking. But then, I don’t want to be too limiting. –Jim Broede
Taking life as it comes.
I’m in the midst of marking time. Something I don’t like to do. Because I’ve had a toothache. With the pain moving around and about. So the dentist is trying to figure out which is the offending tooth. I’m told it may not necessarily be the one that seemed to be the original source of pain. That this can be a very elusive thing. So I’m being treated ‘conservatively.’ With an antibiotic. Which I take is intended to quell the infection. And hopefully, to relieve the pain. Which comes and goes. In varying degrees of severity. But so far, I’ve been stoic. I have yet to take a pain pill. Though there’s a bottle of ‘em perched on my desk. I’ve been tempted. But I’ve resisted. And I’m trying to lead a somewhat normal life. For instance, I bicycled 33 miles yesterday. Did household chores. Went shopping. Had light meals. The one concession I made was going to bed at 9 p.m. And staying in bed until 9 a.m. today. Yes, 12 hours. I slept relatively free of pain. That improves my spirits a little bit. Enough for me to risk a relatively active day again today. I don’t know if that’s the wise thing to do. But I like to push myself. And push my luck. And test my limits. And yes, I want to avoid the pain pills again. Because that tells me the pain is tolerable. I tell my true love, who’s in Brazil at the moment, that I’m an Athenian. Seeking the pleasures of life. And that the last thing I want to be is a stoic Spartan. But for the moment, I’m a contradiction. I’m assuming the role of stoic Spartan until I get through this misery. My dentist is a thorough-going Athenian, I’m assuming. He wants to make sure things are done right. And methodically, if at all possible. So he’s sent me to my primary care doctor. To make sure there’s nothing more than a dental problem. She’s examined me. And passed me. So far. Nothing seems amiss. But on Thursday I go to an eye, ear, nose throat specialist for a more thorough exam, I guess. Meanwhile, I want everything fixed. Once and for all. The right way. And I wish it was the instant way. But it’s looking more and more like I have to mark time. And keep learning patience and acceptance. Taking life as it comes. –Jim Broede
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I tell 'em they are dear deer.
I can’t remember ever seeing so many deer. Almost every day that I go out biking, I spot at least one deer. Often multiple deer. Used to be that I could go weeks, maybe even a month or two, without seeing deer. Makes me think that the deer population is up in this part of Minnesota. Thank goodness that we have nicely wooded areas. And wetlands. Places for deer to roam. And the deer are even coming up close. To me. I can talk to the deer. I tell them that they are dear deer. –Jim Broede
A mathematical oddity.
The baseball season is nearly 3 months old. And my Chicago Cubs have yet to win three straight games. Which is a difficult feat. Every team in major league baseball has won at least three straight. Except the Cubs. That’s one thing about the Cubs. They are consistent. Consistent losers. I can depend on the Cubs. To lose lots and lots of games. The 1962 New York Mets have long been considered the worst team ever to play major league baseball. They finished the season at 40-120. But still, they managed to win three straight games twice. However, I have no reason to complain. The Cubs have a decent chance of winning 40 games by the end of July. They might even win 60 games by the end of the season. Without ever winning three straight. I think that would put the Cubs into the record book of mathematical oddities. –Jim Broede
Friday, June 24, 2011
Time to say enough is enough.
It’s time for the American middle class to stand up. And demand the shifting of more of the economic burden on to the shoulders of millionaires and billionaires. Yes, upon the richest of the rich. Even if that means siphoning off 47 or 48 percent of their annual incomes. And I mean truly siphoning. Eliminating all tax loopholes. The rich and super rich are getting by far too easily. They keep getting richer. And the poor and middle classes keep losing ground. The proof is in the pudding. The ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. It’s become intolerable. Obscene. A national disgrace. Yet, we have Republicans that keep wanting to widen the gap. They are thieves. Robbing people who can’t afford to pay more to make the rich richer. Arise, American middle class and poor. Don’t let the Republicans get away with this. It’s murder. The murder of the nation’s least affluent. It’s a sin. A holy sin. I’m amazed that we Americans have allowed this to happen. In such a docile manner. It’s time to say enough is enough. –Jim Broede
Doing the best for my big mouth.
I feel guilty. If I don’t sit down and write. Something. Daily. In a way, it’s an addiction. A positive one. Because writing makes me think. Gets my mind functioning. Even if it’s on a mundane level. At least, it’s a start. A recognition that I’m alive. Conscious. Breathing. Oh, I don’t have to write. To prove that I’m alive. But it helps. Immensely sometimes. So I do it. Out of a sense of obligation. But pleasure, too. Obligation and pleasure are intertwined. In me. I have a sense of wanting to do the right thing. And I’m in a constant debate. Over, what’s the right thing? I fluctuate. Feel my way. Raise doubts. Anyway, I’ve had a toothache for several days. Went to the dentist. And he’s trying to figure out the cause. Whether it’s a root canal that’s gone bad. Or an adjacent tooth that needs a root canal. Doesn’t sound good. But I’m okay with it. As long as I don’t lose a tooth. But if I ever do, I’ll try to scrounge up enough money for an implant. Yes, my priority is to do what’s best for my big mouth. For my overall health and well-being. Maybe that’s why I write. It’s good for me. Darn good. –Jim Broede
Thursday, June 23, 2011
How to end my disappointment.
Generally speaking, people disappoint me. But on the other hand, I probably disappoint a fair number of people, too. So maybe there’s a trade-off. But one thing about me. I’ve learned to pretty much accept people. As they are. That’s the key to getting along with people. I even get along with people who don’t accept me. They want to change me. Make me something I don’t wanna be. Of course, they are wasting their time. I’m amused by it all. By their futile efforts. Actually, that makes them more endearing to me. The fact that they want to try to remake me. Without recognizing that it’s an impossible task. And in the process, they may wind up unmaking themselves. Yes, they may even learn acceptance. Taking me as I am. Then I’ll no longer be disappointed. –Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The worst nightmare: Going to Hell.
It shouldn’t be necessary to become monetarily rich to have a decent life. I think that’s what the great religious leaders throughout the ages told us. That guy Jesus, for instance. He encouraged the rich to give away their money. In pursuit of better things. Such as human decency. Seems to me that millionaires and billionaires weren’t Jesus’ kind of people. I wonder what he would think of modern day Wall Street bankers. Not much, I suspect. Anyway, I like to think about it. Makes me wonder what he’d do or say if he was walking on Earth today. My guess is that Jesus would conclude that he was having a nightmare. That he had gone to Hell. –Jim Broede
We need another FDR.
I like the communal concept. People gathering together. To help each other. To provide the basic necessities of life. So little wonder that I prefer socialism over capitalism. Seems to me that people are the most free under socialism. Because they worry less about obtaining the basic necessities. Because the state provides. Things like health care. Schooling. Social security. Jobless benefits. And that allows one to pursue a life in which accumulation of vast sums of money ain't necessary. After all, one already has the basics. That’s true freedom. A bit like what I have now. In retirement. A pension. Social security. Medicare. The basic necessities. Allows me to focus on my pastime. As a writer. And on my personal relationship. With my true love. That’s real living. Without these social programs, I’d have difficulty surviving. And now Republicans would like to take away some of my Social Security and Medicare benefits. In the name of privatization. And I object. As do a vast majority of older Americans. Yes, we want socialism. Because it helps people. Like me. We ain’t monetarily rich. We’re just members of the middle class. And we like the New Deal politic brought in during the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our savior. And that’s what we need today. Another Roosevelt. –Jim Broede
Why I trust the New York Times.
The New York Times has been labeled a ‘liberal’ newspaper. That is, by conservatives. But believe me, it ain’t. The Times is balanced. Like a good newspaper should be. The sad thing about conservatives is that anything that isn’t conservative is automatically classed as liberal. Yes, conservatives think that everything is divided into black and white. You are either liberal or conservative. Well, some people, and the New York Times included, are balanced. Fair to both sides. Even-handed. One doesn’t have to be blatantly for one side or the other. Conservatives, especially those on the far right, think you are either with us or against us. Friend or foe. That one can’t be fair to both sides. That’s why so much of America is so sharply divided. Conservatives (mainly Republicans) draw a line. I wish that weren’t true. But it’s reality, folks. I have to accept it. Until things change. Until conservatives/Republicans decide to be truly fair and balanced in deciding political issues. That’s why I generally trust the New York Times as a news source. And conservatives don’t. –Jim Broede
Why? Why? Why?
I keep wondering about people that focus on what they hate rather than on what they love. About other people. And about life. Why? Why? Why? Yes, I keep asking. Wouldn’t they be much happier if they counted the reasons to love? And then actually did it. While more or less ignoring what they hate. Because hate drags one down. Into the pits. While love elevates the soul. Makes one feel good. Of course, it could be that some who hate find it impossible to love. Which would be tragic. A waste of life. Some people tell me they like to vent their hate. Put it into words. That it’s a nice release. Of stuff stored up inside ‘em. But my response is, why even allow one’s self to hate? –Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Making life easier for everyone.
I’m for the common man. The working man. The laborer. The guy that works hard. Physically. But doesn’t get paid a whole lot. But ekes out a living. He deserves respect. And social programs that help him get by. Such as Social Security and Medicare. Sure, maybe if the working stiff had a better education, he would have ended up in another profession and with higher pay. But hey, there’s nothing inherently wrong with the path of life that he chose. And to make life a little easier for him, it’s all right for society to provide assistance. Especially to help him in retirement years, and when he needs expensive medical care. It’s the decent thing to do. For government. And for society. To make life easier for the less affluent. To guarantee everyone the basic necessities of life. Regardless of income. Even in hard times. Yes, especially in hard times. That’s why I have no qualms about raising taxes on the super rich. To make for a better distribution of the nation’s wealth. To serve the common good. –Jim Broede
Seems like a reasonable request.
I was born to write. Not to be a particularly good writer. But to write the way I want to write. Naturally. Following my own instincts and inclinations. And basically, that’s the way I live, too. Naturally. The way I want to live. Rather than by somebody else’s rules and dictates. I was born to be free. And to be free takes some learning. Some understanding. And courage, too. One must just go ahead. And do it. Practice. Practice. Practice. I’m always practicing writing. And living. Making tons of mistakes. But that’s all right. I turn my mistakes into learning experiences. Maybe I’ve had a million of ‘em. That’s the way I feel my way through life. Making one mistake after another. The nice thing is that so far I’ve survived. Making mistakes. Day in and day out. That’s an astounding achievement. And I’m still learning how to write. And to live. I want to know it all. So I’ve asked god to give me forever. Seems like a reasonable request, doesn't it? –Jim Broede
Monday, June 20, 2011
Better to find reason to love.
Thinking. Thinking today about love. And that maybe the important thing in life is to find a reason to love. Someone. Something. Maybe life itself. Rather than to focus on what we don't love. Because that often leads to unhappiness. Even hate. Better to find reason to love. Makes for a far happier life. --Jim Broede
Not in actual practice.
I’ve noticed something about the people who want to privatize Social Security and Medicare. Most of ‘em are independently wealthy. They don’t have to worry about paying their bills. So little wonder. That they tend to think about themselves. Rather than about the common good. They don’t wanna be taxed to help poor people. They’d rather see the impoverished pick themselves up by their own bootstraps. Only thing is, they can’t always afford boots. I’ve also noticed that the independently wealthy often proclaim that they are Christians. Guess in name only. Not in actual practice. –Jim Broede
What does it mean to be totally free?
My two cats are sitting next to each other. By my open sliding glass door. Looking out. Through the screen. Observing. The wonders of nature. The wonders of the world. Oh, they’d probably like to go out. To explore. But they accept being indoor cats. They’ve learned to make the best of life. With my imposed restrictions. Some people allow their cats to go in and out. Yes, to have more freedom. But my cats have their claws clipped. And they’d have a tough time surviving outdoors. I wonder if I did the right thing. But I guess there’s a trade-off when it comes to freedom. I give the cats security. And loving attention. And they pay a price. The loss of some freedom. I surrender some of my freedom, too. For a little bit of security. Makes me wonder. What does it mean to be totally free? –Jim Broede
In delightful ways.
My true love is in Brazil. For two weeks. On a special teaching assignment. That’s one of the nice things about life. The opportunities. To go places. To travel. It was an unexpected opportunity. Turns out that the Italians have established Italian schools. All over the world. And Italian teachers can apply through their foreign office to go to these schools. During exam periods. To give exams. All-expense-paid trips. My true love applied for a school in Belo Horizonte (beautiful horizon), Brazil’s third largest city. Because the name sounded so exotic. And because she always wanted to see Brazil. I like her choices. Especially when she picked me. Or was it that I picked her? Anyway, we’re both opportunistic. In delightful ways. –Jim Broede
Listening. Listening. Listening.
I opened the sliding glass door in my study this morning. So that I could better listen to the birds. Even with the door closed, I can hear the birds. But now the chorus is louder. Makes me think that my hearing is still good. At age 75. But I suppose it’s not as good as when I was younger. Maybe now, though, I’m more sensitive. More aware. Albeit, I can’t identify the sounds of particular birds. There are a conglomeration of sounds. Beautiful sounds. I was thinking about putting on a CD. I have so many. Thousands. But I’m in the mood to immerse myself in the natural sounds of nature today. Listening. Listening. Listening. –Jim Broede
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Care-giving techniques that worked.
I tell people to make the best of bad situations. Which, I suspect, annoys some people. Because it’s much easier said than done. But still, I think that’s good advice. Sure, it’s difficult. And people wish they were never in bad situations. But crap happens. And we’ve gotta deal with it. I have nothing against consoling people. But seems to me that the best consolation is a practical solution to a problem. Yes, to get it fixed. Once and for all. If that’s possible. I learned that when I was an Alzheimer care-giver. For 13 years. For my dear Jeanne. I had to quit feeling sorry for Jeanne. And for myself. So I got down to practicalities. I found care-giving techniques that worked. Such as exuding good vibes. All of the time in Jeanne’s presence. And it worked. I got positive response from Jeanne. That made me feel good. Because I was becoming an effective care-giver. –Jim Broede
The most dreadful worry of all.
I know people who like to worry. So much so that if they have nothing to worry about, they worry about that. They feel obligated to worry. It’s part of their nature. They were born to worry. Some of ‘em even worry that the sky might fall. Which could be a very crushing blow. They live in fear. Even wear hard hats. And then they worry that may not be adequate protection. So they stay indoors. And worry that may even be inadequate. So they seek out a grotto. But they worry about getting lost and never finding their way out. They worry about dying, too. Because that might be the end of their worries. And that’s the most dreadful worry of all. –Jim Broede
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Loverboy and I have the same ways.
My cat, Loverboy, is full of vitality. Loving vitality. More so than the average cat. Seems to me that he’s in love with life. In love with being a cat. His mate, Chenuska, is sort of lethargic. Lazy. Laid-back. Less curious. She likes Loverboy. And Loverboy likes her. Actually, Loverboy likes everyone and everything. He’s a true Loverboy. At the moment, Loverboy is at the sliding glass door. Looking out. At the activity outdoors. He’s strictly an indoor cat. Unless I take him outdoors. Supervised. Never alone. He appreciates the outdoors. But he’s too trusting to live outdoors. He wouldn’t last long. Too loving. Loverboy also can be mischievous. The last two nights he toppled a vase of flowers. Spilling water all over the floor in my study. I guess he wanted to sniff the flowers. And maybe munch on the leaves. In the process, he was reckless. Of course, I didn’t see him do it. But it couldn’t have been anyone else. He’s been duly reprimanded. But I don’t think he took my words seriously. He’ll keep doing pretty much as he pleases. That’s his way. My way, too. –Jim Broede
So much better than demands.
I’m not a very demanding being. When it comes to other people. Really. In that I let them be themselves. Of course, I don’t hesitate to make suggestions. And give advice. But not in a demanding way. Occasionally, I’m misconstrued as demanding. When people jump to an erroneous conclusion. That a suggestion is a demand. I am in no position to make demands. Anyway, it goes against my grain. The best relationships are achieved in undemanding ways. When two people let each other be themselves. Mutual acceptance. So much better than demands. –Jim Broede
Thinking. About any and everything.
I like to collect my thoughts. Otherwise, thoughts tend to become elusive. Because there are so many of ‘em. I tend to lose thoughts. Hard to keep track of a huge volume of thoughts. Especially if I’m trying to juggle six thoughts at the same time. Best to focus on one. Then go on to the next thought. One nice thing about thoughts. One seems to lead to another and another and another. An endless chain of thoughts. Some days, my thoughts come in a natural progression. A natural flow. But other days, my thoughts may be jagged. But no matter, I like to think. Any which way. That’s another great pleasure of life. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. About any and everything. –Jim Broede
The ways we get pleasure.
Twice this week I’ve approached a deer. While riding my bicycle. Came within 5 feet of the doe. Could almost have reached out and touched her. She was standing just off the edge of the road. I slowed my bicycle. In the hopes of not frightening her. And she remained still. Looked at me. As I breezed by. Next time, I’ll stop. And whisper sweet nothings. She’s an extraordinary deer. Because she didn’t run away. Maybe she’s too tame for her own good. She won’t survive the hunting season this autumn. She’ll be easy prey. Makes me think. About the ways we get pleasure. Some by embracing beautiful life. Others by killing it. And eating the flesh. –Jim Broede
Friday, June 17, 2011
I was better off. Not knowing.
I pay attention to politics. But I’m thinking about ignoring politics. Because l can’t really have a significant effect on political outcomes. I’m just a lone voice in the wilderness. And even if my voice was heard, it won’t do any good. When I do get involved in politics, I tend to become annoyed. That’s why maybe it’s just best for me to steer clear of politics. And to not even listen to the rants of politicians. I could spend my time more productively. In pursuit of pleasure. Such as taking a walk in the woods. I spent last winter away from the U.S. In Sardinia. And that got me away from the American political scene. And I’ll tell you what. I didn’t miss the goings-on in Congress. Goes to show that I can live without knowledge of political happenings. Could be I was better off. Not knowing. Helped me keep my sanity. –Jim Broede
My sense of curiosity.
I take issue with people. Disagree with ‘em. But I’m not out to change people. Because I don’t have that power. People can only change themselves. My goal is to understand people. To learn what makes them tick. And what motivates ‘em. Then it’s easier dealing with people. I try to put myself in other people’s shoes. Into their circumstances. Even into their minds. And I like to learn things about people. All sorts of things. Just out of curiosity. I’ll readily carry on a conversation with a stranger. I want to know something significant about him/her. Within the first five minutes. And usually, that peaks my interest. Makes me want to know more. I wasn’t always that way. Used to be that I ignored strangers. And I wondered why. Didn’t seem right. Felt like I was missing opportunities. I decided I was put on Earth. To be curious. So that’s what I practice. Daily. My sense of curiosity. –Jim Broede
A blessed imagination.
I never did like the idea of having to die someday. But if that’s the price one must pay for living, so be it. It’s worth paying the price. Better than to have never lived. I hear so many complaints. About the way people die. Particularly from Alzheimer care-givers. They say it’s a gawd-awful way to die. But I don’t know if there’s an easy way. I’d just as soon live forever. So that I wouldn’t have to die. Period. I’d prefer being like god. Living forever. Living outside of time. I’m led to believe that there’s such an existence. Ever-lasting life. And hey, for all I know, maybe there is. For everyone. For everything. Just that life continues on forever. In other dimensions. Beyond the human form. Life could very well take many, many forms. Infinitesimal forms. It’s within the grasp of my imagination. And I’m of the belief that anything I can imagine is possible. Maybe that’s what I like most about life. A blessed imagination. –Jim Broede
It's all a big joke.
I wonder what it would have been like to be Adam. The only man on Earth. Maybe he’s only a myth. And never existed. But that doesn’t stop me from imagining life in Eden. In Paradise. And being able to have a direct dialogue with god himself. My so-called creator. I suppose I would have griped. Because god didn’t make me his equal. Made me subservient. Chances are god didn’t want competition. He wanted to populate Earth with lesser lights. With relatively obedient creatures. Didn’t want poor Adam picking fruit from the tree of knowledge, and actually eating it. And Adam would have been stupid enough to obey. If not tempted by Eve. She started the whole mess. Of course, if all this stuff is true, I’m a descendant of Adam and Eve. And I wonder if they’d be proud of me. For suggesting that maybe they should have used their new-found knowledge to carry on a better dialogue with god. Seems to me it wasn’t really a dialogue. More a monologue. From god himself. Acting like a dictator. An overseer. The owner of the plantation. Maybe it wasn’t really knowledge growing on that tree. But some kind of hoax. Disguised as knowledge. To keep Adam and Eve subservient. Or maybe it was just a joke. A practical joke. To lead this couple astray. To see what would happen. If they were allowed to raise a family. My god. That’s why I’m here. It’s all a big joke. –Jim Broede
Too complex to fix.
I’d fix the world’s economy by redistributing the wealth. In a manner that would take from the rich. So that we’d have fewer poor people. I’d still allow rich people to be relatively rich. But less wealthy than now. It’s a matter of serving the common good. I’d try to eliminate poverty. Albeit, that may be an impossibility. But at least it’s a decent goal. I’d also aim for universal health care. Socialized medicine. Something akin to Medicare for everyone. Through a single-payer system. That seems to make economic and practical sense. I’m for social programs that bring the basic necessities of life to everyone. Which means that if someone is out of work, he’ll still have the essentials to survive. It’s the humane and decent thing to do. I know that some modern-day capitalists will say that it ain’t society’s responsibility to care for everyone. That people should learn to care for themselves. Sort of a survival of the fittest mentality. But I see nothing wrong with helping the less fit. The less fortunate. Because often it’s through no fault of their own. It’s random chance. Maybe they were born with the wrong genes. Or they were dealt with bad luck. Of course, I’m a dreamer. I see solutions to problems. Only thing is, they ain’t all very practical. Or realistic. The world is the world. And I ain’t god. So I’m not going to do much to change the world. Come to think of it, even god seems helpless. Or uncaring. Maybe he created a world that’s too complex to fix. –Jim Broede
Thursday, June 16, 2011
In odd sorts of ways.
I’m comfortable when I don’t fit. When I’m a square peg in a round hole. Doesn’t bother me. Because I can adapt. I don’t have to be like other people. I don’t have to fit in. I’m perfectly capable of going my own way. That rubs some people the wrong way. They want me to conform. To become a round peg. But I think that’s silly. It’s unnatural. It ain’t me. Of course, I could change my environment. To some extent. By creating a cocoon. A retreat, of sorts. To replenish myself. But I’m not afraid to venture out into the world. In search of adventure. And knowledge. And yes, even love. I especially like people who are different. Different from me. Some of ‘em are neither round or square. They come in odd shapes. Multiple shapes. And I often learn from ‘em. They become teachers. Mentors. Friends. Even a lover. Turns out that our differences bring us together. We learn to appreciate the differences. Grasp ‘em. Savor ‘em. Some how, we learn to accept the world as it is. And even though we don’t conform, we find ways to make the best of life. In that sense, we fit. In odd sorts of ways. –Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Best for mankind and society.
I’ve been fascinated today by the issue of morality. Thinking about it. What is moral? What is immoral? Ain’t the easiest subject. There’s lots of disagreement. For instance, I think American-style capitalism tends to be immoral. Doesn’t have to be. But the way it’s generally practiced, it’s immoral. Corrupt. Unfair. Because the rich keep getting richer. And the poor keep getting poorer. Seems to me that’s wrong. I’m not a religious guy. But I am spiritual. And practical. And I listen to religious figures. Such as Jesus. And seems to me he’d have made a good socialist. Because he’d think socialism was far more moral than capitalism. Certainly, he wouldn’t be a Republican. Jesus encouraged the rich to give away their money. Their riches. That sounds like a socialist to me. If my guess is correct, such a measure would be good for the soul of individual rich man. But it also would serve the common good. Yes, providing a double benefit. Sounds like the right thing to do. For the individual. And for mankind and society, too. –Jim Broede
A double standard.
I suspect there are degrees of immorality. Some immorality seems worse than other immorality. For instance, killing someone may be more immoral than lying. When Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, it was deemed immoral. Enough so for the Republicans to try to get him impeached. I think that was being a bit too judgmental. Especially when one of the bringers of the charge was none other than Newt Gingrich. Yes, the same Newt that was committing adultery of his own at the same time. Talk about being two-faced and hypocritical. In a sense, Newt was being more immoral than Clinton. Meanwhile, Clinton was advocating political policies that were very moral. He balanced the budget. And he advocated measures that benefited the common good. Meanwhile, Gingrich was for policies that benefited special interests and rich people. And he literally took money from the poor and gave it to the rich. Also consider this. The other day, congresswoman Michele Bachmann advocated disbanding the Environmental Protection Agency. Because it was detrimental to the profits of big business. In other words, she’s willing to sacrifice the environment for the sake of business profit. Now, to me, that seems far more immoral than the Anthony Weiner sex scandal. But it’s Weiner being asked to resign. Not Bachmann. Seems to me that at least half of Congress has been far more immoral than Weiner. They take grossly immoral political stances that screw the public on a daily basis. Yet that’s tolerated. While lesser crimes are severely punished. A double standard. Amazing, isn’t it? –Jim Broede
A potential triple benefit.
I’ve heard some Republican pundits praise Michele Bachmann. Because she’s a tax attorney. Educated, they say. Therefore, she should be treated with respect. For her zany political views. Such as her call for dissolving the Environmental Protection Agency. That’s her way to create more jobs. To boost the economy. By polluting everything in sight. Doesn’t matter if we destroy the environment. As long as we put people back to work. But I have a better idea. Let’s label Bachmann as a lunatic fringe crackpot. And instead, let's raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires and corporations to pay for a jobs program. And we could save the environment in the process. That’s what I would call a double benefit. Or maybe even a triple benefit. If one adds getting Bachmann out of Congress to the list of worthy accomplishments. –Jim Broede
The underlying truth.
The economy is bad. But not nearly as bad as George Bush and the Republicans left it. Economists tell us we’ve been out of recession since 2009. But still, we have a long way to go. And I’m somewhat optimistic. Though not totally. Optimistic because Barack Obama is a decent guy. Out to serve the common good. Nice to have him as president. But I’m also pessimistic. Because Republicans are on the scene. They’d just as soon see the economy fail. So they could blame it on Obama. That’s their strategy for recapturing the White House. They hate Obama. Despise Obama. With a passion. They want America to fail under Obama. Because they don’t want a black man to succeed. To become a national hero. They want black folks to know their places. At the back of the bus. They want the white rich elite to be the overseer of the mansion. They want the likes of Obama to be a cotton-picker. That’s the underlying truth. As I see it. –Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Living. And loving it all.
I make up my mind to like whatever it is I’m doing. Might as well enjoy it. Even if it’s a chore around the house. I find a way to get satisfaction. Pleasure. Rarely do I tell myself it’s something I don’t want to tackle. Generally, it’s something that needs doing. Today I bicycled 34 miles. The last 14 miles in a driving rain. But that didn’t stop me. And I thought, by golly, that rain feels good on my face. And the exercise relaxed me. Made me feel energized. Earlier in the day, I was gardening. Took off my gloves. So that I could feel the dirt in my hands. And a tiny frog hopped on top of my hand. Startled me. But it felt good. Touching the dirt. Touching the frog. Some people tell me that they are frustrated by having to do so many things that they dislike. But I don’t have that problem. I’ve made up my mind. To enjoy life. To savor whatever it is I am doing. Living. And loving it all. –Jim Broede
Worse than Berlusconi.
I’m all shook up. I just got a peek at a horror show. Believe me. It scared the willies out of me. I saw seven would-be Republican candidates for president. My gawd. It was worse than gawd-awful. A Halloween nightmare. Just to imagine any one of ‘em in the White House. It’d be enough to make me want to live in Sardinia year-round. All 365 days. Yes, I’m aware that Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is gawd-awful. But not as gawd-awful as these Republicans. –Jim Broede
Leaving well enough alone.
I let people be themselves. Because I have no choice in the matter. I don’t have the power to change people. I have enough difficulty changing myself. Into a better being. I keep trying. But I always fall short of my goal. Because I could be a little bit better. Maybe even a whole lot better. But there's another problem. I’m not sure what it means to be better. Maybe when I think I’m getting better, I’m getting worse. Could be I’m going down the path of ruination. And I’d be better off just leaving well enough alone. –Jim Broede
If necessary, I'll invent the truth.
It’s very difficult finding fair and balanced news. Almost an impossibility. Everything seems to be slanted these days. When it comes to news coverage. Objectivity has gone out the window. Or maybe it’s just that objectivity is a myth. There never was such a thing. Oh, news outlets will proclaim that they are fair and balanced. But even they know it’s a lie. Which means, they probably have some inkling of the truth. But they aren’t about to report it. Because maybe the truth would hurt. Maybe it’s that as a people we can’t stand the truth. Too shameful. Makes us feel bad. So we accept the untruth. Just to get by. To survive until another day. But I’m not afraid. I have a natural sense of adventure. I’m gonna look for the truth. Even if there’s no such thing. If necessary, I’ll invent the truth. –Jim Broede
Just because they are Republicans.
Seems to me that Republicans, generally speaking, are focused on only one thing. Their innate hatred of Barack Obama. They hate the guy with a passion. They say it’s his policies they hate. But it’s really Obama. And I suspect that’s because he’s black. And a Democrat, to boot. But mainly, it’s because modern-day Republicans are natural born racists. It reminds me a little bit of my utter dislike for George Bush. Or my disdain for Republicans from the lunatic fringe. A case could be made that I’m close-minded when it comes to Republicans. Maybe just as close-minded as racists. But I try to mix some humor into all of this. I try to be funny about it. And tolerate and accept Republicans into my daily life. And even to be downright nice to ‘em. It’s just that when I write in my blog, I can’t resist taking pokes at Republicans. Just because they are Republicans. And because they hate Obama. One of my heroes. –Jim Broede
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ashamed to be an American.
It’s unacceptable that we accept high unemployment. But still, as a nation, that’s what we do. Accept it. As if we can’t do anything about it. Fact is, we can. But there’s no driving desire. Especially from Republicans. Because it’s gonna take money. Higher taxes. A redistribution of the nation’s wealth. But in the long run, a sharp reduction in unemployment would be a huge boost for the economy. And it would be the decent thing to do. Putting people back to work. If we took the money being spent on wars in Afghanistan and Libya. If we took even a small fraction of the defense budget. That’s all it would take. That would be enough to put every able-bodied American back to work. Even the not-so-able-bodied. We Americans have our priorities out of whack. Apparently we’d rather wage immoral and obscene war than do the decent thing. Makes me ashamed to be an American. –Jim Broede
My vision of loveliness.
I am blessed. With a daily vision of loveliness. If I don’t see my true love in the living flesh, I at the very least get to see her in living color. On Skype. An audio/video hook-up on our computers. Thus, a vision of loveliness. For which I live. It’s my daily fix. Some days we are connected for hours. Indeed, I am an appreciative devote of modern technology. I’m no technological whiz. Strictly an amateur. But I know how to push a few buttons. And the inventors of Skype do the rest. I can think of no vision more lovely than my true love. We may be geographically separated by 5,000 miles for approximately half of the year. But really, we are linked together for all 365 days. We communicate effectively. And I add a bonus of at least one love letter every night. So that it’s there for the reading in the morning. Incidentally, there’s a 7-hour time difference between Minnesota and Sardinia. But one thing is for certain. Doesn’t matter what time it is. She’s a vision of loveliness around the clock. –Jim Broede
My salvation.
I woke up this morning. With one permeating thought. That my country is rotten to the core. That the USA is an unrepentant war-mongering nation. Oh, maybe not the people per se. But the power elite. The manipulators of government. The media moguls. They are corrupt. Sleazy. In control of America’s destiny. And in the process, they are taking us all over the proverbial cliff. Into an abyss. And that thousands of years from now, historians will look back on this time as gawd-awful. When America and the world went to hell. By ignoring the common good. And instead, serving the special interests of a corrupt few. With the motive of getting monetarily rich. Thinking that was Nirvana. Heaven. Paradise. When really it was the creation of Hell on Earth. Usually, I’m a positive thinker. An optimist. But not today. Today I smell the stench of decay. Rot. Maybe it’s the corpse of my country. And of the world. We are a nation at war. Constantly at war. Killing. Killing. Wasting money. Sacrificing our nation’s soul. That is, if we ever had a national soul. Doing evil deeds. Bringing ruin. Terrible destruction. In uncaring ways. Not giving a damn about the common good. An everybody-for-himself mentality. And there’s nothing I can do about it. Other than be a witness. And let it happen. Except that I still have the power to fall in love. With life. With another being. Yes, making the most and best of the life that remains. In love. That’s my salvation. –Jim Broede
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I give more than I take.
I’m a loner. Like to go my own way. But still, I like people. Especially strangers. People that I don’t know. I like to find out things about ‘em. Interesting things. Out of curiosity. I don’t cultivate very many friendships. Maybe because it takes time. Friends deserve my time. And I have only so much time. Not enough time for many friends. I have time for acquaintances. Because they don’t require nearly as much time and attention as a friend. I try to give a true friend as much time as he/she needs/requires. I generally don’t require much time from my friends. Because I’m quite self-sufficient. Friends require more time from me than I require from them. I like to give more than I take. I tend to not be very demanding of my friends. Because I don’t want to impose. And besides, I’m very much a lone wolf. –Jim Broede
On the matter of passing the buck.
The federal government decides it won’t raise taxes. And essentially passes the buck. On down to state governments. To meet the needs of common folks, it’s then up to the state to raise money and taxes. Some states do. Some don’t. And if the states don’t, then it’s up to the local communities. To raise the property tax to meet dire local needs. That’s the way it works. When Congress refuses to even raise the income taxes of millionaires and billionaires, ultimately it’s the beleaguered middle class property owners that pay the freight. And our congress people and senators darn well know it. They’re merely passing the buck and the blame for higher taxes. On to city councils and school boards. For having the guts to do what’s decent and necessary. The serving of the common good. Rather than the good of rich people and special interests. Face it folks. Our property taxes are on the rise. Because mostly congressional Republicans refuse to raise income taxes on the rich. The people that can most afford higher taxes. –Jim Broede
Better than living an unforgiving life.
Seems to me that the world is full of unforgiving souls. Far too many. I’m aware of a woman who was the primary care-giver for her Alzheimer-afflicted mother for 10 years. And she’s pissed at her brother. Because he more or less ignored their mother in those waning years. And now he’s gonna hold a memorial service for his mother. And his sister is thinking seriously about not attending. Because she’s pissed. Doesn’t want to forgive her brother for his neglect. And I think that’s sad. I’m trying to encourage the sister to forgive her brother. Totally. And to get on with the rest of her life. In a positive way. By exercising loving forgiveness. She’d be much better for it. Better than living an unforgiving life. –Jim Broede
A pleasure. A blessing.
I thought about time yesterday. Maybe because it would have been my 42nd wedding anniversary. If Jeanne had lived. Instead of dying 4 years ago. My gosh, I thought, has it been 42 years? Sure enough. And it also was 13 years ago yesterday that I retired. Early. At age 62. To have more time to take care of Jeanne. Because she had Alzheimer’s. And I thought once that 62 was old. Now I’m 75. And 62 seems young. Oh, so much of life is relative. Life takes some mighty interesting twists and turns. If one lets things happen. Yes, going with the flow. I’m doing what Jeanne would have me do. Living to the fullest. One day at a time. In love. With life. Dividing my time between Minnesota. And Sardinia. Really, life is a storybook existence. A pleasure. A blessing. –Jim Broede
Saturday, June 11, 2011
My humble opinion.
I may seem opinionated. Because I’ll venture an opinion on virtually anything. Even when I don’t have an opinion. I’ll just test the waters, so to speak. By voicing an opinion. For the sake of getting a reaction. That’s a neat way to start a discussion. But eventually I form an educated opinion. One thing about me. I’m a good listener. If someone takes issue with my opinion – well, I keep an open mind. Make a reasoned and sensible argument, and I’ll change my opinion. I can be swayed. Except by a Republican, I suppose. Because Republicans are so damn stupid. That’s the closest thing to an impossibility. Me siding with a Republican. On any issue. That’s the way I think. It’s pure crap flowing out of their mouths. That's my humble opinion. –Jim Broede
Congress needs a cleansing.
Democratic leaders are now calling on Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign after the New York lawmaker embroiled in a Twitter scandal admitted he had online contact with a Delaware teenager. National party chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Weiner's behavior is "indefensible" and his role in Congress is "untenable." The Florida congresswoman says "this sordid affair has become an unacceptable distraction" for everyone. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Weiner "needs help" and he should get some "without the pressures of being a member of Congress."
Here’s my reaction to all this. At least half of Congress should resign and seek help. Not necessarily for sex scandals, but for political immorality and chicanery. For corruption. For political lies. For deception. For partisan pettiness. For stupidity. For gross incompetence. For making complete asses of themselves. –Jim Broede
Here’s my reaction to all this. At least half of Congress should resign and seek help. Not necessarily for sex scandals, but for political immorality and chicanery. For corruption. For political lies. For deception. For partisan pettiness. For stupidity. For gross incompetence. For making complete asses of themselves. –Jim Broede
A hard choice.
It’s too bad that tragic mistakes can’t be undone. Yesterday, in the Twin Cities, a mother was getting treatment in a chiropractic clinic. On a table with automatic mechanical apparatus. And she brought along her 18-month-old child. Allowed him to crawl on the floor. Beneath the table. The child touched a switch. Which automatically lowered the table. Crushing him to death. Maybe that mother will anguish for the rest of her life. Wishing that a mistake could be undone. Or she can steel herself against tragedy. And get on with the rest of her life. Could be a hard choice for some mothers to make. –Jim Broede
We can choose for ourselves.
When I was a youngster, I allowed other people to define me. My parents. My teachers. Adults. That was a mistake. Because even they were unable to define themselves. So how the hell could they define me? Even today, at the ripe age of 75, all sorts of people try to define me. Thing is, they are generally full of crap. They don’t even know themselves. It’s a national epidemic. An international epidemic. People don’t know themselves. They’ve never dug deep below their surface. But I know myself. I know that I’m a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. And a lot more, too. Know thyself. That’s an adage I try to live by. Early on, I revolted. I told people, don’t define me. I’ll take on that task. But it was never really a task. More a pleasure. I think it takes audacity for people to even try to define me. When they haven’t even bothered to focus on defining themselves. They don’t have a clue. They are just ambling aimlessly through life. But occasionally, I find people that truly know themselves. And when I do, I embrace them. Congratulate them. Because they’ve finally learned how to live. And to take charge of their lives. It’s a remarkable accomplishment. I suspect that we are born without an essence. We are free to make our own essences. We don’t have to be what our parents or teachers tell us we ought to be. We can choose for ourselves. –Jim Broede
Setting different priorities.
U.S. officials are complaining. That NATO allies aren’t putting forth enough effort. In waging wars. In Libya and other places. That Americans are putting forth the lion’s share. And that ain’t fair. But personally, I have respect for the allies. For holding back. For setting different priorities. By spending more on solving domestic problems. Rather than spending on defense and foreign policy. Yes, taking care of their internal matters and their own people. Maybe if the U.S. did that, we’d have fewer poor people and more jobs. It’s something to think about. –Jim Broede
Making life and writing seem easy.
Some writers tell me that writing is difficult. But I wonder about that. I find writing easy. If I allow myself to write naturally. The way I want to write. Rather than write by the rules and dictates of others. I have no difficulty sitting down daily. And writing threads for my blog. Or love letters to my true love. Because I do it all naturally. It ain’t forced. Maybe one can say that I don’t know good writing from bad writing. But I’m happy with the way I write. The way I express myself in words. I’m satisfying myself. And at least several others. My friends. My intimates. I’m not out to capture a world full of readers. All I need are a few human contacts. People that appreciate the naturalness of life. And of writing. I want to cultivate people who genuinely are themselves. Because that makes life come easier. Because it’s so natural. I suspect that writers that find writing painstakingly hard, or difficult, are fighting their basic instincts. Trying to be too erudite. Too unnatural. I’m trying to live the way I write. Naturally. I’m flowing. Drifting along. Making life and writing seem easy. Comfortable. Pleasant. And yes, fulfilling. —Jim Broede
Friday, June 10, 2011
I want to know stuff that matters.
Every day I pick up the newspaper. And turn on the TV news. And what do I learn? Mostly stuff that doesn’t matter. Trivial things. Sex scandals. Political rancor. Celebrity gossip. Makes me wonder who, if anyone, is reporting news and events that really matter. Maybe the aim is merely to entertain. Frankly, I don’t need to be entertained. I’d rather be informed about things that matter. –Jim Broede
Maybe they like being tired.
Life would be so much better if people got adequate rest. Seems to me that there are far too many tired people in this world. They push themselves beyond reasonable endurance. But there’s a cure for all this. Just slow down. Take life at a more leisurely pace. And get a good 8 to 10 hours of sleep. Every night. And if it helps, take a nap during the day. And oh, yes, take a vacation. Get away for a while. Do something relaxing. Of course, tired people often tell me they don’t have the time or the money or the inclination to live life in a more pleasant and restful manner. But I wonder if that’s really true. Maybe they like being tired. –Jim Broede
Maybe they sort of liked me.
I consider myself quite likeable. And that if someone doesn’t like me, that’s their problem. Could be that they’re blind. Or just plain stupid. Which means I can’t do much about it. They’ll just have to languish. And get on with the rest of their lives by ignoring or forgetting me. Or just reminding themselves that they don’t like me. Which would be an utter waste of their time. Used to be that I had a handful of ‘snob ladies’ that constantly barraged me with negative comments. Some of ‘em indecent and unprintable in a reputable blog. Fortunately they got tired of insulting me, and went away. Or maybe some of ‘em died. Can’t say that I miss ‘em. But still, I did appreciate them. As case studies. In what makes people tick. And I’ve come to a conclusion. That in their inimitable ways, maybe they sort of liked me. –Jim Broede
Thursday, June 9, 2011
More immoral than sex scandals.
A fair number of politicians are being taken to task for their private lives. For alleged immorality. For all sorts of sex scandals. I pay little attention to that stuff. I don’t give a darn what they do with their private lives. I’m bothered more by their immoral political stances. And their constant lying. Distortions of the truth. And catering to their big financial donors. And to special interests. Rather than working for the common good. Political chicanery is far more immoral and indecent than the sex scandals. –Jim Broede
Which makes me blessed.
I wonder if there’s any fair-mindedness anymore. Or if there ever was such a thing. Seems to me we’re all biased. Unfair, so to speak. And that goes for the media. When I wrote for newspapers, I was tutored to be objective. Fair. Even-handed. I suppose one can be fair and objective to a degree. But not totally. Especially in the modern age. Seems to me that lack of objectivity prevails. Especially in politics. It’s all so partisan. I’d like to be objective. And fair. It’s a good goal to aim for. But the problem is that the people one deals with aren’t being fair. Aren’t playing by the rules. So one often counters with similar tactics. Foul play breeds foul play. I’m willing to take a slap in the face. Turn the other cheek. Maybe once or twice or even three times. But eventually, I’ve had enough. I won’t take the abuse any more. And I slap back. Pow! I’ve lost my objectivity. My sense of fairness. Because my cheek hurts. It stings. From the cuts and bruises. Maybe we conclude that it’s an unfair world. And that if one plays fairly, one will be pulverized. Obliterated. Trampled. Destroyed. That’s why people cheat. They want to gain an advantage. Unfairly. Because they know the other guy is gonna cheat. Sad thing, isn’t it? Oh, I have a friend or two or three that I can trust. Which tells me it’s possible to live fair and square. Maybe with a cloistered few. Fortunately, I have a handful of trusted friends. Which makes me blessed. –Jim Broede
I prefer heaven to hell.
China. India. Two of the fastest growing economies in the world. But if I had to choose one over the other, I’d take China. In a blink of an eye. Because I like the way China is designing an economy. Sensibly. From the top down. By building an elaborate infrastructure. Able to handle the growth. Good roads. Good schools. Good housing. Good public services. In India, the growth is from the bottom, up. A hodge-podge. Inadequate infrastructure. Few public services. People dump their garbage on empty lots. Very little regulation. Sloppy. Crappy. Yes, I’ll take China. When I travel abroad, I’ll go to China. Willingly. With a great deal of admiration. High expectations. If I never get to India, that will be just fine. I prefer heaven to hell. –Jim Broede
My soul ain't for sale.
The most recent of the ex-governors of my state, Minnesota, is Tim Pawlenty. And he’s running for the Republican nomination for president. And he’s advocating greater tax and spending cuts than his rivals. That’s the story of Republicans. They stumble over each other. To see who can lead America to ruin the fastest. Very amusing, indeed. Of course, I suspect that the only way to save America is to tax more and spend more. To create jobs. And to sponsor social programs that help the poor and the downtrodden. But people who are well-off financially -- especially Republicans -- don’t wanna do that. They want to keep their money. And become even richer. They like the security. The feeling that they have theirs, and to hell with the rest of the world. They don’t want the spreading of the wealth. Anyway, I’m happy that Pawlenty is no longer the governor. Good riddance. And I’m happy to see that so far Pawlenty has attracted the support of only 5 percent of the Republicans in his quest for presidential nomination. But give him time. Like the rest of the Republican aspirants, he’s willing to sell his soul. But personally, I wouldn’t give two cents for a Republican soul. I’m happy with my own soul. It ain't for sale. –Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I wanted them to face the truth.
One thing that I fine amazing. So very many people don’t think for themselves. They follow the pack. That’s why there’s such a thing as a lynch mob mentality. I experienced it when I started this blog. A band of women from the Alzheimer’s message boards came over here. And followed the blog. Because they didn’t particularly like me. For taking issue with the way they dealt with their care-giving responsibilities. I suggested they could do better. Lots better. That in some instances, they were doing more harm than good to their patients. Because they allowed themselves to become exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. They didn’t like the criticism. They even wanted to get me banned from the Alzheimer’s message boards. That was one reason why I started my blog. So I’d have more freedom to say what I wanted to say. And to advocate good vibes therapy. Anyway, many of ‘em probably knew deep down that I was right all along. But a few of ‘em tried to make the case that I was a mean-spirited troll. Picking on vulnerable care-givers. That I had no empathy for them. Oh, I had empathy. More for their patients. But many of these care-givers followed their leaders. The pied pipers. In slamming me. When really, each of ‘em really should have thought for themselves. In order to see the light. I suspect that many of ‘em now see my point. And their brains are functioning again. Some of ‘em may no longer be robots. Or members of a lynch mob. Maybe they even know that I always had empathy for them. I just wanted them to face the truth. –Jim Broede
Glamour in it all.
I think life is mostly glamorous. Yes, romantic, exciting, magical. Oh, to be honest, maybe there are moments when it doesn’t seem so. But remember, I’m saying mostly. That’s why, if I had a choice, I’d choose to live forever. For the glamorous moments. Like today. Sunny. A breeze. Temperature in the 70s. Blooming flowers. Green grass. White caps on the lake. Chirping birds. Squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks on the deck. A blue sky. I see and feel glamour in it all. –Jim Broede
Give me a gigantic revolution.
If I wanted to overthrow the U.S. government, I wouldn’t become a communist. I’d become a Republican. Because I think that’s the obvious motive of Republicans. To wreck government. And to leave government in such a shambles that it has to be taken over by a business corporation. That’s the ultimate capitalist dream. Leave the private sector run the USA. As a ruthless business. In which the rich get richer. And the poor get completely impoverished. And to hell with the working class. The so-called middle class. That’s the nature of the global economy. Exploit the workers. The communists wanted a dictatorship of the proletariat. That plan went awry. Because the communists running the show were corrupt. Rather than decent human beings. Well, the Republicans want a dictatorship of the oligarchs. The business big-wigs. The Wall Street bankers. The manipulators. And they’re even more evil than the worst communists. But far more shrewd than the communists. They’ll bankrupt government. And eliminate social programs. And cut corporate taxes to virtually nothing. In fact, they’ll even subsidize private corporations with money taken from the under classes. They have no qualms about robbing the poor to pad the pockets of the rich. But what amazes me in all of this is that the American working class is docile. Lets it happen. Maybe it’s that the working class is uneducated. Just plain stupid. Or too lazy to get off their fat asses. They need to take to the streets. And stir a revolution. The most gigantic revolution in the history of mankind. –Jim Broede
Getting pissed is good for the soul.
I try to be a positive thinker. But sometimes, it seems to me, it’s good to be pissed off. For instance, I’d rather have the players on the Chicago Cubs be pissed off rather than indifferent. About their eight-game losing streak. Seems to me that the team is playing in a lethargic manner. Going through the motions. The manager says the players are putting forth effort. Proper effort. But I don’t buy that for a moment. It’s time to become pissed off. To really care. I suppose if I were playing baseball and making millions of dollars doing it, that might be adequate compensation. And I could conclude that winning isn’t everything. As long as I get paid. But if I were running the show, I’d put into each player’s contract that it’s required that he becomes pissed off if the team plays lousy baseball. It’s good for the soul. –Jim Broede
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I'll take what I get, lovingly.
I’m trying to decide which weather extreme I like best. Thirty below zero in winter. Or the 100 degrees I’m experiencing today. Fact of the matter is that I like ‘em both. Because I like extremes. And everything in between, too. That’s the kind of guy I am. I make the best of whatever the situation. Might as well. Complaining doesn’t do much good. And it would go to show that I have a bad attitude. Despite the heat, I’m gonna do my minimum 30-miles-a-day on my bicycle. But I’ve started a little later than usual. After 5 in the afternoon. To beat the worst of the heat. Actually, I find it easier bicycling in sweltering heat than in frigid cold. Although, I do bicycle in the wintertime. When there’s not too much snow on the roads. Otherwise, I walk or jog or run. If I waited for so-called perfect weather to do my exercising, I’d not get enough exercise. I’ll even go out in a thunderstorm. Which I find quite stimulating, if not electrifying. I have great faith in the protection I receive from the Greek god, Zeus. Oh well, I won’t complain if we get a storm tonight. For the cooling effect. But I’ll take what I get. Because I’m in love with life. –Jim Broede
I want the Cubs to play for free.
Some sportswriters in Chicago are criticizing Chicago Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano for lambasting his team. For playing stupid baseball. He even singled out specific players. One sportswriter said it would be best and wise to trade Zambrano, or to even just simply release him. Because he’s not promoting the proper team spirit. Proper camaraderie. Well, as far as I’m concerned, the Cubs need more players like Zambrano. Players that tell it like it is. Players that get pissed over the ineptness of the Cubs. They are playing lousy baseball. And Zambrano said as much. Not only that, the Cubs are playing stupid baseball. Zambrano said there are minor league baseball teams better than the Cubs. The Cubs, as a team, should be ashamed of themselves. For being relatively indifferent to their own ineptness. For going through the motions of playing baseball, and still having the audacity to accept their salaries. They ought to offer to play for free until the team starts performing at a major league level. –Jim Broede
Reason to revere life in Italy.
Most Americans, I suspect, are rather fickle when it comes to politics. They really don’t educate themselves. About politics. They have better things to do, I guess. Or they just don’t care. They may go to the polls on election day. And vote Republican sometimes. And Democrat other times. Depending on their mood. Or on the hot button issue of the day. They really have no permeating political philosophy. And a few sound bites may influence their vote. That’s what I mean by being fickle. The national polls on which way voters are leaning can vary rather significantly from one month to the next. I’m a bit different. In that I’m a hard-liner. I don’t like politicians of any stripe. But I dislike Republicans far more than I dislike Democrats. I can’t remember the last time I voted for a Republican. Because my political views are rather entrenched. Many times, I’d prefer voting for a socialist or even a communist. If only they were on the ballot. So in the realm of American politics, the pollsters probably would cast me as independent. I like Obama. And no doubt I’ll vote for him in 2012. Chances are, I’ll vote for a straight Democrat ticket. Not because I’m enamored with Democrats. It’s more a case of me despising Republicans. Especially those of the Tea Party ilk. The ultra-conservatives. The lunatic fringe. I suppose that I could choose to pretty much ignore the American political scene. Because I’m gonna be living half of the year outside of the country. I may be more in touch with Italian politics. Which may not be all that much better than American politics. Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and his party may be the equivalent of American Republicans. Worthless scum-bags. But maybe it’s easier for me to distance myself from the Berlusconis. Because I’m not Italian. I’m a foreigner in Italy. But still, I feel welcome. And at ease. Maybe even more so than in America. Maybe it helps that I don’t speak or understand the Italian language. I can live there without having to listen to the political bullshit. Instead, I observe the beauty of the people and the land. And it’s where my true love lives. Yes, I have ample reason to revere life in Italy. –Jim Broede
Doing what comes naturally.
I’m a romantic idealist in large part because I have a true love. To fully live as a romantic idealist, I need her. And she needs me. In a sense, we make each other romantic idealists. We are each others’ catalysts. She encourages me. I encourage her. I suppose that even without her I could be construed as a romantic idealist. More in theory than in practice. But with her, I can live romantic dreams. Make them real. The same goes for her. It’s the way we relate to each other. The way we express ourselves. We need each other. In order to make the connection. Which makes us more full. More balanced. We blend our circumstances. We are learning to accept each other. As we are. And as we want to be. We’ve evolved. Together. These last three years. Going on four. I’m able to confide in her. In a way that’s necessary. To be a romantic idealist. By the way, I’m still defining the term. It can be sort of elusive. Maybe it can't be totally pinned down. Maybe I should quit even trying to define it. And just live. In the natural flow. Doing what comes naturally. --Jim Broede
Monday, June 6, 2011
I am the last remaining blight.
I wonder if my richest neighbor, only 200 feet down the road, is setting the future tone for the neighborhood. He lives in his $4.5 million mansion. Just for the summer. I guess he has other homes. Where winter isn’t so severe. He has oodles of money. There’s gossip that he sold his business a few years ago for $120 million. Anyway, he built the mansion 10 or 15 years ago. And he’s got it listed. For sale. With the prestigious international real estate company, Sotheby’s. So it’s not just anybody that’s gonna buy the place. They’ll need a tidy sum of cash. His son also built a mansion. More like $2 million, just a little over 100 feet from me. Never occupied the place. Decided to move to northern Minnesota instead. And it’s for sale, too. We’ve got a weak housing market. In Minnesota. Maybe even worse than in the rest of the country. But still, the asking price for the most stately mansion in the neighborhood is a cool $4.5 million. And then I begin to wonder why, when election time comes, all of the yard signs in the neighborhood tout Republicans. Such as our congresswoman Michele Bachmann. The ultra-conservative. From the lunatic fringe. Yes, the same zany woman that’s thinking about launching a campaign for the Republican nomination for president of the USA. As far as I know, I’m the only Obama supporter in the neighborhood. Could be that I’m the token relatively impoverished being. To show that the neighbors tolerate the underclass. Anyway, I get the feeling that all these rich Republicans are doing me a favor. They are making my property more valuable. Merely by their proximity. My best prospect for a buyer is a mansion builder. Ready to put a torch or a bulldozer to my place. To finally rid the neighborhood of the last remaining blight. A liberal living in a shack. –Jim Broede
So many romantic opportunities.
Maybe first and foremost, I’m a romantic idealist. Even before being a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. Because my romantic idealism permeates everything else. That’s the motivating force of my life. Some people tell me there’s no such thing as romantic idealism in the modern age. But that’s not true. I think being romantic is more possible than ever. Because of the way we communicate. By way of modern technology. Makes the world so much smaller. Brings us together. I’m connected to my true love in Sardinia. Daily. And we are able to live together. In Sardinia. In Minnesota. It takes less than half a day to travel to each others' abode. And we’ve got an audio/video hook-up that costs essentially nothing. And though she’s Italian, she speaks English. Fluent English. She teaches English and English literature. There’s natural and convenient connections. Just a few decades ago, this would have been virtually impossible. I’m able to express and live a kind of romantic idealism far more easily than the 18th and 19th century romantics. Because I take advantage of modern technology. Maybe they wrote better prose and poetry. But I write far better love letters. And I can be a half a world away in a single day. So many opportunities for a romantic idealist. –Jim Broede
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I'll take the older me.
I often tell myself it’s best to make decisions with my mind. Rather than with my emotions. But I’m not sure about that. Because sometimes my emotions speak louder and more persuasively than my mind. And as a romantic idealist, shouldn’t I often allow my emotions to hold sway? I think so. It’s a delicate balance. And I like to follow my gut instinct. Which is predominantly emotional. And I’m not afraid to make a fool of myself. That’s the nature of love. Causes me to be Crazy Jim. And I don’t regret it. Being ruled more by my heart than by my mind. Wasn’t always that way. During the first 30 years of my life, I was more mindful than emotional. I'm more comfortable with the older me than with the long-gone younger version. --Jim Broede
Some day I'm gonna be a genius.
The nicest thing about writing a blog is that I can write just about anything I want to write. And the way I want to write it. Without an editor butting in. I like that. Because I don’t like to be told what to do. Especially how and what to write. And do you know what? I don’t give a damn if nobody reads what I write. Guess all I want is to satisfy myself. Oh, it’s nice to be read. At least by a few people. But it’s not essential. My writing has helped introduce me to people. A few acquaintances. And friends, too. That’s been rewarding. For me. And for them, too, I think. We appreciate each other. My writing has also introduced me to people that don’t like me. Ones that don’t like what I write. But that’s all right. It doesn’t particularly bother me. I don’t have to be liked. Disagreement can be a good thing. Within decent bounds. If I were writing a daily newspaper column, it’d be very much like my blog. But it’d be a very rare newspaper that would allow me to write like this. Because I’m too unconventional. Unorthodox. And I can be abrasive, too. But then, that may be just what makes such a column popular. Abrasive idiots make a go of it. Take Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck as prime examples. I suspect that much of what they do and say is an act. They really don’t believe all that stuff. They just want to rattle people. And draw an audience of fellow, like-minded idiots. There are plenty of ‘em around. Actually, I’d have a better chance of attracting an audience if I were a certifiable idiot. But I’m too smart for that. At the very least, I qualify for a more lofty status as imbecile or moron. But I have high ambitions. Some day I’m gonna be a genius. –Jim Broede
It's real. It's true.
I keep thinking that I’m living in a novel. Except that it’s true. It ain’t fiction. But I look at my life as better than it’d be in a real novel. In a sense, I’m creating something far better than the written word. By living what I write. I really wouldn’t have to write. But still, I do. Because it’s easy. I simply sit down and write what I’m living. What I’m feeling. In that way, I get a double benefit. I’m assuming that most novelists pretty much make it up. They create stories. But they don’t live the stories. If I were writing a novel, I’d write about a guy that has found a way to live happily half of the year on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. With his true love. And the other half of the year living on a lake in Minnesota. And part of that time with his true love. But in truth, it wouldn’t be a novel. Because it’s non-fiction. It’s real. It’s true. –Jim Broede
Loveable and inexhaustible losers.
I gotta say something good about my Chicago Cubs. As a collective bunch, they are good teachers. The Cubs keep teaching me about the art of losing baseball games. The Cubs are masters at losing games. In every which way. Sometimes, I think the Cubs have exhausted the supply. That there are no new ways of losing. That they can’t possibly find another way. Yet, they keep surprising me. They always seem to find a new way. As if they are capable of dipping into a bottomless pit. And finding another and another and another way. Yes, my Chicago Cubs are amazing. Loveable and inexhaustible losers. –Jim Broede
I'm flipping the 'turn on' switch.
I’m listening to the birds today. Actively and consciously listening. The birds are here every day. But I don’t always hear them. Because I’m not listening. And that’s too bad. Because they make sweet sounds. Sweet music. So much goes on around me. And I’m not aware of it all. Because I’m not listening. Or seeing. Or feeling. I have to be turned on. But for one reason or another, I’m too often turned off. That’s sad. Unacceptable. But today I’m trying to do something about it. By flipping the ‘turn on’ switch. –Jim Broede
I want a meaningful life.
I like it when my life is sailing along. More or less on even keel. No sharp ups or downs. Just somewhere in the middle. A nice smooth flow. It’s then that I feel I have a good grasp on life. I can lean back. And reflect. Savor each day. Each moment. Harder to do that if one is excessively high. Or excessively low. In some ways, I’m an extremist. I go against the grain. I march to my own drummer. But I also need to be in the middle. Well-balanced. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. That’s my most natural groove. Because it gives me time to think. Yes, I need thinking time. In order to get the most out of life. I need to give meaning to the happenings of the day. I want a meaningful life. That’s why I write. To find meaning. To create meaning. In words. –Jim Broede
Saturday, June 4, 2011
I beat the odds.
I’m a product of random chance. That’s the nature of life. The nice thing is that I've had ample opportunities to take advantage of random chance. And even to give it meaning. For instance, I’ve had two true loves in my life. They appeared on the scene by random chance. And I could have ignored both of ‘em. But I didn’t. I pursued both opportunities. And I look at these random chances as blessings. As if they were meant to be. Preordained. Maybe one could say they weren’t. But I choose to be a romantic idealist. And therefore in interpreting life, I find and give meaning to much of what happens. By so-called random chance. The fact that I was born had to be a convergence of millions of random chances. If just one of ‘em had gone awry, I wouldn’t be. It had to be a specific sperm from my specific father and a specific egg from my specific mother -- that found each other. Eureka! There I was. Evolving into a conscious human being. My gawd. It’s fantastic. The odds of me being me must be more than 50 trillion to one. Yes, my emergence into the world is extraordinary. Almost beyond belief. If I weren’t here, I wouldn’t believe it. I beat the odds. –Jim Broede
Thank you, baseball gods.
The way my Chicago Cubs are playing, there’s a decent chance that they’ll finish with the worst record in baseball this season. Which I will take as good news. Because it’ll help me be optimistic about next season. I’ll know that things can’t get worse. They’re bound to get better. Even if they have to settle for being only the second worst team in baseball. That’ll be improvement. And I’ll look at 2011 as the year the Cubs bottomed out. The Cubs are about one-third of the way through the season. And they have yet to win three straight games. Yes, when the Cubs win two in a row, we Cubs fans celebrate. Puts us in a good mood. And we thank the baseball gods for being good to us. --Jim Broede
Merely through the sounds.
I like the way my true love is preparing for two weeks in Brazil. By listening to Brazilian music. Gives one a feel for the Brazilians. Sounds. Sounds. Sounds. One doesn't even have to know the meanings of the words. Because the sounds make one feel the pulse beat of the people. There’s a rhythm to the sung and spoken word. Which makes each language distinctive. And gives one clues about the nature of the people. So many ways to glean something meaningful from a language without even being able to translate the words. One still finds meaning. Merely through the sounds. --Jim Broede
I have no fear of nakedness.
Just thinking. That I am more naked than most people. In that I share my inner thoughts. More than most people. That’s not a criticism of other people. It’s merely an observation. Just a fact. That I am what I am. And others are what they are. I not only share many of my inner thoughts with my true love. But also with the world. With strangers. It gives me a sense of walking truly naked in the world. I like that. I was born naked. And I want to remain naked. I have no fear of nakedness. It seems and feels so natural. --Jim Broede
Friday, June 3, 2011
I'd like to dance like Zorba.
I’m trying to persuade my true love to live more like an Athenian, and less like a Spartan. Of course, the style of one’s living is relative. Some of the ancient Spartans may have lived rather lavishly. And some of the Athenians may have lived quite frugally. But in general, I have a feeling that the Athenians lived better than the Spartans. I want to take my true love to Athens this winter. To sample life there in modern times. I know the Greek economy isn’t the best in the world. But for tourists that may be a good thing. We could get some bargains. Of course, I don’t want to be the typical tourist. I want to get to places off the beaten track. That’s even more helpful in the search for bargains. Also, if I travel in Greece I want to use another name. An alias. Zorba. Then maybe the Greeks will think I’m a Greek. If only I could dance like Zorba. –Jim Broede
Why god created me.
I’m happy because I choose to be happy. Really, that’s the bottom line. I am what I am. I am free to choose. On how I take life. If I don’t like what’s happening in the world, I can be unhappy about it. And lament. And anguish. Or I can find something else to focus on. Something that makes me happy. I’m well aware that I’m not going to change the world. But still, I recognize the many, many opportunities to be happy. Despite the ample reasons to be unhappy. Occasionally, I’m happy when I look at unhappy people. That makes me thank god that I’m not like them. That I know how to be happy. Some happy people begrudge my happiness. Because they have the curious notion that everybody should be unhappy. The misery-likes-company syndrome. But I refuse to acquiesce. I refuse to join ‘em. No depression for me. I was put on Earth to be happy. That’s why god created me. So that there would be at least one happy being on Earth. –Jim Broede
On accepting the unacceptable.
I accept the fact that some of the worst people in the world are drawn into politics. That’s the nature of politics. It’s a profession that draws power-seekers. Manipulators. People willing to lie and deceive to get what they want. Honest people tend to steer clear of politics. Many politicians are ego-maniacs. They like the allure of public office. The attention. The publicity. The celebrity status. Makes them feel privileged. And powerful. In some cases, they’re adored. By people of like-mind. And many of ‘em don’t care if they’re hated. By people of un-like mind. They are highly partisan. When really, it’d be best to look for objective and non-partisan solutions to problems. If we could find a way to take politics out of politics, we’d have a winning formula. Good and decent people would find ways to solve problems so that the common good is served. Rather than the good of special interests. Unfortunately, few good and decent people enter politics. And if they do, they often succumb to the corrupt system. They’re swept up in the smelly flow of sewage that runs through politics. Sadly, that’s the way it is. I accept this as fact. Knowing that there’s little I can do about it. Instead, I have to get on with life. Accept the unacceptable. And still find ways to make my life acceptable. Even happy. And joyous. And fulfilling. That’s why I have a true love. On which I focus most of my attention. –Jim Broede
I believe in the impossible.
It’s not always the right and moral thing to do to make a profit. Sometimes, the motive should be to benefit society. Without having to make a profit. For instance, let’s learn to provide medical care for everyone. Without having to reap a profit. Let’s do it just for the sake of the common good. Of course, the providers of medical care should be paid adequate salaries. That’s right and fair. But not to the tune of making ungawdly profits. Let’s charge just enough to barely cover administrative costs. Not obscene amounts. Yes, let’s make medical care affordable. For everyone. Through what might be called socialized medicine. Some people will tell me it can’t be done. That it’s impractical. Maybe even impossible. But I don’t buy that. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. We just need to start thinking in terms of the common good. –Jim Broede
Time to get the message.
Fact of the matter is that we Americans like socialism. Socialized Social Security. And socialized Medicare. And Socialized Medicaid. Seems to me that the opponents of socialism are opposed to the word ‘socialism.’ Because they have been brought up to believe that socialism is bad. Without fully understanding what socialism really is. It’s two of our most coveted social programs. Polls show that a vast majority of Americans are for keeping Social Security and Medicare as government-run programs. Rather than buying into the Republicans’ proposal to privatize both of ‘em. In essence, we Americans are proclaiming, ‘Long Live Socialism.’ Nothing wrong with that. Now it’s time for Republicans to get the message. –Jim Broede
It's immoral, indecent, obscene.
It ain’t the cost of Social Security and Medicare that has caused my country to be in financial trouble. Let’s face reality, my fellow Americans. Instead, it’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya. And add to that our failure to adequately tax the rich. We waged war and gave the rich unwarranted tax breaks. Think about it, folks. We’ve wasted trillions of dollars on wars. And we’ve lowered tax rates for millionaires and billionaires to the tune of trillions of dollars. So how are we gonna solve the problem? Well, if Republicans have their way, we’ll privatize and rob Social Security and rob Medicare to save enough money to pay for wars and tax breaks for the rich. It’s immoral. It’s indecent. It’s obscene. But finally, some of us are waking up. We are finally rising up and telling our mealy-mouthed politicians to get it right for a change. To serve the common good. Rather than the good of the rich and the war-mongers. –Jim Broede
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Jesus was for the common good.
When it comes to life, I don’t like an everybody-for-himself mentality. I think we’re all in this thing together. We gotta help each other. That’s why I’m for a bevy of government-run social programs. For so-called entitlements. For the common good. That’s just me. It’s the way I was brought up. Tutored. Brainwashed, I guess. I’m not a Christian. I left organized religion. Long ago. Because I prefer being an independent. A free-thinker. But still, some of the Christian principles stuck. I still keep asking myself, what would Jesus do? I was taken to the guy’s philosophy. His attitude. His Sermon on the Mount. One thing for sure, Jesus wouldn’t be a Republican. Especially a modern-day Republican. He’d especially take issue with the lunatic fringe. The Sarah Palins. The Michele Bachmanns. I suspect that Jesus would be abhorred by the evolution of Christianity. He wouldn’t want his name attached to Christianity. Especially the forms practiced by religious conservatives. Because in practice it’s a repudiation of his core beliefs. His philosophy. His principles. At best, it pays only lip service to what he preached. Because Jesus was for the common good. –Jim Broede
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
They'd take it all away.
I don’t want to be totally responsible for myself. I want an assist. From government. Social security. To help me survive in retirement. And Medicare. To make health care more affordable. I need these government-run programs. So do most people. Unless they are very rich. I have great faith in government. To make my life easier. Better. More comfortable. More secure. That’s why I don’t want Republicans to toy with Social Security and Medicare. I want these programs guaranteed. No matter the state of the economy. But Republicans would privatize the programs. By giving us vouchers. To go to private insurance companies. To buy insurance equivalent to government-run Medicare. But it won’t be equivalent. And it won’t be guaranteed. It might end up costing us more than we can afford. Because the insurance companies are out to make profits. Huge and obscene profits. And the insurance companies could deny health coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I don’t like that. I want to keep my Social Security and my Medicare. And I suspect, so do most Americans. Maybe with the exception of a few rich and privileged Republicans. They’d take it all away. And leave the rest of us fend for ourselves. I’d rather have a government that caters to the common good. With much-needed social programs. –Jim Broede
I'm exercising on three fronts.
I’ve gotta keep moving. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Yes, I have to practice three-pronged exercise. Daily. I don’t want to miss a beat. I think that’s the way one stays alive. It’s all right to do all of this in slow motion. In a relaxed and casual way. The important thing is to do it. I’ve been out riding my bicycle. And walking. And gardening. And shopping. And now I’m writing. And to get revved up, emotionally, I’m tuning in the Cubs baseball game now and then. And I’m getting pissed. Because the Cubs are losing their third straight game to last place Houston. Looks like the Cubs will get swept. And it won’t be long before the Cubs are in last place. Maybe with the worst record in baseball by the end of the season. Thank gawd for the Cubs. They are giving me my emotional exercise for the day. But hey, it ain’t all bad news. I’ll contact my true love in Sardinia later this afternoon. On Skype. An audio/video hook-up. In living color. Another reminder that I’m in love. Yes, I’m exercising on all three fronts. Physical. Mental. Emotional. –Jim Broede
I can see.
I write about life. From my perspective. Maybe that’s better than writing about life from your perspective. Because I can’t get inside you the same way I can get inside me. Maybe that’s narcissistic. I really don’t care what it’s called. All I know is that I’m reasonably comfortable with myself. Seeing life. From inside me. I mull over life daily. Life inside me. Life outside me. I was given this physical body. And a mind. I know it’s me. And I’m always trying to figure out who and what I am. And I’m asking questions. Why am I here? For what purpose? And does there have to be a purpose? Oh, I give life meaning. Or at least I try to. But the meaning can change from day to day. And I don’t ever fully know what to expect. Which makes most days sort of adventurous. In fact, some days wildly adventurous. I take life as it comes. And then deal with it the best way I can. Or for that matter, maybe in something less than the best way. Because I often don’t know what’s best. But that’s all right. I’m entitled to feel my way. As if I were a blind man. But I'm really not blind. I can see. –Jim Broede
Interestingly, I'm very much alive.
I lead an interesting life. At least it’s interesting to me. And that’s exactly what makes life interesting. I see it as interesting. Doesn’t matter if you don’t see it as interesting. I go out of my way. Daily. To make life interesting. For one thing, the fact that I write a daily blog. Hardly ever miss a day. Which means I discipline myself. Imagine that. That’s interesting. And I’ve cultivated a true love. She lives in Sardinia. An island in the Mediterranean Sea. And I spend winters with her. And she spends summers with me. And we travel together. That’s interesting, isn’t it? And here I am. In my 75th year. My gawd. I’ve lasted three-quarters of a century. And I’m not only alive. I’m conscious. What can be more interesting than that? –Jim Broede
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